ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

11.2.2 Operation commands

This section describes operation commands for backup management.


All operational commands require that a Tape Server and its daemon be active. If a command is issued when either is not active, the command outputs a message and terminates with an error. acmbackup (Backup command)


acmbackup - Backup of data



This command backs up transaction volume data.

The command works differently depending on the specified backup destination media and the status of the advanced copy that is being executed:

Before performing backup, AdvancedCopy Manager executes the backup pre-processing shell script (OpcBackup.pre) and tape copy pre-processing script (TapeCopy.pre). When backup is completed, it executes the backup post-processing shell script ( and tape copy post-processing script (

For information on customizing these shell scripts, refer to "Appendix A Pre-processing and Post-processing of Backup, Restoration, and Tape Copy".


For backup to both disks and tape, you may want to perform day management backup to tape. In this case, execute acmbackup with DISK specified in the -m option to perform backup to disk only, then execute acmtphistcopy with DAY specified in the -b option to create a day management tape history.

-Xdevmap Device-Map-File

Specifies a target backup volume to perform the snapshot fast backup. In the operand, specify a device map file in which a combination of a transaction volume and a target backup volume is described. If this option is not specified, the target backup volume will be automatically selected by the backup function. To execute this command on a remote basis using the -h option, specify a device map file (of a Storage Server) using an absolute pathname. A file name specified in Device-Map-File must not include any national characters.


Specifies the flushing of the file system buffer of the transaction volume instead of locking the transaction volume. Before this option is specified, all write processing on the transaction volume must be stopped. (During a backup process where the write processing is not stopped, the reliability of the transaction volume data is not guaranteed.)

The file system buffer can be flushed by specifying 'on' for BufferFlushOnly in the transaction volume locking specification file for backups instead of this option.

For details, refer to "Transaction volume locking specification file for backups" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


This results in synchronous high-speed backup using the Suspend/Resume function.

This option cannot be specified if the -T option has been specified.


Specifies that the differential snapshot high-speed backup be executed.

This option cannot be specified during synchronous processing.

This option is valid only for copying within a cabinet when the ETERNUS storage system supports the QuickOPC function.

If this option is not specified, ordinary snapshot processing (OPC without using the QuickOPC function) is started. This option must always be specified to perform backup using differential snapshots.

This option cannot be specified if TAPE has been specified in the -m option.

This option cannot be specified if the -suspend option has been specified.

-b Backup-Type

Specifies the management mode for writing backup data to tape.

  • Specify GEN for generation management backup.

  • Specify DAY for day management backup.

If this option is omitted, tape backup is performed in generation management mode.

If DISK is specified in the -m option, this option cannot be specified.

If BOTH is specified in the -m option, DAY cannot be specified in this option.

-m Media

Specifies the type of backup destination media.

  • Specify DISK for backup to disk.

  • Specify TAPE for backup to tape.

  • Specify BOTH for backup to disk and tape.

If this option is omitted, backup is performed to both disk and tape.


Specifies that backup data be saved to tape without waiting for OPC copying to be completed.

Because this function causes writing backup data to tape to begin as soon as copying begins, it affects job server performance in regard to transaction volume access.

This option can be specified only if BOTH is specified in the -m option or the -m option is omitted.

This option cannot be specified for synchronous backup.

If the option is omitted, the command waits for OPC copying to be completed.


Specifies that the command not wait for writing to tape to be completed.

If DISK or TAPE is specified in the -m option, this option cannot be specified.

If this option is omitted, the command is completed after waiting for writing to tape to be completed.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


Back up a transaction volume (/dev/dsk/c1t0d5s3) to both disk and tape. Perform generation management backup to tape. The command returns when backup to disk is complete.

# /opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmbackup -m BOTH -b GEN -w /dev/dsk/c1t0d5s3
/dev/dsk/c1t0d5s3 acmbackup completed

Back up a transaction volume "dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6" to tape in day management mode:

# /opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmbackup -m TAPE -b DAY /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6 acmbackup completed


Point acmtphistcopy (Tape copy command)


acmtphistcopy - Copying of backup history to tape



This command copies backup history information from disk to tape.

Data in the backup volume storing the backup history data of the specified disk is copied to tape. The data is managed with the same absolute generation number as the backup history of the copy source disk.

Backup history information cannot be copied unless a tape backup policy has been set.

A backup data management mode (generation management or day management) can be set. The default is generation management.


If the -g and -v options are omitted, the latest disk history information is copied to tape.

-b Backup-Type

Specifies the management mode for the data copied to tape.

  • Specify GEN for generation management.

  • Specify DAY for day management.

The default is generation management.

-g Generation-No

Specifies a relative generation number for the data copied to tape.

Relative generation numbers can be checked for with " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

This option cannot be specified together with the -v option.

-v Version-No

Specifies an absolute generation number for the data copied to tape.

Absolute generation numbers can be checked for with " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

This option cannot be specified together with the -g option.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES acmtpcancelback (Tape backup cancel command)


acmtpcancelback - Cancellation of tape backup



The command cancels backup of transaction volume data or backup volume data directly to the tape.




For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


Cancel the tape backup operation of a transaction volume (/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6).

# /opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmtpcancelback /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6 acmtpcancelback completed

NOTES acmrestore (Restore command)


acmrestore - Restoring of data



This command restores the data covered by backup history information. For restoration of disk data, the OPC function is used. For restoration of tape data, the backup data on tape is written directly to the restoration destination volume, and the recovery control file saved to tape during backup is also restored simultaneously.

The user can specify disk or tape as the restoration data source. If this option is omitted, data is restored from a disk if the history information is on the disk or from tape if the history information is on tape.


If the -g, -v, and -t options are not specified, the latest history information subject to generation management is restored.

-g Generation-No

Specifies the relative generation number of the data to be restored.

Only data whose generation is managed can be specified in this option.

To check the relative generation number, execute " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

When this option is specified, the -m option must also be specified.

This option cannot be specified together with the -v or -t option.

-v Version-No

Specifies the absolute generation number of the data to be restored.

Only data whose generation is managed can be specified in this option.

To check the relative generation number, execute " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

This option cannot be specified together with the -g or -t option.

-t Backup-Time

Specifies the day management start date and time of the data to be restored.

Only data subject to day management can be specified in this option.

To check the day management start date and time, execute " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

Specify the backup date and time in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format.

YYYY: Year (four digits)

MM: Month (two digits)

DD: Day (two digits)

hh: Hour (two digits)

mm: Minute (two digits)

ss: Seconds (two digits)

This option cannot be specified together with the -g or -v option.

If DISK is specified in the -m option, this option cannot be specified.

-m Media

Specifies the media from which restoration is to be performed.

Specify DISK for restoration from a disk.

Specify TAPE for restoration from tape.

If this option is omitted, restoration is performed from a disk if the history information is on the disk or from tape if the history information is on tape. If the -t option is specified, restoration is always performed from tape even if this option is omitted.

-r Restore-Device-Name

Specifies the restoration destination device for restoration to a device other than a transaction volume.

This option cannot be specified for GDS logical volumes.

-f PhysicalIP-File

Specifies the absolute path of the file that contains the physical IP address of a Storage Server.

The file specified in this option must be allocated to the server on which the command is executed.

Specify the option only when the Storage Server satisfies the following conditions:

  • The Storage Server is in a cluster system.

  • The cluster service is stopped.

For information on the file that contains the physical IP address, refer to "Appendix B Restoring from the Tape when the Cluster Service is Stopped".


Specifies that restoration be performed by software-based copying in GDS Snapshot linkage mode. If this option is omitted, restoration is performed by OPC.

This option cannot be specified for restoration of history information on tape.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name of transaction volume.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally



Point swstcancelrest (Restore cancellation command)

This command cancels OPC-based restoration.

For more information, refer to "swstcancelrest (Restore cancellation command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Server.


Restoration from tape cannot be canceled. acmtpcancelrest (Tape restore cancel command)


acmtpcancelrest - Cancellation of restoration from tape



This command cancels restoration from the tape.


If none of the -g, -v, and -t options is specified, restoration of the backup history that is managed by the generation will be cancelled.

-g Generation-No

Specifies the relative generation number of data being restored.

This option cannot be specified together with the -v or -t option.

To check the relative generation number, specify the -l option and execute " acmtpreqstat (Tape execution status history display command)".

-v Version-No

Specifies the relative generation number of data being restored.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g or -t option.

To check the relative generation number, specify the -l option and execute " acmtpreqstat (Tape execution status history display command)".

-t Backup-Time

Specifies the start date and time of the day management in the data to be restored.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g or -v option.

To check the start date and time of the day management, specify the -l option and execute " acmtpreqstat (Tape execution status history display command)".

Specify the start date and time of the day management in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format. The "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format is as follows:

YYYY: Year (four digits)

MM: Month (two digits)

DD: Day (two digits)

hh: Hour (two digits)

mm: Minute (two digits)

ss: Seconds (two digits)

-r Restore-Device-Name

Specifies the name of the device when restored to a device other than a transaction volume.

To check the device name, specify the -l option and execute " acmtpreqstat (Tape execution status history display command)".



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name of transaction volume.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


Cancel the tape restoration operation of history information with the absolute generation number 1 in the transaction volume (/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6).

# /opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmtpcancelrest -v 1 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6 acmtpcancelrest completed

NOTES swstreststat (Restore execution status display command)

This command displays the progress of restoration from the disk.

For more information, refer to "swstreststat (Restore execution status display command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Server.


The progress of restoration from tape is not displayed. acmtpreqstat (Tape execution status history display command)


acmtpreqstat - Display of the history of execution statuses of the tape



The command displays the execution status of the processing by the tape manager currently in progress.

The command displays the execution status of the following:

This command displays information on the executed processing from the latest.



In addition to the tape execution history information, displays the command option specified when the command was executed


Displays the details of the tape execution history information



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

If this operand is omitted, the tape execution history of all the transaction volumes will be displayed.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


The contents displayed are as follows:

Key word



Displays the Storage Server name


For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, displays the device name

For Windows, displays the AdvancedCopy Manager device name


Displays the processing name with the character strings shown below:

"Backup": Backup on the tape, copy to the tape

"Restore": Restore from the tape

"Delete": Delete the tape history information


Displays the time and date when the tape manager accepted the processing

Displays in the " YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm" format

YYYYY indicates the year, MM indicates the month, DD indicates the day, hh indicates the hour and mm indicates the minute.

The system time and date of the server will be displayed as the time and date.


Displays the time and date when the tape manager ended the processing.

Displays in the " YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm" format.

YYYYY indicates the year, MM indicates the month, DD indicates the day, hh indicates the hour and mm indicates the minute.

The system time and date of the server will be displayed as the time and date. Displays only when the -v option is specified.

If the processing has not ended, displays "----/--/-- --:--"


Displays the execution status of the processing or the progress rate of the write operation to the tape or the read operation from the tape with the character strings shown below:

"Preprocessing": Pre-processing of backup/restore is being executed

"Writing(xxx%)": Progress status of the tape write operation

"Reading(xxx%)": Progress status of the tape read operation

"Waiting-tape(xxx%)": Progress status of the tape write/read operation before the tape wait status is reached

"Postprocessing": Post-processing of backup/restore is being executed

"Cancel": Canceling of backup/restore is being executed

"Deleting": Deletion of tape history information is being executed


Displays the storage pool name of the tape backup destination

Displays when the processing name is "Backup"

Displays "----" if the processing name is "Restore" and "Delete" or "Backup" but the tape write operation has not started

Displays only when the -v option is specified


Displays the option and the value of the option specified

Displays only when the -l option is specified


Displays a warning message or an error message

"::" is displayed at the end of messages. If multiple messages are output, "::" is also displayed between messages.

Displays "----" if the message doest not exist

Displays only when the -v option is specified acmhistdisp (History information display command)


acmhistdisp - Display of backup history



This command displays information on the backup history.

Generation management information is displayed after "Generation Management Backup" is output. Day management information is displayed after "Day Management Backup" is output.



Displays detailed history information about a backup to tape.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

If this operand is omitted, the backup history information of all the transaction volumes will be displayed.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


The table below lists displayed information items for a generation management backup.




Displays a Storage Server name.


For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, displays a device name.

For Windows, displays the AdvancedCopy Manager device name.


For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, displays the mount point name of the device and the file system type in parentheses.

For Windows, displays the drive letter of a device. The file system type of the device is displayed inside the parentheses.


Displays the relative generation number of disk backup data.

The most recent backup history of backups is "1", and the generation indicates how many generations earlier the target backup history is in relation to "1".

This item is displayed only for backup data on a disk.


Displays the absolute generation number.


Displays the backup start date and time in the "YYYY /MM /DD hh:mm" format.

YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour, and mm is the minute.

For a backup performed only to disk, or to both disk and tape, the system date and time of the Storage Server is displayed.

For a backup performed only to tape, the system date and time of the Tape Server is displayed.


Displays the backup volume name.

This item is displayed only for backup data on a disk.


The copying progress is indicated by one of the following character strings:

"succeeded": OPC copying is completed.

"executing": OPC copying is in progress.

"failed": OPC copying has been interrupted by an error.

"halt": OPC copying is in the halt state.

"gds-error": GDS copying has ended abnormally.

This item is displayed only for backup data on a disk.


Displays how much has been copied in percentage terms if "executing" is displayed in the Status field. If a string other than "executing" is displayed in the Status field, "----" is displayed.

This item is displayed only for backup data on a disk.


Displays the relative generation number of backup data on tape.

This option displays the relative number of the generation of the target backup history, assuming that the latest backup history is 1.

This item is displayed only for backup data on tape.


Displays the tape copy ID (fixed to 1).

This item is displayed only for backup data on tape.

The item is displayed only if the -l option is specified.


Displays the name of the storage pool to which tape backup was performed.

This item is displayed only for backup data on tape.

The item is displayed only if the -l option is specified.


Displays the name of the tape volume to which backup was performed. If multiple tape volumes are applicable, their displayed names are delimited by a comma (,).

This item is displayed only for backup data on tape.

The item is displayed only if the -l option is specified.

The table below lists displayed information items for day management backup.




Displays a Storage Server name.


For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, displays a device name.

For Windows, displays the AdvancedCopy Manager device name.


For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, displays the mount point name of the device and shows the file system type in parentheses.

For Windows, displays the drive letter of a device. The file system type of the device is displayed inside parentheses.


Displays the start date and time of day management backup to tape in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format.

YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour, mm is the minute, and ss is the seconds.

The date and time of the Tape Server is displayed.


Displays the backup start date and time in the "YYYY /MM /DD hh:mm" format.

YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour, and mm is the minute.

For a backup performed only to disk, or to both disk and tape, the system date and time of the Storage Server is displayed.

For a backup performed only to tape, the system date and time of the Tape Server is displayed.


Displays the expiry date and time of day management backup to tape in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format.

YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour, mm is the minute, and ss is the seconds.

The date and time of the Tape Server is displayed.

If "NoLimit" is specified for the number of preservation days in the tape backup management class, "Never" is displayed.


Displays the name of the storage pool to which tape backup was performed.

This item is displayed only if the -l option is specified.


Displays the name of the tape volume to which backup was performed. If multiple tape volumes are applicable, their displayed names are delimited by a comma (,).

This item is displayed only if the -l option is specified.

NOTES acmhistdel (History information delete command)


acmhistdel - Deletion of backup history



This command deletes backup history information.

In cases involving a disk backup history, deleting history information for a backup volume causes the volume to be released and become an empty backup volume.

In cases involving a tape backup history, deleting history information from a tape area causes the area to become free. If backup data remains after the tape area becomes free, the area cannot be reused.

If a backup history is on both disk and tape, the user can delete the backup history from either of them.


-g Generation-No

Specifies the relative generation number of history information for the generation management backup to be deleted.

When this option is specified, the -m option must also be specified.

This option cannot be specified together with the -v, -z or -t option.

To check the relative generation number, execute " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

-v Version-No

Specifies the absolute generation number of the history information for the generation management backup to be deleted.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g, -z or -t option.

To check the absolute generation number, execute " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

-t TapeCopy-Date

Specifies the backup date and time of the day management backup history to be deleted.

To check the backup date and time, execute " acmhistdisp (History information display command)".

Specify the backup date and time in the "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" format.

YYYY: Year (four digits)

MM: Month (two digits)

DD: Day (two digits)

hh: Hour (two digits)

mm: Minute (two digits)

ss: Seconds (two digits)

This option cannot be specified together with the -g, -v or -z option.


Specifies that all backup history information be deleted.

This option cannot be specified together with the -g, -v, -t or -c option.

-m { DISK | TAPE | BOTH }

Specifies the media from which backup data is to be deleted.

  • Specify DISK to delete the backup data and its history information from a disk.

  • Specify TAPE to delete the backup data and its history information from tape.

  • Specify BOTH to delete the backup data and its history from both disk and tape.

If multiple backup data items have been saved to tape, all of them are deleted.

If this option is omitted, the backup data and its history information saved to both disk and tape are deleted.

BOTH can be specified only if the -v or -z option is specified.


Specifies that the command be executed in emergency mode.

OPC session confirmation is not performed in this mode.

If TAPE is specified in the -m option, this option cannot be specified.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally



Point acmstartsync (Synchronous backup start command)


acmstartsync - Start of synchronous backup



This command starts backup synchronous processing (disk-to-disk copy using EC).

For a GDS transaction volume, synchronous processing by software-copy is also possible.


-Xdevmap Device-Map-File

Specifies a target backup volume to perform the backup synchronous processing. In the operand, specify a device map file in which a combination of a transaction volume and a target backup volume is described. If this option is not specified, the target backup volume will be automatically selected. To execute this command on a remote basis using the -h option, specify a device map file (of a Storage Server) using an absolute pathname. A file name specified in Device-Map-File must not include any national characters.


Specifies the start of backup synchronous processing of an SDX object and use of the software-copy function instead of the advanced copy function.

If you specify this option to start differential copying when the advanced copy function is being used, advanced copy processing stops and software-copy processing starts.

You can specify the option when the function in linkage with GDS Snapshot is being used.


Specifies that GDS select the copy processing method of an SDX object.

You can specify the option when the function is being used in linkage with GDS Snapshot.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally



Point acmcancelsync (Synchronous backup cancel command)


acmcancelsync - Cancellation of synchronous backup



Backup synchronous processing may be canceled during copying by EC, under the equivalency maintenance status, or while the Suspend state is set. Specifying cancellation of all of the synchronous processing cancels all of the backup synchronous processing including those in the Suspended state.

If the system detects an error while backup synchronous processing is being executed, the copying being performed at that time terminates abnormally. In this case, use this command to cancel the backup synchronous processing. " acmsyncstat (Synchronous backup progress display command)" can be used to check for errors.



Specifies that the command should operate in emergency operation mode.

In such cases, EC sessions are neither confirmed nor cancelled.

If this option is specified for a volume on a machine in the SP-series it will be ignored.

-bd Backup-Device-Name

The synchronous processing on a specific backup volume can be cancelled. To do so, specify the backup volume name in an operand. The backup volume name and -all option cannot be specified together. Specify the copy destination backup volume name. Specify the block device name for the specified device.


All of the synchronous processing of the transaction volume can be specified to be cancelled. This specification and the -bd option cannot be specified together.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

The partition name is specified for the SDX object.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES acmsyncstat (Synchronous backup progress display command)


acmsyncstat - Display of processing progress of synchronous backup



The execution status of the backup synchronous processing is displayed (during copying, under the equivalency maintenance status, or in the suspended status).

If one transaction volume has multiple EC sessions, then the statuses of all of these EC sessions are displayed.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

When you omit the device name, the system displays the status of backup synchronous processing for all of the transaction volumes.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


The table below lists the meaning of each title.




Indicates the name of the Storage Server.


Indicates the name of the transaction volume.


Indicates the name of the backup volume.

When backup synchronous processing is not being executed, the system displays "----".


Indicates the status of backup synchronous processing:

  • "----": Backup synchronous processing is not being executed.

  • "executing": Backup synchronous processing is being executed but equivalency maintenance status has not been established.

  • "equivalent": Equivalency maintenance status is established.

  • "suspend": Suspend status is established.

  • "failed": Backup synchronous processing was abnormally terminated.

  • "nosession": No session exists (inconsistent resource information).

  • "halt": Backup synchronous processing is in the halt status.

  • "gds-error": Copying with GDS ended abnormally.


Indicates the progress of the backup synchronous processing by EC or software-copy as a percentage (0 to 100%).

"----" is displayed when the status is Suspend and when backup synchronous processing is not taking place.

NOTES acmexecstat (Execution status display command)


acmexecstat - Display of command execution statuses



This command displays the execution status of other commands executed on a transaction volume. The execution status of OPC/EC will be displayed if OPC/EC is being executed. This command displays the progress of any current backup to or restoration from tape. Generation management information is displayed after "Generation Management Backup" is output. Day management information is displayed after "Day Management Backup" is output.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

If this operand is omitted, the execution statuses of all the transaction volumes will be displayed.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES acmcanceltrk (Tracking cancel command)


acmcanceltrk - Cancellation of tracking



This command stops tracking processing for QuickOPC.



Specifies that physical copying, if active, should also be stopped (that is, the OPC session should be canceled).

This option cannot be specified for a backup volume that has already been a backup history. For a volume whose copy destination volume has been a backup history, delete the history information in advance using acmhistdel (History information delete command).


Specifies that the command should operate in emergency operation mode.

The command does not check tracking processing and does not stop tracking processing and the OPC session.

-bd Backup-Device-Name

Stops tracking processing for the specified backup volume. Specify the target backup volume name as an operand. This option cannot be specified together with the -all option.


Stops the entire tracking processing specified for the transaction volumes. This option cannot be specified together with the -bd option.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES acmtrkstat (Tracking status display command)


acmtrkstat - Display of tracking statuses



This command displays the status of tracking processing.

When multiple types of tracking processing exist for one transaction volume, the command displays the statuses of all types of tracking processing.



For Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX, specifies the block device name.

For Windows, specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name. For details on the AdvancedCopy Manager device name, refer to "Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".

If this operand is omitted, the command displays the statuses of tracking processing for all transaction volumes.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


The following example displays the status of tracking processing.

# /opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmtrkstat
Server Transaction-Disk  Backup-Disk       Status    Execute Update
SV1    /dev/dsk/c1t0d1s1 /dev/dsk/c1t0d2s1 tracking  ----    12%
SV1    /dev/dsk/c1t0d2s1 /dev/dsk/c1t0d4s1 executing 75%     ----
SV1    /dev/dsk/c1t0d5s1 ----              ----      ----    ----
SV1    /dev/dsk/c1t0d6s1 /dev/dsk/c1t0d7s1 executing 31%     ----

The displayed data is explained below.




Displays the Storage Server name.


Displays the transaction volume name.


Displays the backup volume name.

Displays "----" when the volume is not in the tracking status.


Displays the execution status.

"----": Not in the process of tracking

"executing": In the process of physical copying and tracking

"tracking": In the process of tracking

"failed": Physical copying or tracking terminated abnormally

"nosession": No session exists (eg, resource information is inconsistent)


Displays the progress of copying as a percentage when "executing" is displayed in the Status column. "----" is displayed when "tracking" is displayed in the Status column.


When "tracking" is displayed in the Status column, displays the amount of updated data after QuickOPC (logical copying) as a percentage,. "----" is displayed when "executing" is displayed in the Status column.

NOTES swstdrvset (Drive letter allocation command)

For Windows, allocate a drive letter temporarily to a device.

For details on the command, refer to "swstdrvset (Drive letter allocation command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]". swstdrvunset (Drive letter de-allocation command)

For Windows, the drive character currently assigned to the device is canceled.

For details on the command, refer to "swstdrvunset (Drive letter de-allocation command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]". swstdismount (Dismount command)

For Windows, this command dismounts the specified volume.

For details on the command, refer to "swstdismount (Dismount command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]". swstvolunlock (Volume unlock command)

For Windows, this command unlocks a volume.

For details on the command, refer to "swstvolunlock (Volume unlock command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]". swstvollockstat (Locked-volume information display command)

For Windows, this command displays information about a locked volume.

For details on the command, refer to "swstvollockstat (Locked-volume information display command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide [For Windows]".