ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

14.8.2 Recovery of ACM management information Restoring ACM management information

Data saved on tapes as shown in Item 1 of 14.5.2 Tasks after ACM backup operation must be restored to local disks on the tape server at the disaster recovery site.

Check whether the tape media to which ACM management information was collected before restoration is in the available status. The status of tape media can be checked using the QUERY VOLUME command. If the status is unavailable, change it to available.

For details of the QUERY VOLUME command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

TSM: TSM_SERVER > query volume <Volume name> format=detail


Volume name: CJR019

TSM: TSM_SERVER > query volume CJR019 format=detail
                   Volume Name: CJR019
             Storage Pool Name: FILE_SPOOL
             Device Class Name: LT270DEV
            Estimated Capacity: 762,938.0
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 0.0
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Unavailable     <- Check here
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: No
               In Error State?: No

Access: If the status is Unavailable, execute the UPDATE VOLUME command, and change the status to available.

For details of the UPDATE VOLUME command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

TSM: TSM_SERVER > update volume <Volume name> access=<access status>


Volume name: CJR019

Access status: readwrite

TSM: TSM_SERVER > update volume CJR019 access=readwrite
   ANR2207I Volume CJR019 updated.

Restore ACM management information data.

For details of the dsmc restore command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Backup/Archive Client Installation and User Guide".

# cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
# ./dsmc restore <restore target> <restore destination> -virtualnodename=<node name> -password=<password>  -subdir=yes


Storage directory path for ACM management information at the operation site: /var/ACMBkupData/sftk-ssm2/

Directory path for data restoration destination local disk: /var/tmp/

Name of the node for disaster countermeasure restoration: TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE

Password: filenode

# cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
# ./dsmc restore /var/ACMBkupData/sftk-ssm2/ /var/tmp/ -virtualnodename=TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE -password=filenode -subdir=yes Expanding ACM management information

You must expand archive files restored to the local disk of the data restoration destination as described in " Restoring ACM management information".

The following files must be expanded.

Example: The following files will be restored when following the example described in Restoring ACM management information.

The following directories are expanded by acm_tape_backup.tar.
