ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

12.2.1 Commands for operating environment management

The following sections explain the commands for managing the operating environment. Administrator login account creation command (scsetup)


scsetup - creates administrative login account




This command sets administrative login account and perform creation of a CLI encryption key.
Only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command. This command only can execute when admin server stop. Refer to " Starting and stopping the daemons of the administrative server at specific times" for the detail information.




This command set the parameter by the following interface.

Input a new CLI crypt key [length:4-56]: any key

Are you sure? [y,n,q?] y

Input a new user name [length:1-16]: username

Input a new password [length:1-16]: password

Retype a new password [length:1-16]: password

Are you sure? [y,n,q?] y
CLI encryption key

Please enter the CLI encryption key to be used (between 4 and 56 characters). Double-byte characters, single-byte alphanumerical characters, symbols, and strings composed entirely of single or double-byte characters can be used. Notice that CLI encryption is required for ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser internal use only, and users don't have to remember the key.


Enter the user name of the login account for administrators (between 1 and 16 characters). The name must start with an alphabetic character, and alphanumerical characters (including underscores, "_", periods, ".", and hyphens, "-") can be used.


Enter the password of the login account for administrators (between 1 and 16 characters). The password is a string of alphanumerical characters and symbols, but cannot start with "{".

Password confirmation

For password confirmation, enter the password of the administrator again.


# /opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/scsetup SNMP Trap transmission place IP address change command (sanadmsh chtraprcvip)


sanadmsh chtraprcvip - changes SNMP Trap transmission place IP address


/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/sanadmsh chtraprcvip -h
/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/sanadmsh chtraprcvip -all -oldip [-newip yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]
/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/sanadmsh chtraprcvip DeviceID -oldip [-newip yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy]


After the IP address of the administrative server is changed, delete the old IP address of the administrative server that is the SNMP Trap transmission place from the devices registered with this software, and add the new IP address. Only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.

Although the SNMP Trap transmission place setting for a device may be changed with the Management Software on the device, this software provides this command to facilitate changing of the transmission place.



Displays help about the argument format of this command.


Applies SNMP Trap transmission place setting to all devices managed by this software. Executing the command specified with this argument outputs device names and execution results in execution order to the standard output. If the administrative server has more than one IP address, for exsample, if the management server is connected to multiple subnets, a device may not be set with the correct SNMP Trap transmission place. After this setting is performed, check whether the correct administrative server address is set as the SNMP Trap transmission place setting on the device side.


Applies SNMP Trap transmission place setting to the limited devices. Specify the device type according to the following tables. Afterwards, specify how to recognize the device.

Device type

Device recognition method (one of which must be specified)


sysname:SysName name of a device SNMP setting

nickname:Device management name that is set for this software.


Specify the old IP address of the administrative server. Delete this IP address from the SNMP transmission place address of managed devices.

-newip yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy

Specify the new IP address of the new administrative server. Add this IP address to the SNMP transmission place address. If this argument is omitted, the IP address of the new administrative server is automatically specified. It is recommended to enter the argument considering the administrative server that has multiple IP addresses.


Execute the command after changing the IP address of Manager. The command may be executed for all devices managed by this software by the one command or for a specific device.

Devices that can be targets of the command are devices for which SNMP Trap transmission place settings can be defined automatically from this software.

The monitoring status of every target device must be normal.

EXAMPLES SN200 (Brocade), BX600 Fibre Channel switch blades SNMP Trap test (swtraptest)


swtraptest - tests of SNMP Trap


/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/swtraptest fibre-channel-switch-ip-address


This command checks whether this software can receive an SNMP Trap correctly, display an event, and cooperate with Systemwalker Centric Manager and Shell.

A simulated Fibre Channel switch SNMP Trap (FC Port fault) is created and issued to the administrative server.

For fibre-channel-switch-ip-address, specify the IP address of the Fibre Channel switch which is to check the SNMP trap setting by this command.

The Fibre Channel switch must be a device managed by this software.





Even the input IP address is not for a FC device, this command can be executed.
In this case, it executes as the event of device which IP address is input. ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000 and GR SNMP Trap test (grtraptest)


grtraptest - tests of SNMP Trap


/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/grtraptest storage-ip-address


This command checks whether this software can receive an SNMP Trap correctly, display an event, and cooperate with Systemwalker Centric Manager and Shell.

The administrative server internally generates pseudo SNMP traps (FAN fault) of the ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000 and GR device, and issues them to the administrative server itself.

For storage-ip-address, specify the IP address of the storage which is to check the SNMP trap setting by this command.

The storage device must be a device managed by this software.





Even the input IP address is other than ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000, GR series, this command can be executed.
In this case, it executes as the event of device which IP address is input. Host affinity and zoning operation command (storageadm zone)


storageadm zone - operates the host affinity and Fibre Channel switch zoning


/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm zone add -storage cawwpn,affinitygroup -hba hbawwpn
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm zone delete -storage cawwpn,affinitygroup -hba hbawwpn
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm zone info [-ipaddr ipaddr[,ipaddr,...]]


This command is used to set/delete/display the storage device host affinity and Fibre Channel switch zoning. Only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.

Specify the storage device CA WWPN, affinity group, and WWPN of the set HBA in the command parameter to set/delete the storage device host affinity and Fibre Channel switch zoning. The set host affinity and zoning is also displayed.

The target storage device and Fibre Channel switch must be devices managed by this software.



This sets the host affinity and zoning.


This deletes the host affinity and zoning.


This displays the host affinity and zoning.

-storage cawwpn,affinitygroup

Specify the storage device CA WWPN and affinity group for which the host affinity is set or deleted.

-hba hbawwpn

Specify the WWPN of the HBA set for host affinity and zoning.

-ipaddr ipaddr[,ipaddr,...]

Displays the host affinity information set in the specified IP address, Fibre Channel switch zoning information, or storage device CA.

To display more than one item of storage device information, specify the IP address using a comma (",").

If this omitted, all the storage device and Fibre Channel switch information registered in this software is displayed.


NOTES Performance information operation command (storageadm perfdata)


storageadm perfdata - operates the performance information


/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm perfdata export outdirname -ipaddr ipaddr [-date start_time[-end_time]]


This command outputs the performance information of the storage devices and Fibre Channel switches. Only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.

By specifying the IP address of the device that outputs the performance information and the date in the command operand, the storage device and Fibre Channel switch performance information is output in CSV format.

The target storage device and Fibre Channel switch must be devices managed by this software when performance monitoring is either still running or already completed.

The supported devices are as follows.

The details of CSV files are as follows.

The port information of Fibre Channel switch



File name


Header line

  • Case of ETERNUS SN200 series
    Date,PortX - Tx Throughput, PortX - Rx Throughput, PortX - CRC Error, ...

  • Case of ETERNUS SN200 MDS series
    Date,PortX - Tx Throughput, fcX/X - Rx Throughput, fcX/X - CRC Error, ...

Data line

date,port0s,port0r,port0e, ... ,portNs,portNr,portNe

The following information is output for each field. (After date, the information is repeated for the actual number of ports.)
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
port0s : Port0 Transfer rates of send data at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
port0r : Port0 Transfer rates of receive data at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
port0e : Port0 Number of CRC errors at date (Decimal notation. The unit is Count.)
portNs : PortN Transfer rates of send data at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
portNr : PortN Transfer rates of receive data at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
portNe : PortN Number of CRC errors at date (Decimal notation. The unit is Count.)

The CM performance information of storage device

ETERNUS8000 models 700, 900, 1100 and 2100, ETERNUS4000 models 300 and 500, ETERNUS2000



File name


Header line

Date, CM0xXX:CPUX - CPU Use Rate, CM0xXX:CPUX - Copy Remain, ...

Data line

date,CM00u,CM00r, ... ,CMNNu,CMNNr

The following information is output for each field. (After date, the information is repeated for the actual number of CMs.)
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
CM00u : CM0x00:CPU0 (*1) CPU Load at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
CM00r : CM0x00:CPU0 (*1) CM Copy remaining amount at date (Decimal notation. The unit is GB.)
CMNNu : CM0xNN:CPUN (*1) CPU Load at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
CMNNr : CM0xNN:CPUN (*1) CM Copy remaining amount at date (Decimal notation. The unit is GB.)

*1: The CPU number is not output when the storage device is ETERNUS2000.

ETERNUS8000 models 800, 1200 and 2200, ETERNUS4000 models 400 and 600



File name

(nnnn indicates the CM number by hexadecimal notation. CM numbers are assigned in ascending order, starting with 0000 for the lowest CM CPU number in the device.
CM0x0 CPU0 is 0000,
CM0x0 CPU1 is 0001,
CM0x1 CPU0 is 0002,
CM0x1 CPU1 is 0003,
CM0x7 CPU0 is 000E,
CM0x7 CPU1 is 000F.)

Header line

Date, CM0xXX:CPUX - CPU Use Rate, CM0xXX:CPUX(ROE) - CPU Use Rate, CM0xXX:CPUX - Copy Remain

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
cpu : CM0xXX:CPUX CPU Load at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
roe : CM0xXX:CPUX ROE Load at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
remain : CM0xXX:CPUX CM Copy remaining amount at date (Decimal notation. The unit is GB.)

The LogicalVolume performance information of storage device



File name

(nnnn indicates the LogicalVolume number by hexadecimal notation.)

Header line

Date, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read IOPS, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write IOPS, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read Throughput, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write Throughput, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read Response Time, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write Response Time, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read Cache Hit Rate, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write Cache Hit Rate, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Prefetch Cache Hit Rate,

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
read : Read Count at date (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
write : Write Count at date (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
through-r : Read data transfer rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
through-w : Write data transfer rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
resp-r : Read Response Time at date (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
resp-w : Write Response Time at date (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
hit-r : Read Cache Hit Rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
hit-w : Write Cache Hit Rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
fetch : Read Pre-fetch Cache Hit Rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)

The RAIDGroup performance information of storage device



File name

(nnnn indicates the RAIDGroup number by hexadecimal notation.)

Header line

Date, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Read IOPS, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Write IOPS, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Read Throughput, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX- Write Throughput, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Read Response Time, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Write Response Time, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Read Cache Hit Rate, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Write Cache Hit Rate, RAIDGroup0x0xXXXX - Prefetch Cache Hit Rate,

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
read : Read Count at date (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
write : Write Count at date (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
through-r : Read data transfer rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
through-w : Write data transfer rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
resp-r : Read Response Time at date (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
resp-w : Write Response Time at date (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
hit-r : Read Cache Hit Rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
hit-w : Write Cache Hit Rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
fetch : Read Pre-fetch Cache Hit Rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)

The Disk performance information of storage device



File name

(nnnn indicates the DE number by hexadecimal notation.)

Header line

Date, DE0xXX:SlotX - busy time, ...

Data line

date,Disk0, ... ,DiskN

The following information is output for each field. (After date, the information is repeated for the actual number of Disks.)
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
Disk0 : Disk0 Disk busy rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
DiskN : DiskN Disk busy rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)

The CA/CM Port performance information of storage device



File name

(nnnn indicates the CA/CM Port number by hexadecimal notation. CA/CM port numbers are assigned in ascending order, starting with 0000 for the lowest CA/CM port number in the device.
CM0x0 CA0x0 Port0 is 0000,
CM0x0 CA0x0 Port1 is 0001,
CM0x7 CA0x3 Port2 is 007E,
CM0x7 CA0x3 Port3 is 007F.)

Header line

  • Case of CA Port

    Date, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Read IOPS, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Write IOPS, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Read Throughput, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Write Throughput

  • Case of CM Port

    Date, CM0xX:PortX - Read IOPS, CM0xX:PortX - Write IOPS, CM0xX:PortX - Read Throughput, CM0xX:PortX - Write Throughput

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
read : Read Count at date (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
write : Write Count at date (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
through-r : Read data transfer rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
through-w : Write data transfer rate at date (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)

The number of active disks performance information of storage device



File name


Header line

Date, Total Disks, Active Disks

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
total : Overall number of loaded disk devices at date (Decimal notation. The unit is Disk.)
active : Overall number of active disk devices at date (Decimal notation. The unit is Disk.)

Power consumption performance information of storage device (ETERNUS DX60/DX80 only)



File name


Header line

Date, System Power Consumption

Data line

date, power

The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
power:Power used by device as a whole at date (Decimal notation. The unit is W.)

Temperature performance information of storage device (ETERNUS DX60/DX80 only)



File name


Header line

Date, System Temperature

Data line

date, temperature

The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
temperature: Air intake temperature at the device at date (Decimal notation. The unit is degrees Centigrade.)



Outputs performance information for the specified date in CSV format.


Specify the directory that outputs performance information.
Performance information is output to the outdirname directory based on the following configuration.


-ipaddr ipaddr

Specify the IP address of the device that outputs performance information.

The output target device must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Storage devices, Fibre Channel switches and Fibre Channel switch blades that output performance information must be registered in this software, and the device must be one of the following performance monitoring targets:

    • ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS4000 (except models 80 and 100), ETERNUS2000

    • The Fibre Channel switches and Fibre Channel switch blades which support the performance monitoring.

For the settings of performance monitoring, refer to "7.2.2 Instruction for performance management".

-date start_time[-end_time]

Specify the start and end times for the output of performance information in YYYYMMDDhhmm format. The start and end times must be concatenated using a hyphen ("-"), as follows:


If the hyphen ("-") and end time are omitted, the command execution time will be the end time.

If this option is omitted, a time 30 minutes before the command execution time will be the start time, and the command execution time will be the end time.


NOTES Disk control command (storageadm spindle)


storageadm spindle - controls disks


/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm spindle start -ipaddr ipaddr {-raid RAIDGroup_number[,RAIDGroup_number,...] | -server} [-sync [-time timeout]]
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm spindle stop -ipaddr ipaddr {-raid RAIDGroup_number[,RAIDGroup_number,...] | -server} [-sync [-time timeout]] [-s] [-f]
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm spindle info -ipaddr ipaddr [{-raid RAIDGroup_number[,RAIDGroup_number,...] | -server}]


Starts or stops the storage device RAID disk rotation. Only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.

If a storage device was specified when the status was displayed, the rotation status of the disk that was used to configure RAID is displayed.
If a server was specified, the storage device RAIDGroup number and volume number used by the server are displayed.

By specifying the storage device IP address and RAIDGroup number in the command operand, the rotation of the disk that was used to configure the storage device RAID is started or stopped.

By specifying the server IP address, the rotation of the storage device disk used by the server is started or stopped.

The target storage device and server must be devices managed by this software.



Starts the disk that is used to configure the storage device RAIDGroup.


Stops the disk that is used to configure the storage device RAIDGroup.


Displays the storage device RAIDGroup Eco-mode information, or the storage device information used by the server.


Options that can be specified when the start operand is specified
-ipaddr ipaddr

Specify the storage device or server IP address.

-raid RAIDGroup_number[,RAIDGroup_number,...]

Specify the start target RAIDGroup number using hexadecimal notation. If more than one RAIDGroup number is specified, separate each number using a comma (",").
Specify this option when the storage device IP address has been specified in the -ipaddr option.


Specify this option to start rotation of the storage device disk used by the server.
Specify this option when the server IP address has been specified in the -ipaddr option.


When this option is specified, there is no return until processing is complete, or the time specified in the -time option has elapsed.

-time timeout

Specify the timeout value (unit: seconds) if the -sync option has been specified. Specify a number from 1 to 86400. If this option is omitted, the timeout value will be 600 seconds.

Options that can be specified when the stop operand is specified
-ipaddr ipaddr

Specify the storage device or server IP address.

-raid RAIDGroup_number[,RAIDGroup_number,...]

Specify the stop target RAIDGroup number using hexadecimal notation. If more than one RAIDGroup number is specified, separate each number using a comma (",").
Specify this option when the storage device IP address has been specified in the -ipaddr option.


Specify this option to stop rotation of the storage device disk used by the server.
Specify this option when the server IP address has been specified in the -ipaddr option.


When this option is specified, there is no return until processing is complete, or the time specified in the -time option has elapsed.

-time timeout

Specify the timeout value (unit: seconds) if the -sync option has been specified. Specify a number from 1 to 86400. If this option is omitted, the timeout value will be 600 seconds.


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.


Related RAIDGroup disks are forcibly stopped.

Options that can be specified when the info operand is specified
-ipaddr ipaddr

Specify the storage device or server IP address.

-raid RAIDGroup_number[,RAIDGroup_number,...]

Specify the status display target RAIDGroup number using hexadecimal notation. If more than one RAIDGroup number is specified, separate each number using a comma (",").
Specify this option when the storage device IP address has been specified in the -ipaddr option.

If this option is omitted, the information for all the RAIDGroups in the specified storage device is displayed.


Specify this option when the server IP address is specified to display the storage device RAIDGroup Eco-mode information and volume number used by the server.
Specify this option when the server IP address has been specified in the -ipaddr option.


NOTES Virtualization switch access path setting command (storageadm virtualzone)


storageadm virtualzone - Operates on the host affinities and zonings for virtualization switches


/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm virtualzone add -storage cawwpn,affinitygroup -ipaddr ipaddr [-update all] [-f [-s]]
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm virtualzone add -hba hbawwpn -vt vtwwpn [-update all] [-f [-s]]
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm virtualzone delete -storage cawwpn,affinitygroup -ipaddr ipaddr [-s] [-update all]
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm virtualzone delete -hba hbawwpn -vt vtwwpn [-s] [-update all]


This command adds or deletes zonings for Fibre Channel switches and host affinities for storage devices associated with virtualization switches (virtual targets and virtual initiators).

Only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.

The target storage devices and Fibre Channel switches must be devices managed by this software. The only Fibre Channel switch supported is ETERNUS VS900 model 300.



Adds the host affinity and zoning.


Deletes the host affinity and zoning.


Options that can be specified when the add operand or delete operand is specified
-storage cawwpn,affinitygroup

Specify the channel adapter WWPN and the affinity group number of the storage device where the host affinity is to be set up.

Specify the channel adapter WWPN using 16 digits of hexadecimal notation, optionally separating pairs of digits by a colon (":") for a total of 23 characters in hexadecimal notation. An example using colons to separate digits is 11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11.
Specify the affinity group number using either decimal notation or hexadecimal notation. For example, affinity group number 16 can be specified using decimal notation as "-storage 1111111111111111,16" or in hexadecimal notation as "-storage 1111111111111111,0x10".

-ipaddr ipaddr

Specify the IP address of the virtualization switch to which the virtual initiator (to be set in host affinities and zonings) belongs.

-hba hbawwpn

Specify the WWPN for the HBA to be set in zonings.

Specify the WWPN for the HBA using 16 digits of hexadecimal notation, optionally separating pairs of digits by a colon (":") for a total of 23 characters in hexadecimal notation. An example using colons to separate digits is 22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22.

-vt vtwwpn

Specify the WWPN for the virtual target to be set in zonings.

Specify the WWPN for the virtual target using 16 digits of hexadecimal notation, optionally separating pairs of digits by a colon (":") for a total of 23 characters in hexadecimal notation. An example using colons to separate digits is 22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22.

Options that can be specified when the add operand is specified
-update all

Specify this option to update the information managed by this software after the settings are complete. Only "all" can be specified with the "-update" option. If this option is omitted, the information managed by this product will not be updated. To update information later, execute the "storageadm zone info" command without the "-fast" option.

This option is effective when only a few items are added. The "storageadm zone info" command is better for updating information after multiple settings have been made.


Specify this option to forcibly set up WWPN zoning on a Fibre Channel switch where zoning has not been set up.

When specifying this option, check the security settings for the Fibre Channel switch. Specify this option only when setting up WWPN zoning.

Note that specifying this option will have no effect in the following situation (the command will run in the same way as if the option were omitted):

  • When zoning settings have already been made on the target Fibre Channel switch


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.
Only when -f option is specified, this option can be specified.

Options that can be specified when the delete operand is specified
-update all

Specify this option to update the information managed by this software after the settings are complete. Only "all" can be specified with the "-update" option. If this option is omitted, the information managed by this product will not be updated. To update information later, execute the "storageadm zone info" command without the "-fast" option.

This option is effective when only a few items are deleted. The "storageadm zone info" command is better for updating information after multiple settings have been deleted.


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.




Host affinity and zoning operation command (storageadm zone)