Define information relating to the HTTP service whose operational status is to be monitored in the "HTTP_Service" tag.
Attribute name | Description | Definition example |
DisplayName | Define the name to be displayed in the Console window. The following characters can be used for the name:
The name to be displayed can be no longer than 64 characters. | HTTPPage1 |
InstanceName | Define the name that will identify the HTTP service being monitored. The following characters can be used for the name:
The name can be no longer than 64 characters. | HTTPPage1 |
AlertTarget | Define the node name (corresponding to the managed site) that is recognized by Centric Manager. When Centric Manager message linkage is performed, the defined node will become the node where an alarm will be generated. If this attribute is omitted, either the Manager or the Proxy Manager where this definition resides will become the node where an alarm will be generated. | webserver |
IP_Address | If an IP-based virtual host is being used, set the logical IP address for accessing the service being monitored. Otherwise, this attribute can be omitted. | |
URL | Set the URL for accessing the service being monitored. | http://host[:port]/path https://host[:port]/path |
ProxyServer | To access the service via a proxy server, set this attribute to "ON". To access the service directly, set this attribute to "OFF". | ON |
ProxyServer_Addr | To access the service via a proxy server, define the IP address of the proxy server. To access the service directly, specify an empty string (""). | |
ProxyServer_Port | To access the service via a proxy server, define the port number of the proxy server. To access the service directly, specify an empty string (""). | 8080 |
BodyFile | To access the service using the HTTP POST method, specify the absolute path of the BODY file that contains the BODY data that will be sent. If the service is accessed without using the HTTP POST method (if an empty string ("") has been defined), then the GET method is used. If a BODY file has been specified, then the POST method is used. Note If BODY file is specified, the BODY file must be prepared as specified by the path. | C:\temp\body.txt /var/temp/body.txt |
BasicAuthentication | If the monitored URL is performing basic authentication, set this attribute to "ON". Otherwise, set this attribute to "OFF". | ON |
BasicAuthentication _User | If basic authentication is being performed, set the user ID required to access the service. | User1 |
BasicAuthentication _PassWord | If basic authentication is being performed, set the user password required to access the service. | User1 |
NodeType | Note This attribute is used for control purposes. Do not change the value of this attribute in the sample file. | I-D |
To monitor multiple HTTP services, create multiple "HTTP_Service" tags (blocks between < HTTP_Service > and </ HTTP_Service >). If multiple BODY files are created, store them all in the same directory. Refer to "6.5 How to Create BODY Files" for details on how to create BODY files.
To remove HTTP service collection targets, delete the block enclosed by the <HTTP_Service> and </HTTP_Service> tags.