ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

6.1.4 Post-installation setup

The procedure for managed server node setup is given below. Please perform this procedure in multi-user mode. /etc/services configuration

For operation of the Agent, the following port number is necessary for transmissions with the Manager.

Service name

Port number / Protocol name







Include the following details in the /etc/services file, and declare usage of the port number. In cases where there is no description in the /etc/services file, agent booting will be from 4917 port number.

#Service name   Port number/protocol name
sscruisera      4917/tcp


When a port number is already in use, please select a vacant port number. In this case, with regards to other ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Manager with the same port number configuration, perform the same configuration changes. Agent admin LAN IP address configuration

Configure agent admin LAN IP addresses using the following procedure.

  1. It is necessary to stop the agents to perform the configuration of agent admin LAN IP addresses.

    When an agent is operating, input the following command and stop the agent.

    # /opt/FJSVssage/bin/pstorageagt
  2. Configure the admin LAN IP address on the agent.

    # /opt/FJSVssage/bin/setagtip -i admin_LAN_IP_address


    About admin_LAN_IP_address

    Specify the IP address of the server node, which is used for communication with the admin server. This is used as the start IP address in order to communicate with the admin server (Manager) via the correct LAN.

    • If the managed server node has a single IP address, enter this IP address as the agent admin LAN IP address

    • If the managed server node has more than one IP address, enter the start IP address of the server node based on the administrative server LAN IP address.

      For example:

      Manager IP: 10.10.10.xx

      Agent has more than 1 IP like this:



      In this case, please input "10.10.10.yy".

    • If the managed server node is under firewall or IP of the managed server node is converted by NAT, enter the IP address used for communication between ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Manager to the managed server node. SNIA HBA API library installation and configuration

When managing a RAID unit with ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser it is necessary to install and configure the SNIA HBA API library distributed by the HBA vender.

Please refer to "B.1 SNIA HBA API library installation for Solaris", and install the SNIA HBA API library. Updating Correlation.ini file

When a SUN HBA is in use, you must update the correlation.ini file that sets the details of the Agent using the following procedure:

# cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssage/Correlation.ini /etc/opt/FJSVssage/
# cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssage/Correlation.ini.sun /etc/opt/FJSVssage/Correlation.ini

The SUN HBAs are as follows: Rebooting the system

Please reboot the system after finishing configuration. ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser will automatically commence.

# /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i6