ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

3.2.1 Network Configuration

The following will define the network configuration required by the system.

For each server, choose the network interfaces to use for the following purposes.

Choose the following settings to fit the system environment.

Refer to "Example of VLAN network configuration (with PRIMERGY BX600)" and the description below to define a network configuration.

Required Network Configuration when Using HBA Address Rename

At startup a server set with HBA address rename needs to communicate with the Resource Coordinator VE manager. To enable startup of managed servers even when the manager is stopped, Resource Coordinator VE should be set according to one of the following configurations.

This section describes the network configuration that is required for an environment with a dedicated HBA address rename server.
For details about the HBA address rename setup service, refer to " Settings for the HBA address rename setup service".


The HBA address rename setup service cannot operate on the same server as ServerView Deployment Manager, or on a server where any other DHCP or PXE service is running.

The following diagram shows an example of how the HBA address rename setup service can be configured.

Figure 3.3 Sample configuration showing the HBA address rename setup service (with PRIMERGY BX600)

Network Configuration Required for VIOM Integration

When integrating with VIOM, the network configuration is defined by LAN switch blade and Intelligent Blade Panels.
For details, refer to the ServerView Virtual-IO Manager manual.
Refer to "6.1.1 Registering VIOM Settings" for details.
The following diagram shows an example of how the HBA address rename setup service can be configured.

Figure 3.4 Sample configuration for VIOM integration (on PRIMERGY BX600 servers using a SAN)

Figure 3.5 Sample configuration for VIOM integration (on PRIMERGY BX600 servers using iSCSI)

When using IBPs, the first IBP port should be connected to the admin LAN.
On the adjacent admin LAN switch, the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) should be disabled on the port connected to that first IBP port.

Functions Provided by Resource Coordinator VE

Resource Coordinator VE provides the following VLAN and port group management functions for PRIMERGY BX LAN switch blades.


The targets of such VLAN ID and port group exchanges are the LAN switch blade ports connected to the switched over manager servers. If the switched over servers are connected to different LAN switch blades (e.g. when switching over managed servers in different chassis) the external ports of those LAN switches should be set with the same VLAN or port group configuration, and the switch blades placed in the same network.