ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

5.7.3 Backup operation (without using GDS Snapshot)

Backup can be performed using only the tape backup function of AdvancedCopy Manager without linkage with GDS Snapshot. For its proper design and operation, you need to know the type of physical volumes that make up the logical volume.

Figure 5.15 Backup operation in units of slices

When specifying an SDK object in the Tape Backup function, use a name in the following format that combines a logical volume name and AdvancedCopy Manager device name.

Operation in units of slices


Operation mode for the logical volume units is not supported.

Solaris and Linux are the only supported operating systems.


Notes on Linux

The following are notes on the use of PRIMECLUSTER GDS/SafeDISK SDX object in the tape backup option.

  • The by-id name should be used when the udev device name is used.

    If the by-id name is not generated, the settings should be changed to generate the by-id name. The operation is not possible with by-path.

  • Note the following if the udev device is used in an environment where the ETERNUS multipath driver is not installed.

    If the disk is replaced while using by-id, the udev device name may change. Even if the udev device name is changed, the procedure for "Change of the device configuration" is required.


For notes on operating SDX objects, refer to "13.1.5 Notes on SDX Object Operations".


If mirroring between cabinets is enabled and restoration by OPC is required in the event of a cabinet failure, both mirrored systems must be backed up. In such cases, the required capacity of the backup volume is not the size of the logical volume but the size of the physical volume. Designing the backup operation

For notes on designing backup operation, refer to "13.1.5 Notes on SDX Object Operations". Fetching device information from a Storage Server

To perform backup with a Storage Server and get information about a subordinate device of the Storage Server, register the server.

For details on how to fetch the device information, refer to "5.3.3 Fetching device information on a Storage Server". Setting the operation type for a device

Transaction volume

Register the slices that make up the logical volume used for transactions as a transaction volume.

#/opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmdevinfoset -t /dev/sfdsk/CLS01/dsk/VOL01:c1t0d1
acmdevinfoset completed

Backup volume

Slices of an SDX object cannot be registered as a backup volume. Use general slices for a backup volume.

#/opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmdevinfoset -b /dev/dsk/c1t0d2s6
acmdevinfoset completed
# Customizing pre-processing and post-processing

When a transaction volume is registered as a cluster resource, modify the backup pre-processing script so that the volume is not unmounted. For information on how to modify the script, refer to "When you do not want to unmount a transaction volume" in Appendix "Pre-processing and Post-processing of Backup and Restoration," in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Server. Backup

Backup example

A command execution example is shown below.

#/opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmbackup /dev/sfdsk/CLS01/dsk/VOL01:c1t0d1
/dev/sfdsk/CLS01/dsk/VOL01:c1t0d1 acmbackup completed


From a transaction volume registered in the cluster resource, do not perform backup by specifying tape only. This is because the integrity of collected backup data cannot be checked when backup is performed to tape alone without unmounting.

Backup states

Backup can be performed when the SDX object that makes up the applicable logical volume is in one of the states listed below. If the object is in any other state, backup cannot be performed. (The Tape Backup of AdvancedCopy Manager checks the status of an SDX object using the SafeDISK/PRIMECLUSTER GDS sdxinfo command.)

  1. The state of the volume is ACTIVE or STOP.

  2. The state of the physical disk is ENABLE.

  3. The state of the slice is ACTIVE or TEMP.

Backup pre-processing and post-processing

In the following case, the pre-processing and post-processing script is not executed: Restore

" acmrestore (Restore command)" is used to perform restoration.

A command execution example is shown below.

#/opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmrestore /dev/sfdsk/CLS01/dsk/VOL01:c1t0d1
/dev/sfdsk/CLS01/dsk/VOL01:c1t0d1 acmrestore completed

When a transaction volume (restoration destination volume) is registered as a cluster resource, the backup data of an SDX object slice can be restored as follows:

  1. Stop the cluster service of the Storage Server subject to restoration.

  2. Set the shared disk of the restoration destination to online.

    # sdxvolume -N -c class-name
  3. If the restoration destination volume is a mirror volume, disconnect the mirror volume. If it is a single volume, proceed to the next step.

    # sdxslice -M -c class-name -d mirror-disk-name -v volume-name -a jrm=off


    Be sure to set the high-speed equivalency recovery mode to off (-a jrm=off). If restoration is performed without setting it to off, the data before restoration is restored when the mirror volume is incorporated after restoration.

  4. Once SWSTGNODE is set, activate the communication daemon.

    # /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgfwcom start
  5. Execute " acmrestore (Restore command)". For information on this command, refer to Appendix "Appendix B Restoring from the Tape when the Cluster Service is Stopped".

  6. If the mirror volume was disconnected in step 3 above, incorporate the mirror volume.

    # sdxslice -R -c class-name -d mirror-disk-name -v volume-name
  7. Set the shared disk of the restoration destination to offline.

    # sdxvolume -F -c class-name
  8. Start the cluster service.