ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

11.4.7 tboreqstat (Tape execution history display command)


tboreqstat - Display of the history of execution statuses of processing by the tape manager


/opt/FJSVswstm/bin/tboreqstat -h Server [-l] [-v] [Device-Name]


The command displays the execution status of the processing by the tape manager currently in progress.

The command displays the execution status of the following:

This command displays information on the executed processing from the latest.


-h Server

Specifies the Storage Server name.


In addition to the tape execution history information, displays the command option specified when the command was executed.


Displays the details of the tape execution history information.



When the Storage Server is Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, this specifies the block device name of a transaction volume.

When the Storage Server is Windows, it specifies an AdvancedCopy Manager device name corresponding to a transaction volume. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

If this option is omitted, the tape execution history of all transaction volumes are displayed.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


The contents displayed are as follows:

Key word



Displays the Storage Server name


For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, displays the device name

For Windows, displays the AdvancedCopy Manager device name


Displays the processing name with the character strings shown below:

"Backup": Backup to the tape, copy to the tape

"Restore": Restore from the tape

"Delete": Delete the tape history information


Displays the time and date when the tape manager accepted the processing

Displays in the " YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm" format

YYYY indicates the year, MM indicates the month, DD indicates the day, hh indicates the hour and mm indicates the minute.

The system time and date of the server will be displayed as the time and date.


Displays the time and date when the tape manager ended the processing.

Displays in the " YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm" format.

YYYYY indicates the year, MM indicates the month, DD indicates the day, hh indicates the hour and mm indicates the minute.

The system time and date of the server will be displayed as the time and date.

If the processing has not ended, displays "----/--/-- --:--"

Displays only when the -v option is specified


Displays the execution status of the processing or the progress rate of the write operation to the tape or the read operation from the tape with the character strings shown below:

"Preprocessing": Pre-processing of backup/restore is being executed

"Writing(xxx%)": Progress status of the tape write operation

"Reading(xxx%)": Progress status of the tape read operation

"Waiting-tape(xxx%)": Progress status of the tape write/read operation before the tape wait status is reached

"Postprocessing": Post-processing of backup/restore is being executed

"Cancel": Canceling of backup/restore is being executed

"Deleting": Deletion of tape history information is being executed


Displays the storage pool name of the tape backup destination

Displays when the processing name is "Backup"

Displays "----" if the processing name is "Restore" and "Delete" or "Backup" but the tape write operation has not started

Displays only when the -v option is specified


Displays the option and the value of the option specified and the time to processing execution

Displays only when the -l option is specified


Displays a warning message or an error message

"::" is displayed at the end of messages. If multiple messages are output, "::" is also displayed between messages.

Displays "----" if the message doest not exist

Displays only when the -v option is specified