The method for collecting information is as follows. Submit the information to the Fujitsu technical staff.
Login to the server node with OS administrator permissions (root).
OS administrator permissions are required to collect the information.
Execute the agentsnap command.
# /opt/FJSVssage/sys/agentsnap [-dir directory]
It is possible to change a directory to save the information by specifying -dir option. If the option is omitted, information will be saved in /tmp.
Case of Solaris 10 OS:
Although the following message is output in /var/adm/messages when the agentsnap command is executed, it will be not affect command processing and no corrective action needs to be taken.
WARNING: The <if>:ip*_forwarding ndd variables are obsolete and may be removed in a future release of Solaris. Use ifconfig (1M) to manipulate the forwarding status of an interface.