ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

12.2.2 Starting and stopping daemons

This section explains the commands for starting and stopping daemons. Starting and stopping the SNMP Trap monitoring daemon

Only OS administrator (root) user can execute following commands.

In the case of PRIMEQUEST environment

How to start a SNMP Trap-monitoring daemon

Input the following command to start a SNMP Trap-monitoring daemon

# /etc/init.d/sw-trapd start
How to stop a SNMP Trap-monitoring daemon

Input the following command to stop a SNMP Trap-monitoring daemon.

# /etc/init.d/sw-trapd stop


However, do not stop the daemon unless there is a special reason, for it affects software using snmptrapd (e.g.:PSA, ServerView).

How to check that a SNMP Trap-monitoring daemon has started

Input the following command to check if the process exists.

# /bin/ps -ef | grep nwsnmp-trapd | grep -v grep

In other cases than the PRIMEQUEST environment

Starting the SNMP Trap monitoring daemon

Enter the following command to start the SNMP Trap monitoring daemon:

# /opt/FJSVswstt/bin/mpnm-trapd start
Stopping the SNMP Trap monitoring daemon

Enter the following command to stop the SNMP Trap monitoring daemon:

# /opt/FJSVswstt/bin/mpnm-trapd stop
Checking the SNMP Trap monitoring daemon

Enter the following command to confirm if the process exists.

# /bin/ps -ef | grep nwsnmp-trapd | grep -v grep Starting and stopping the daemons of the administrative server at specific times

Start or stop the following daemons in a batch operation:

Only OS administrator (root) user can execute following commands.

Starting daemons of the administrative server

Enter the following command to start the administrative server:

# /opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/managerctl start
Stopping daemons of the administrative server

Enter the following command to stop the administrative server:

# /opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/managerctl stop


A SNMP Trap daemon is not stop in the PRIMEQUEST environment.