postgres=# CREATE TABLE amber_small( a integer, b integer); CREATE TABLE postgres=# CREATE TABLE amber_big( a integer, b integer); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 2 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 3 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 5 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 6 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 7 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 8 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 10 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 12 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 13 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 15 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 17 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_big SELECT 1, 19 FROM generate_series(1,1024); INSERT 0 1024 postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 1 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 2 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 3 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 4 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 5 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 9 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 10 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 11 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 12 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 14 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 17 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 18 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# INSERT INTO amber_small SELECT 1, 19 FROM generate_series(1,8); INSERT 0 8 postgres=# postgres=# CREATE INDEX amber_big_idx on amber_big (a, b); CREATE INDEX postgres=# CREATE INDEX amber_small_idx on amber_small (a, b); CREATE INDEX postgres=# postgres=# VACUUM ANALYZE amber_small; VACUUM postgres=# VACUUM ANALYZE amber_big; VACUUM postgres=# postgres=# set enable_nestloop = off; SET postgres=# set enable_hashjoin = off; SET postgres=# set enable_sort = off; SET postgres=# set enable_material = off; SET postgres=# SELECT COUNT(*) AS wrong_count_merge_join postgres-# FROM postgres-# amber_small small postgres-# INNER JOIN postgres-# amber_big big postgres-# ON small.a = big.a AND small.b = big.b postgres-# WHERE small.a in (1, 3) AND big.a IN (1, 3) postgres-# GROUP BY small.a ORDER BY small.a; wrong_count_merge_join ------------------------ 52024 (1 row)
postgres=# SELECT COUNT(*) AS wrong_count_merge_join postgres-# FROM postgres-# amber_small small postgres-# INNER JOIN postgres-# amber_big big postgres-# ON small.a = big.a AND small.b = big.b postgres-# WHERE small.a in (1, 3) AND big.a IN (1, 3) postgres-# GROUP BY small.a ORDER BY small.a; wrong_count_merge_join ------------------------ 57344 (1 row)