postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_2 WITH ADMIN role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE ROLE grp WITH ADMIN role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# SET ROLE role_1; SET postgres=> GRANT grp TO role_2 GRANTED BY role_1; GRANT ROLE postgres=> SET ROLE postgres; SET postgres=# REVOKE ADMIN OPTION FOR grp FROM role_1; REVOKE ROLE
postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_2 WITH ADMIN role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE ROLE grp WITH ADMIN role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# SET ROLE role_1; SET postgres=> GRANT grp TO role_2 GRANTED BY role_1; GRANT ROLE postgres=> SET ROLE postgres; SET postgres=# REVOKE ADMIN OPTION FOR grp FROM role_1; ERROR: dependent privileges exist HINT: Use CASCADE to revoke them too.