ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

11.4.4 tborestore (Tape restore command)


tborestore - Restoring of data from tape


/opt/FJSVswstm/bin/tborestore -h Storage-Server [-g Generation-No | -v Version-No | -t Backup-Time] [-r Restore-Device-Name] [-d Restore-Storage-Server] Device-Name


Data stored on tape is restored using this command.

When the command is used for restoration, neither pre-processing nor post-processing is executed on the Storage Server. Therefore, it must be executed while the Storage Server is either stopped or not accessing the applicable transaction volume.


If none of the -g, -v, and -t options is specified, the latest information among the backup history data subject to generation management is restored.

-h Storage-Server

Specifies a Storage Server name.

-g Generation-No

Specifies the relative generation number of the data to be restored.

Only data whose generation is managed can be specified in this option.

To check the relative generation number, execute "11.4.8 tbohistdisp (Tape history information display command)".

The option cannot be specified together with the -v or -t option.

-v Version-No

Specifies the absolute generation number of the history information for the generation management backup to be deleted.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g, -z, or -t option.

To check the absolute generation number, execute "11.4.8 tbohistdisp (Tape history information display command))".

-t Backup-Time

Specifies the day management start date and time of the data to be restored.

Only data subject to day management can be specified in this option.

To check the day management start date and time, execute "11.4.8 tbohistdisp (Tape history information display command)".

Specify the backup date and time in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format.

YYYY: Year (four digits)

MM: Month (two digits)

DD: Day (two digits)

hh: Hour (two digits)

mm: Minute (two digits)

ss: Seconds (two digits)

This option cannot be specified together with the -g and -v options.

-r Restore-Device-Name

Specifies the restoration destination device for restoration to a device other than a transaction volume.

This option cannot be specified for a GDS logical volume.

-d Restore-Storage-Server

Specifies the restoration destination Storage Server name for restoration to a volume on a Storage Server different from that containing the original transaction volume.



When the Storage Server is Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, this specifies the block device name of a transaction volume.

When the Storage Server is Windows, it specifies an AdvancedCopy Manager device name corresponding to a transaction volume. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally




Restoration can be performed to any device other than transaction volumes. Devices specified as a restoration destination must be: