ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

6.1.3 Installation procedure

The procedure for installing Agents is described below.
The CD-ROM "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Manager/Agent (Solaris, HP-UX)" is used in the installation of Agents. Pre-installation preparations

Check that this software (old version, level etc.) is not installed.

# cd CD-ROM_mount_point/agent/Solaris
# ./ -check

In the event that the message is output as a result of the above operation, take action as follows


Case of installation in the single-user mode:

Check that the local file sytem is already mounted before the installation. If it is not mounted yet, mount the local file system.

# /usr/sbin/mountall -l Installation time

Installation time for this software is around 5 minutes. Software installation

  1. Login as the super user (root) by the following command.

    # su
  2. After performing the procedures in " Pre-installation preparations", move to the directory storing the command.

    # cd CD-ROM_mount_point/agent/Solaris
  3. Execute the command.

    # ./
  4. The following message is output. To execute installation enter "y", to discontinue the installation enter a different character.

    ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1
    Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2006-2010
    This program will install "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Agent on your system.
    Do you want to continue the installation of this package? [y,n,?,q]
  5. Enter "y" and the installation will commence.

    It is necessary to specify the installation directory of Agent.

    Specify the program install directory for the following question. The default is "/opt".

    Please enter install directory. (default: /opt) [?,q]

    Specify the work directory (log file, temporary file, etc.) for the following question. The default is "/var/opt".

    Please enter variable configuration directory. (default: /var/opt) [?,q]

    Specify the environment setting directory for the following question. The default is "/etc/opt".

    Please enter fixed configuration directory. (default: /etc/opt) [?,q]

    After all the directories are specified, the installation process will start as follows:

    Using </opt> as the package base directory.
    ## Processing package information.
    ## Processing system information.
    ## Verifying disk space requirements.
    ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
    ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
    This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
    permission during the process of installing this package.
    Do you want to continue with the installation of <FJSVssage> [y,n,?]
  6. To execute installation enter "y", to discontinue the installation enter a different character.

    If enter "y", the installation will be done.

    When installation is completed normally, the following message will be displayed.

    Installing Storage System Agent for ETERNUS SF as <FJSVssage>
    Installation of <FJSVssage> was successful.
    INFO  : "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Agent was installed successfully.

    If there is an error during installation the following message will be displayed.

    ERROR : not privileged
    ERROR : "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Agent cannot be installed in non-global zone.
    ERROR : Installing FJSVssage was failed.
  7. If the installation fails, check the install status using the following command.

    # pkgchk -n FJSVssage

    If the installation was successful, the package information will be displayed. If any error message is displayed, refer to "7.1 [Solaris OS] Agent uninstallation", delete this software and reinstall it.

The installation is completed. Continuously, execute the post-installation setup by referring to "6.1.4 Post-installation setup".