ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

B.4.1 Troubleshooting Errors That Occur in Server Nodes

B.4.1.1 Common to Server Nodes

Warning for server node is displayed

B.4.1.2 VMware Server Node

VM Guest

When the host name of the quest OS is not displayed
  • Check whether VMware Tools is running. If VMware Tools is not running, the virtual machine name is displayed in the [Name] for VM guests.

When the OS information of the guest OS is not displayed
  • Check whether VMware Tools is running. If VMware Tools is running, the name and the version of the guest OS are displayed in the [OS]. (The OS version is not displayed in the [OS Level].) If VMware Tools is not running, the system name and the version number of VMware are displayed in the [OS] and [OS Level].

When the status of the guest OS is displayed as "Stop" even though it is running
  • Check whether VMware Tools is running. If VMware Tools is stopped, the status of the guest OS is displayed as "Stop" (even if the guest OS is running). If VMware Tools has not been installed, then the [Status] of VM guests is "Normal" if the virtual machine is running and "Stop" if the virtual machine is stopped, regardless of the [Status] of the guest OS.

When the status of the guest OS is displayed as "Warning"
  • Check whether a wrong username or password causes a communication failure with the VM host.

When a DAG IP address is displayed for the IP address of the VM guest
  • Add a new network adaptor to the VM guest, and set IP address for the management of the VM guest to it again. Perform the Reload Conf. operation with Web Console after setting.