The following sections explain the commands for managing the storage device.
The following table shows the correspondence between types of commands and the storage devices where they can be used. Only OS administrator (root) user can execute these commands. In the following table, "A" indicates "Available" and "N/A" indicates "Not Available".
Command name | ETERNUS8000, | Other storage devices |
A | N/A | |
A | N/A | |
A | N/A | |
A | N/A | |
A | N/A |
storageadm disk - manages disks
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm disk info -ipaddr ipaddr [-csv]
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)
This command displays information of disks in the ETERNUS disk storage system that is registered in this software.
Displays detail information of disks in the ETERNUS disk storage system that is registered in this software.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Displays the disk information in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Displaying the disk information in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" disk info -ipaddr <<< Disk Information >>> NUMBER DE SLOT USAGE STATUS RGNO SIZE DISKTYPE MOTOR ------ ---- ---- -------------- --------- ------ ----- -------- --------------- 0 0x00 0 System Disk Available 0x0002 300GB SAS Active 1 0x00 1 System Disk Available 0x0001 300GB SAS Idle 2 0x00 2 System Disk Available 0x0002 300GB SAS In the boot process 3 0x00 3 System Disk Available 0x0003 300GB SAS In the stop process 4 0x00 4 Data Disk Available 0x0003 300GB SAS Active ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the disk information in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" disk info -ipaddr -csv NUMBER,DE,SLOT,USAGE,STATUS,RGNO,SIZE,DISKTYPE,MOTOR 0,0x00,0,System Disk,Available,0x0002,300GB,SAS,Active 1,0x00,1,System Disk,Available,0x0001,300GB,SAS,Idle 2,0x00,2,System Disk,Available,0x0002,300GB,SAS,In the boot process 3,0x00,3,System Disk,Available,0x0003,300GB,SAS,In the stop process 4,0x00,4,Data Disk,Available,0x0003,300GB,SAS,Active
storageadm raid - manages RAID groups
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm raid add -ipaddr ipaddr -disk DE_number:slot_number,DE_number:slot_number[,DE_number:slot_number,...] -level RAIDlevel [-name alias_name] [-cm assigned_CM] [-csv] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm raid delete -ipaddr ipaddr -raidgroup RAIDGroup_number [-f] [-s] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm raid info -ipaddr ipaddr [-raidgroup RAIDGroup_number] [-csv]
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm ecomode -ipaddr ipaddr -raidgroup RAIDGroup_number
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)
This command is used to create/delete/display a RAID group in the ETERNUS disk storage system that is registered in this software.
Creates a RAID group
Deletes a RAID group
Displays a RAID group information
Sets eco-mode for the RAID group
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify DE numbers and slot numbers for the storage device using either decimal or hexadecimal notation, placing a colon (":") in the middle of each DE number and slot number pair, and using commas (",") to separate pairs. For example, two pairs can be specified as "-disk 1:1, 1:2" in decimal notation or "-disk 0x1:0x1,0x1:0x2" in hexadecimal notation.
Be sure to specify at least two DE number/slot number pairs.
Specify the RAID level by the minuscule as follows.
Characters that can be specified | Created RAID level |
raid0 | RAID0 |
raid1 | RAID1 |
raid1+0 | RAID1+0 |
raid5 | RAID5 |
raid6 | RAID6 |
Specify an alias for the RAID group to be created. Aliases can only be set up for ETERNUS2000, ETERNUS DX60/DX80. If this option is omitted, an alias will not be set up. This command will terminate with an error if this option is specified for other storage devices.
Only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and the following symbols can be used for aliases: !@#$%^&*()-= `_+|~[]{};:'"./<>?. If the alias contains a space, enclose the entire alias in double quotes (e.g., -name "123 567").
Specify the assigned CM number for the RAID group using two digits, as in the following table. If this option is omitted, the assigned CM number will be set up automatically ("auto" will be specified).
Storage device | Assigned CM | Characters to be specified | Remarks |
ETERNUS2000 | CM#0 | 00 | For the first digit, enter the assigned CM number. |
CM#1 | 10 | ||
Other | CM#0 CPU#0 | 00 | For the first digit, enter the assigned CM number. |
CM#0 CPU#1 | 01 | ||
CM#1 CPU#0 | 10 | ||
CM#1 CPU#1 | 11 | ||
: | : | ||
CM#7 CPU#0 | 70 | ||
CM#7 CPU#1 | 71 |
Displays the RAID group number in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the RAID group number to be deleted, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified using decimal notation as "-raidgroup 16" or in hexadecimal notation as "-raidgroup 0x10".
Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.
If there are volumes within the RAID group, the volumes will be deleted before the RAID group is deleted. However, the command will terminate with an error without deleting the volumes if any of the following conditions apply to the RAID group:
The volumes in the RAID group have been mapped
There are volumes other than open volumes
There are LUN concatenated volumes
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the RAID group number for which detailed information is to be displayed, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified using decimal notation as "-raidgroup 16" or in hexadecimal notation as "-raidgroup 0x10".
Displays the RAID group information in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the RAID group number for which detailed information is to be displayed, using decimal and/or hexadecimal notations.
For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified using decimal notation as "-raidgroup 16" or in hexadecimal notation as "-raidgroup 0x10".
Set eco-mode to ON for the specified RAID group. The only possible specifications are -off and -on. This option cannot be set if eco-mode cannot be set for any one of the specified RAID groups.
Set eco-mode to OFF for the specified RAID group. The only possible specifications are -off and -on.
Continues processing without asking for confirmation.
Creating a RAID group and displaying the created RAID group in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid add -ipaddr -disk 1:10,1:11,1:12,1:13,1:14,1:15 -level raid5 <<< RAID ADD >>> RGNO ------ 0x0000 ------ INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Creating a RAID group and displaying the created RAID group in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid add -ipaddr -disk 1:10,1:11,1:12,1:13,1:14,1:15 -level raid5 -csv RGNO 0x0000
Deleting a RAID group.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid delete -ipaddr -raidgroup 16 Are you sure? [y/n]:y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the RAID group information in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid info -ipaddr <<< RAID Information >>> RGNO NAME USAGE LEVEL STATUS CM TOTAL_CAPACITY FREE_CAPACITY ------ ---- ----------- ------- --------- -------- -------------- ------------- 0x0000 Open,System RAID5 Available CM0CPU0 407775 0 0x0001 Open,SDV RAID5 Available CM1CPU0 410880 285440 0x0002 Open RAID1 Available CM0CPU1 136960 345367 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the RAID group information in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid info -ipaddr -csv RGNO,NAME,USAGE,LEVEL,STATUS,CM,TOTAL_CAPACITY,FREE_CAPACITY 0x0000,,"Open,System",RAID5,Available,CM0CPU0,407775,0 0x0001,,"Open,SDV",RAID5,Available,CM1CPU0,410880,285440 0x0002,,Open,RAID1,Available,CM0CPU1,136960,345367
Displaying the RAID group detail information in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid info -ipaddr -raidgroup 0x0000 <<< RAID Information >>> RGNO NAME USAGE LEVEL STATUS CM TOTAL_CAPACITY FREE_CAPACITY ------ ---- ----------- ------- --------- -------- -------------- ------------- 0x0000 Open,System RAID5 Available CM0CPU0 407775 0 NO CONCATENATION NAME TOTAL_CAPACITY ALLOCATED STATUS TYPE CAPACITY ------ ------------- ----------- -------------- ------------- --------- ------- 0x0001 1/3 sample 102400 102400 Available Open 0x0001 2/3 sample 1024 1024 Available Open Free - 2048 2048 0x0004 - 1536 1536 Available Open ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the RAID group detail information in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid info -ipaddr -raidgroup 0x0000 -csv RGNO,NAME,USAGE,LEVEL,STATUS,CM,TOTAL_CAPACITY,FREE_CAPACITY,NO,CONCATENATION,NAME,TOTAL_CAPACITY,ALLOCATED_CAPACITY,STATUS,TYPE 0x0000,"Open,System",RAID5,Available,CM0CPU0,407775,0,0x0001,1/3,sample,102400,102400,Available,Open 0x0000,"Open,System",RAID5,Available,CM0CPU0,407775,0,0x0001,2/3,sample,1024,1024,Available,Open 0x0000,"Open,System",RAID5,Available,CM0CPU0,407775,0,Free,-,,2048,2048,, 0x0000,"Open,System",RAID5,Available,CM0CPU0,407775,0,0x0004,-,,1536,1536,Available,Open
RAID group eco-mode set to ON.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid ecomode -ipaddr -raidgroup 0x0000 -on Are you sure? [y/n]:y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
RAID group eco-mode set to OFF.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" raid ecomode -ipaddr -raidgroup 0x0000 -off Are you sure? [y/n]:y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
The following confirmation message will be output if the -s option is not specified with the "delete" operand. Enter "y" to continue or "n" to cancel.
This confirmation message can be suppressed by specifying the -s option.
Are you sure? [y/n]:
Setting eco-mode for a RAID group with an eco-mode schedule already set results in the following:
RAID group eco-mode set to ON -> Eco-mode ON overwrites the RAID group eco-mode schedule.
RAID group eco-mode set to OFF -> An error occurs (unless the eco-mode schedule is software-controlled),.
If eco-mode operation is not possible for the specified RAID group, then the command terminates with an error.
For details of RAID groups for which eco-mode operatioin is not possible, refer to "1.3.4 Energy-saving operation for storage device" > "Uncontrollable RAID groups".
storageadm volume - manages volumes
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm volume add -ipaddr ipaddr -size capacity -raidgroup RAIDGroup_number [-name alias_name] [-csv] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm volume delete -ipaddr ipaddr -volume volume_number[,volume_number,...] [-s] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm volume format -ipaddr ipaddr -volume volume_number[,volume_number,...] [-s] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm volume info -ipaddr ipaddr [-volume volume_number,...] [-csv] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm volume nomapping -ipaddr ipaddr [-volume volume_number,...] [-csv]
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)
This command is used to create/delete/format/display volumes in the ETERNUS disk storage system that is registered in this software.
Creates a volume.
Deletes volumes.
Formats volumes.
Displays volume information.
Displays the information of volumes that are not mapped to affinity group.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the size of the volume to be created in MB or GB. 1 GB is equivalent to 1024 MB.
For example, 1024 MB is specified as "-size 1024MB" or "-size 1GB".
Specify the RAID group number for which a volume is to be created, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified using decimal notation as "-raidgroup 16" or in hexadecimal notation as "-raidgroup 0x10".
Specify an alias for the volume to be created. Aliases can only be set up for ETERNUS2000, ETERNUS DX60/DX80. If this option is omitted, an alias will not be set up. This command will terminate with an error if this option is specified for other storage devices.
Only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and the following symbols can be used for aliases: !@#$%^&*()-= `_+|~[]{};:'"./<>?. If the alias contains a space, enclose the entire alias in double quotes (e.g., -name "123 567").
Displays the created volume number in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the numbers for the volumes to be deleted or formatted, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (",") to separate volume numbers.
For example, specify volumes 10 and 16 as either "-volume 10, 16" in decimal notation or "-volume 0xa,0x10" in hexadecimal notation.
Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Enter the number of the volume to be output for which information is to be output, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (",") to separate volume numbers.
For example, specify volumes 10 and 16 as either "-volume 10, 16" in decimal notation or "-volume 0xa,0x10" in hexadecimal notation.
If this option is omitted, information will be displayed for all target volumes.
Displays the volume information in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Creating a volume and displaying the created volume in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume add -ipaddr -size 1024MB -raidgroup 16 <<< Volume ADD >>> NUMBER ------ 0x0001 ------ INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Creating a volume and displaying the created volume in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume add -ipaddr -size 1024MB -raidgroup 16 -csv NUMBER 0x0001
Deleting a volume.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume delete -ipaddr -volume 16 Are you sure? [y/n]: y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Formatting a volume.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume format -ipaddr -volume 16 Are you sure? [y/n]: y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the volume information in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume info -ipaddr <<< Volume Information >>> NUMBER NAME TOTAL_CAPACITY STATUS TYPE CONCATENATION RGNO ENCRYPT ------- -------- -------------- --------- ------ ------------- ------ ------- Unknown 0 Available F6427G - 0x0001 - 0x0001 100 Available SDV - 0x0000 - 0x0002 425 Available Open - 0x0002 - Unknown 1166 Available MVV(G) - 0x0001 - Unknown 2332 Available MVV(G) 2 0x0001 - 0x0005 150 Available Open - 0x0002 - 0x0006 4700 Available Open 3 0x0000,0x0002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the volume information in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume info -ipaddr -csv NUMBER,NAME,TOTAL_CAPACITY,STATUS,TYPE,CONCATENATION,RGNO,ENCRYPT Unknown,,0,Available,F6427G,-,0x0001,- 0x0001,,100,Available,SDV,-,0x0000,- 0x0002,,425,Available,Open,-,0x0002,- Unknown,,1166,Available,MVV(G),-,0x0001,- Unknown,,2332,Available,MVV(G),2,0x0001,- 0x0005,,150,Available,Open,-,0x0002,- 0x0006,,4700,Available,Open,3,"0x0000,0x0002",-
Displaying the unused volume information in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume nomapping -ipaddr <<< Volume Information >>> NUMBER NAME TOTAL_CAPACITY STATUS TYPE CONCATENATION RGNO ENCRYPT ------- -------- -------------- --------- ------ ------------- ------ ------- Unknown 0 Available F6427G - 0x0001 - 0x0001 100 Available SDV - 0x0000 - 0x0002 425 Available Open - 0x0002 - Unknown 1166 Available MVV(G) - 0x0001 - Unknown 2332 Available MVV(G) 2 0x0001 - 0x0005 150 Available Open - 0x0002 - 0x0006 4700 Available Open 3 0x0000,0x0002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the unused volume information in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" volume nomapping -ipaddr -csv NUMBER,NAME,TOTAL_CAPACITY,STATUS,TYPE,CONCATENATION,RGNO,ENCRYPT Unknown,,0,Available,F6427G,-,0x0001,- 0x0001,,100,Available,SDV,-,0x0000,- 0x0002,,425,Available,Open,-,0x0002,- Unknown,,1166,Available,MVV(G),-,0x0001,- Unknown,,2332,Available,MVV(G),2,0x0001,- 0x0005,,150,Available,Open,-,0x0002,- 0x0006,,4700,Available,Open,3,"0x0000,0x0002",-
Only open volumes can be created.
The volumes that are created are formatted automatically.
The following confirmation message will be output if the -s option is not specified when either the "delete" operand or the "format" operand is specified. Enter "y" to continue or "n" to cancel.
The confirmation message can be suppressed by specifying the -s option.
Are you sure? [y/n]:
Volumes cannot be deleted by specifying the volume numbers for volumes that are not open volumes.
Volumes cannot be deleted by specifying the volume numbers for LUN concatenated volumes.
Volumes that have been mapped to an affinity group cannot be deleted.
The Thin Provisoning Volume is not able to create. However, it possible to remove.
storageadm affinity - manages affinity groups
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm affinity add -ipaddr ipaddr -volume volume_number[,volume_number,...] [-lun LUN_number] [-affinitygroup affinitygroup_number] [-name alias_name] [-csv] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm affinity delete -ipaddr ipaddr -affinitygroup affinitygroup_number [-s] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm affinity update -ipaddr ipaddr -affinitygroup affinitygroup_number {-add -volume volume_number[,volume_number,...] [-lun LUN_number[,LUN_number,...]] | -delete [-volume volume_number[,volume_number,...] | -lun LUN_number[,LUN_number,...]]} [-s] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm affinity info -ipaddr ipaddr [-affinitygroup affinitygroup_number] [-csv]
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)
This command is used to create/delete/modify/display affinity groups in the ETERNUS disk storage system that is registered in this software.
Creates an affnity group.
Deletes an affinity group.
Updates the configuration of an affinity group.
Displays the affinity group information.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the number of the volume to be set to an affinity group, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (",") to separate volume numbers.
For example, specify volumes 16, 17 and 18 as either "-volume 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-volume 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.
Specify the LUN number to be allocated to the volume, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. The number of LUN numbers specified must be the same as the number of volumes specified using the -volume option, and the LUN numbers must also be listed in the same order as their corresponding volume numbers. If multiple LUN numbers are specified, use commas (",") to separate LUN numbers.
For example, specify LUN numbers 16, 17 and 18 as either "-lun 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-lun 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.
If this option is omitted, LUN numbers will be allocated in order, starting from 0.
Specify the affinity group number to be created, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.
If this option is omitted, the affinity group numbers that can be created within the target storage device will be allocated automatically.
Specify an alias for the affinity group to be created. This option is required for ETERNUS2000, but can be omitted for ETERNUS4000 and ETERNUS8000. If this option is omitted, an alias will not be set up.
Only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and the following symbols can be used for aliases: !@#$%^&*()-= `_+|~[]{};:'"./<>?. If the alias contains a space, enclose the entire alias in double quotes (e.g., -name "123 567").
Displays the created affinity group number in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the number of the affinity group to be deleted, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.
Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the number of the affinity group whose configuration is to be changed, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.
Adds volumes in the affinity group.
When the number for the allocated volume/LUN is specified, this command terminates abnormally.
Deletes volumes from an affinity group.
The command will terminate abnormally if a volume number or LUN number of a volume that has not been mapped is specified, or if deleting the specified mapping will mean that there are no more mappings.
Specify the volume number of the volume to be added to or deleted from an affinity group, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (",") to separate volume numbers.
For example, specify volumes 16, 17 and 18 as either "-volume 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-volume 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.
This option cannot be specified together with the -lun option when deleting volumes from an affinity group. Delete volumes by specifying either this option or the -lun option, not both together.
Specify the LUN number to be allocated to a volume or released from a volume, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. The number of LUN numbers specified must be the same as the number of volumes specified using the -volume option, and the LUN numbers must also be listed in the same order as their corresponding volume numbers. If multiple LUN numbers are specified, use commas (",") to separate LUN numbers.
For example, specify LUN numbers 16, 17 and 18 as either "-lun 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-lun 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.
If this option is omitted when LUN numbers are being allocated, LUN numbers will be automatically allocated, starting with the smallest free LUN number.
When LUN numbers are being released from volumes, this option cannot be specified together with the -volume option. Release LUN numbers by specifying either this option or the -volume option, but not both together.
Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the number of the affinity group for which detailed information is to be displayed, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.
If this option is omitted, a list of affinity groups will be displayed.
Displays the affinity group information in the CSV format. When this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.
Creating an affnity group and displaying the created affinity group in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity add -ipaddr -volume 16,17,18 -lun 0,1,2 -affinitygroup 16 <<< AffinityGroup ADD >>> NUMBER ------ 0x0010 ------ INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Creating an affnity group and displaying the created affinity group in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity add -ipaddr -volume 16,17,18 -lun 0,1,2 -affinitygroup 16 -csv NUMBER 0x0010
Deleting an affinity group.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity delete -ipaddr -affinitygroup 16 Are you sure? [y/n]: y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Adding a LUN in the affinity group.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity update -ipaddr -affinitygroup 16 -add -volume 19 -lun 3 Are you sure? [y/n]: y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Deleting a LUN from the affinity group.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity update -ipaddr -affinitygroup 16 -delete -volume 19 Are you sure? [y/n]: y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the affinity group lists in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity info -ipaddr <<< AffinityGroup Information >>> NUMBER NAME ------ ------------- 0x0000 AG00 0x0001 AG01 0x0002 AG02 0x0003 AG03 -------------------- INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the affinity group lists in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity info -ipaddr -csv NUMBER,NAME 0x0000,AG00 0x0001,AG01 0x0002,AG02 0x0003,AG03
Displaying the affinity group detail information (mapping) in the table format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity info -ipaddr -affinitygroup 16 <<< AffinityGroup Information >>> NUMBER NAME LUN VOLUME VOLUME NAME ------ ------------- ------ ------- ----------------------- 0x0010 abcd 0x0000 0x0001 sample 0x0002 0x0004 ----------------------------------------------------------- INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying the affinity group detail information (mapping) in the CSV format.
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" affinity info -ipaddr -affinitygroup 16 -csv NUMBER,NAME,LUN,VOLUME,VOLUME NAME 0x0010,abcd,0x0000,0x0001,sample 0x0010,abcd,0x0002,0x0004,
The following confirmation message will be output if the -s option is not specified when either the "delete" operand or the "update" operand is specified. Enter "y" to continue or "n" to cancel.
The confirmation message can be suppressed by specifying the -s option.
Are you sure? [y/n]:
The command will terminate abnormally if the -delete option is specified with the "update" operand in such a way that there are no items of mapping information for the affinity group.
The command will terminate abnormally if the number for a following volume that cannot be set to an affinity group is specified with the "update" operand.
The volumes that do not exist in the storage device
The volumes other than open volumes
The LUN concatenated volumes
storageadm ecomode - Operates the eco-mode
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm ecomode on -ipaddr ipaddr
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm ecomode off -ipaddr ipaddr [-s]
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm storageadm ecomode info -ipaddr ipaddr [-csv]
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)
This command toggles and displays eco-mode information for ETERNUS disk storage systems registered to this product.
Sets eco-mode to ON.
Sets eco-mode to OFF.
Displays eco-mode status.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Continues processing without asking for confirmation.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Displays the eco-mode status of the ETERNUS disk storage system in CSV format.
Setting eco-mode to ON:
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" ecomode on -ipaddr INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Setting eco-mode to OFF:
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" ecomode off -ipaddr Are you sure? [y/n]:y INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying eco-mode information:
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" ecomode info -ipaddr <<< EcoMode Information>> STATUS ------ ON ------ INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Displaying eco-mode information in CSV format:
"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" ecomode info -ipaddr -csv STATUS ON
If off is specified without -s, then the confirmation message below is displayed:
Are you sure? [y/n]:
If the device eco-mode settings are as follows, the command terminates with an error:
An error occurs if the eco-mode is already on when the processing to switch eco-mode on is executed.
storageadm perfctl - Performs monitoring operations
$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm perfctl start -ipaddr ipaddr [-interval time] $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm perfctl stop -ipaddr ipaddr $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm perfctl status -ipaddr ipaddr
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)
This command starts and stops performance monitoring for the NR1000F series and displays the performance monitoring status.
Starts performance monitoring.
Stops performance monitoring.
Displays the performance monitoring status.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify either 10, 30, 60, or 300 (seconds unit) as the performance monitoring interval. If this option is omitted, monitoring is performed at 30 second intervals.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Specify the IP address of the storage device.
Starting performance monitoring at 60-second intervals.
# "C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" perfctl start -ipaddr -interval 60
Stopping performance monitoring.
# "C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" perfctl stop -ipaddr
Displaying the performance monitoring status.
# "C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm" perfctl status -ipaddr
<<< Performance Monitor Status>> DEVICE_NAME(IP_ADDRESS) STATUS INTERVAL[SEC] ------------------------------- -------------------- --------------- NR1000F( Monitoring 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO:swsag0001:Command terminated normally.
Status description
The table below shows the status types and their meanings:
Monitoring | Normal monitoring is in progress. |
Stop | Performance monitoring is stopped. |
Recovering | Retry is in progress, after communication was interrupted or an attempt failed. |
Error | Stopped with an error, after an unsuccessful retry. Collect the required troubleshooting data and then contact the Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details, refer to "D.1 Troubleshooting information" |
The NR1000F series must be registered in this product.
If NR1000F series performance is to be monitored when creating new storage in a manually incorporated device, then use the settings below:
For "product type", select “NR1000F”.
Specify the -ipaddr option.
If -interval is set to a value other than 10, 30, 60, or 300, then the actual interval is set according to the table below (an error will occur if it is set to a negative value or a value greater than or equal to 2147483648):
-interval time values | Monitoring interval (in secs) |
time = 0 | 30 |
0 < time <= 10 | 10 |
10 < time <= 30 | 30 |
30 < time <= 60 | 60 |
60 < time | 300 |