postgres=# CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION public.custom_search (COPY = pg_catalog.english); postgres=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) postgres-# SELECT c1, to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, c3) FROM pg_fdw_tbl postgres-# WHERE c1 = 642 AND length(to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, c3)) > 0; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan on public.pg_fdw_tbl Output: c1, to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, c3) Filter: (length(to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, pg_fdw_tbl.c3)) > 0) Remote SQL: SELECT "C 1", c3 FROM "S 1"."T 1" WHERE (("C 1" = 642)) (4 rows)
postgres=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) postgres-# SELECT c1, to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, c3) FROM pg_fdw_tbl postgres-# WHERE c1 = 642 AND length(to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, c3)) > 0; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan on public.pg_fdw_tbl Output: c1, to_tsvector('custom_search'::regconfig, c3) Remote SQL: SELECT "C 1", c3 FROM "S 1"."T 1" WHERE (("C 1" = 642)) AND ((length(to_tsvector('public.custom_search'::regconfig, c3)) > 0)) (3 rows)
ALTER EXTENSION ... ADDコマンドを使用して、postgres_fdwにオブジェクトを追加してください。