ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

5.4.7 Managing a backup history

Backup history information includes the backup volume name, tape names, and backup dates of backup data for a transaction volume that is under generation management or day management. Displaying a backup history

To display backup history information, use " acmhistdisp (History information display command)". Deleting a backup history

To delete backup history information, use " acmhistdel (History information delete command)".


  • Backup history that exceeds the preservation generations or preservation days specified in the backup policy is automatically deleted.

  • Even when the history information created during backup operations with the suspend specification is deleted, an associated EC session is not released.

  • If history information is deleted after ordinary synchronous high-speed backup is performed, the relevant backup volume is released and "Backup (free)" is displayed in the Device-Mode field when " acmdevdisp (Device operating status display command)" is executed. However, if backup is performed with the suspend specification, the backup volume is not released even after deletion of history information and "Backup (used)" is displayed in the Device-Mode field when " acmdevdisp (Device operating status display command)" is executed.

The figure below shows the ordinary deletion of a backup history and the deletion of backup with the suspend specification.

Figure 5.14 Deletion of an ordinary backup history and the deletion of backup history with the suspend specification