ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

5.4.8 Canceling backup or restoration Canceling backup

When backing up to disk, an OPC physical copy cannot be canceled during execution.

If cancelling a backup to tape, use the acmtpcancelback command. For details, refer to " acmtpcancelback (Tape backup cancel command)".

For information on checking the backup status, refer to "Checking the backup status".


To finish physical copying to a disk, execute " acmhistdel (History information delete command)" to delete the backup history. Canceling restoration

In restoration from a disk, OPC physical copying in progress can be canceled using the "swstcancelrest (Restore cancellation command)".

For details of the swstcancelrest (Restore cancel command), see the chapter "Commands" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Server.

If cancelling a restore from tape, execute " acmtpcancelrest (Tape restore cancel command)".

For information on checking the restore status, refer to "5.4.6 Checking the status of restoration".