ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

4.2.2 Advisory notes

SNMP trap daemon

On the server operating Manager, the standard Linux SNMP trap daemon cannot be used.
Also applications that use the SNMP trap daemon cannot be used.

When "PRIMERGY server management software ServerView for Linux" is already installed, caution is necessary regarding AlarmService.
When not using AlarmService, uninstall it following the procedure below.
When using AlarmService, the ServerView trap transfer program (trpsrvd) is required.
For details, refer to "ServerView trap transfer program (trpsrvd)".

Uninstall AlarmService using the following procedure.

  1. Redefinition of ServerView alarm settings

    When alarm configuration has been performed on a ServerView Linux Agent, redefine the setting definitions for each server on the ServerView console.


    For details of the methods for defining alarm settings, refer to the ServerView documents.

  2. Addition and change of ServerView Linux SNMP trap destinations

    When using ServerView alarm settings, configure the ServerView console as the SNMP trap destination.


    For details of the methods for adding or changing ServerView Linux SNMP trap receivers, refer to the ServerView documents.

  3. Uninstallation of AlarmService

    Uninstall the "AlarmService" of ServerView on Linux servers.
    On Linux servers on which ServerView is operating, execute the following command.

    # rpm -e AlarmService

Applications other than AlarmService, that use the standard Linux SNMP trap daemon must be uninstalled or have their settings changed to prevent them from operating.

When the standard Linux SNMP trap daemon is configured to start automatically, change the configuration to prevent it from starting automatically.

Prevent the SNMP trap daemon from starting automatically using the following procedure.

  1. Login with root (super user), and execute the following command.

    # /usr/sbin/setup

    (The setup command is only for Red Hat)
    A menu window will be displayed.

  2. Select "System service", and press the Enter key.

    The service window will be displayed.

  3. Remove the "*" from the "snmptrapd" parameter.

    To remove the "*", align the cursor with the parameter and press the Space key.

  4. Use the Tab key to align the cursor with "OK", and press the Enter key.

  5. Use the Tab key to align the cursor with "Cancel", and press the Enter key.

    Setup is complete.

ServerView trap transfer program (trpsrvd)

When using ServerView AlarmService on servers that manager has been installed on, the ServerView trap transfer program (trpsrvd) for transferring SNMP Trap is required.
The ServerView trap transfer program (trpsrvd) is used to transfer SNMP Traps received at UDP port number 162 to other UDP port numbers.

To obtain the ServerView trap transfer program (trpsrvd), contact Fujitsu technical staff. For details of installation methods, refer to the attached Readme.

Post-installation advisory notes

After this software is installed, take care about the following.

This software can be used in the mixed environment with the following software. When these software are uninstalled, the SNMP Trap-monitoring daemon may be stopped.

When after above software are uninstalled from the mixed environment, restart the system or execute the following.

  1. Check if nwsnmp-trapd is running with the ps command.

    # /bin/ps -ef | grep nwsnmp-trapd
  2. If nwsnmp-trapd is not running, execute the following commands.

    • On the PRIMEQUEST environment:

      # /etc/init.d/sw-trapd restart
    • On other environment:

      # /opt/FJSVswstt/bin/mpnm-trapd stop
      # /opt/FJSVswstt/bin/mpnm-trapd start