The method to customize the shell script for restore pre/post-processing is explained below.
Restore Volume Group
When restoring a file system that is part of a logical volume in a volume group, insert a comment character ("#") into line 70 of the pre-processing script (OpcRestore.pre) to remove the exit statement.
Remove the comment character from lines 75-141 of the pre-processing script (OpcRestore.pre), and also from lines 95-170 of the post-processing script ( Correct the description in the comment so that unmount/mount processing is carried out on all the logical volumes used to build the file system. Modify the parts shown as "X" to match the actual environment. If more than one logical volume is being processed, repeat lines 111-140 of the pre-processing script (OpcRestore.exe) and lines 133-164 of the post-processing script ( once for each additional logical volume.
When the backup volume is mounted, the LVM management information in the backup volume is rewritten and the normal procedure cannot be used to restore the volume. In such cases, convert lines 65 to 79 and 95 to 170 in the post-processing script ( into comments ("#"). Furthermore, an additional step is required after restoration is completed. Refer to "9.1.4 Notes on Restoration" for more information.
Note that unmount/mount processing to a volume group is not carried out if the scripts have not been customized.
Correct parameters, options, etc. of the OS command, such as the "mount" command and the "fsck" command, according to their employment.