ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

11.4.5 tbocancelrest (Tape restore cancel command)


tbocancelrest - Cancellation of restoring from tape


/opt/FJSVswstm/bin/tbocancelrest -h Server [-g Generation-No | -v Version-No | -t Backup-Time] [-r Restore-Device-Name] [-d Restore-Storage-Server] Device-Name


This command cancels restoration from the tape.


If none of the -g, -v, and -t options is specified, restoration of the backup history that is managed by the generation will be cancelled.

-h Server

Specifies the Storage Server name.

-g Generation-No

Specifies the relative generation number of data being restored.

This option cannot be specified together with the -v or -t option.

To check the relative generation number, specify the -l option and execute "11.4.7 tboreqstat (Tape execution history display command)".

-v Version-No

Specifies the relative generation number of data being restored.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g or -t option.

To check the relative generation number, specify the -l option and execute "11.4.7 tboreqstat (Tape execution history display command)".

-t Backup-Time

Specifies the start date and time of the day management in the data to be restored.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g or -v option.

To check the start date and time of the day management, specify the -l option and execute "11.4.7 tboreqstat (Tape execution history display command)".

Specify the start date and time of the day management in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format. The "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format is as follows:

YYYY: Year (four digits)

MM: Month (two digits)

DD: Day (two digits)

hh: Hour (two digits)

mm: Minute (two digits)

ss: Seconds (two digits)

-r Restore-Device-Name

Specifies the name of the device when restoring to a device other than a transaction volume.

To check the device name, specify the -l option and execute "11.4.7 tboreqstat (Tape execution history display command)".

-d Restore-Storage-Server

Specifies the restoration destination device when restoring to a device other than a transaction volume of a Storage Server that is not the Storage server of the original transaction volume.

To check the Storage Server name, specify the -l option and execute "11.4.7 tboreqstat (Tape execution history display command)".



When the Storage Server is Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, this specifies the block device name of a transaction volume.

When the Storage Server is Windows, it specifies an AdvancedCopy Manager device name corresponding to a transaction volume. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


Cancel the tape restoration operation of history information with the absolute generation number 1 in the transaction volume (/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6).

# /opt/FJSVswstm/bin/tbocancelrest -h server01 -v 1 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6 tbocancelrest completed