ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

8.2 Deleting a Tape from Storage Pool

If a tape in the storage pool is no longer required, delete it as follows:

  1. If the tape to be deleted contains backup data, delete the backup history information. Use " acmhistdel (History information delete command)" to do this.

  2. Delete the tape from the storage pool.

    tsm> delete volume <volume name>
  3. Check out the tape with the "checkout libvolume" command.

    Checkout processing is performed in the background. For details on the processing results, refer to the log on the TSM server (dsmserv) or activity log.

    tsm> checkout libvolume <library name> <volume name> checklabel=yes remove=yes
    • Specify the "remove=yes" option to unload the tape to the entry port of the library. "remove=yes" is the default.

    • If "remove=no" is specified, the tape is returned to the original cell but is deleted from the TSM database (the tape is no longer displayed by the query libvolume command).

    [Example] Check out volume DAT001 from library LT160.

    tsm> checkout libvolume LT160 DAT001 checklabel=yes remove=yes

After the tape is unloaded to the entry port, the "reply" command is requested for the log on the TSM server. Entering the "reply" command completes TSM checkout.