stgmgrinfobkup - backup the management information
/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfobkup [-n serverName] [-t backupType]
This command backup the management information stored on the Managed Server and the Management Server.
Creates backups of the management information stored on the specified server.
If this option is omitted, the management information on all Managed Server (including the Management Server) is backed up.
Specifies the types of data that are to be backed up. Specify one of the values listed below. Do not specify more than one value in the -t option:
RegiData : Registry
MgrInfoData : Policy file for management information package backup
BkupData : Backup management
ReplData : Replication management
If this option is omitted, backups are created as defined in the policy file. For details on the policy file, refer to the section " Preliminaries".
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
Back up the management information on all the Managed Server as defined in the policy file:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfobkup swstf3014 Backup of management information is started. Start time=04/07/02 11:00:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3020 Backup of management information was ended normally. End time=04/07/02 11:02:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3014 Backup of management information is started. Start time=04/07/02 11:02:00, Server name=acm02 swstf3020 Backup of management information was ended normally. End time=04/07/02 11:05:00, Server name=acm02 swstf3021 The normal end of the backup of management information was carried out by all servers. #
Back up the management information on Managed Server as defined in the policy file:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfobkup -n acm01 swstf3014 Backup of management information is started. Start time=04/07/02 11:00:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3020 Backup of management information was ended normally. End time=04/07/02 11:02:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3021 The normal end of the backup of management information was carried out by all servers. #
Back up the registries on all of the Managed Server:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfobkup -t RegiData swstf3014 Backup of management information is started. Start time=04/07/02 11:00:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3020 Backup of management information was ended normally. End time=04/07/02 11:02:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3014 Backup of management information is started. Start time=04/07/02 11:02:00, Server name=acm02 swstf3020 Backup of management information was ended normally. End time=04/07/02 11:05:00, Server name=acm02 swstf3021 The normal end of the backup of management information was carried out by all servers. #
Back up the backup management located on Managed Server:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfobkup -n acm01 -t BkupData swstf3014 Backup of management information is started. Start time=04/07/02 11:00:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3020 Backup of management information was ended normally. End time=04/07/02 11:02:00, Server name=acm01 swstf3021 The normal end of the backup of management information was carried out by all servers. #
This command can be executed only by root users.
Be sure to check the information (ie, a message indicating completion or an error) that is output by this command.
This command can be executed only on the management information package backup execution server.
Do not execute other AdvancedCopy Manager commands or the Web Console operations while this command is running. Conversely, do not execute this command while another AdvancedCopy Manager command or a Web Console operation is running.
Do not execute this command again if it is already running.
To save backup data to a tape or similar external medium, save all files and directories under the backup data storage directory.
Registry backups are made only when RegiData is specified in the -t option. A registry backup is not made if the -t option is omitted.
A backup of the policy file for management information package backup is made only when MgrInfoData is specified in the -t option. No backup is made when the -t option is omitted. Additionally, specify the name of the management information package backup execution server in the -n option.
If the version of Management Server is lower than that of Managed Server, back up the management information on Management Server.