stgmgrinfoset - registers. deletes or displays the management information
/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfoset [-del | -d directoryName -c managementServerEncoding]
This command can be used to register, delete or display information about the management information package backup execution server(the server on which the stgmgrinfobkup command is executed).
This command registers the management information package backup execution server.
The command deletes the management information package backup execution server.
The command displays information about the management information package backup execution server.
Displays information about the management information package backup execution server.
Deletes the management information package backup execution server.
Specify the absolute path to the directory where the backup data is to be stored.
Only alphanumeric characters and underscores can be used in the directory name.
Specify the encoding designated when the Management Server was installed. Specify ASCII.
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
Register the management information package backup execution server:
(assume that the path to the directory where backup data is to be stored is /stgbkupdata, and the encoding used on the Management Server is ASCII):
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfoset -d /stgbkupdata -c ASCII swstf3000 The server which performs package backup of the management information on AdvancedCopy Manager was registered. #
Delete the management information package backup execution server:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfoset -del swstf3001 The server which performs package backup of the management information on AdvancedCopy Manager was deleted. Delete a directory. Directory=/stgbkupdata #
Display information about the management information package backup execution server:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgmgrinfoset Directory : /stgbkupdata Manager code : ASCII #
This command can be executed only by root users.
To change the backup data storage directory, first use the -del option to delete the current directory, then register a new backup data storage directory.
Register only one Managed Server as the management information package backup execution server.
Create the directory specified in the -d option in advance.