postgres=# CREATE TABLE target (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (b); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE TABLE target_p1 PARTITION OF target FOR VALUES IN (1); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE TABLE target_p2 PARTITION OF target FOR VALUES IN (2); CREATE TABLE postgres=# INSERT INTO target VALUES (1,1); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# MERGE INTO target t USING (VALUES (1)) v(a) ON t.a = v.a WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET b = 2; MERGE 2
postgres=# CREATE TABLE target (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (b); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE TABLE target_p1 PARTITION OF target FOR VALUES IN (1); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE TABLE target_p2 PARTITION OF target FOR VALUES IN (2); CREATE TABLE postgres=# INSERT INTO target VALUES (1,1); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# MERGE INTO target t USING (VALUES (1)) v(a) ON t.a = v.a WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET b = 2; MERGE 1