ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

13.1.2 Commands for Storage Management

The following sub sections explain the commands for managing the storage device.
In a Windows environment, only a user of the Administrators group can execute this command.
In a Solaris or Linux environment, only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.

The following table shows the relationship between commands and the storage devices where they can be used. The storage device must be registered with this software.

Command Name

ETERNUS DX series (excluding the ETERNUS DX60 S2),
ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays,


storageadm disk



storageadm raid

Available (*2)


storageadm volume



storageadm affinity



storageadm ecomode

Available (*3)


storageadm port



storageadm iscsiport


Available (*1)

storageadm progress



*1: Only iSCSI model device is supported.
*2: The "ecomode" operand does not support the ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays and the ETERNUS DX200F.
*3: This command does not support the ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays and the ETERNUS DX200F. storageadm disk (Disk Management Command)


storageadm disk - Manages disks


storageadm disk info -ipaddr ipAddr [-csv]



This command displays information of disks in the ETERNUS Disk storage system that is registered with this software.



Displays detail information of disks in the ETERNUS Disk storage system that is registered with this software.


Options of "info" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.


Displays the disk information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.



The External Drives used for the Non-disruptive Storage Migration are not displayed. storageadm raid (RAID Management Command)


storageadm raid - Manages RAID groups


storageadm raid add -ipaddr ipAddr -disk DE_number:slotNumber,DE_number:slotNumber[,DE_number:slotNumber,...] -level raidLevel [-name aliasName] [-cm assignedCM | -assignedcm assignedCM] [-fr-consist diskConfiguration] [-csv]
storageadm raid delete -ipaddr ipAddr -raidgroup raidGroupNumber [-f] [-s]
storageadm raid info -ipaddr ipAddr [-raidgroup raidGroupNumber | -expand] [-remote boxID] [-csv]
storageadm raid ecomode -ipaddr ipAddr -raidgroup raidGroupNumber[,raidGroupNumber,...] -on [-type ecoModeSetting]|-off [-s]



This command is used to create/delete/display and sets the Eco-mode for a RAID group in the ETERNUS Disk storage system that is registered with this software.



Creates a RAID group


Deletes a RAID group


Displays a RAID group information


Sets the Eco-mode for the RAID group


Options of "add" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-disk DE_number:slotNumber,DE_number:slotNumber[,DE_number:slotNumber,...]

Specify DE numbers and slot numbers for the storage device using either decimal or hexadecimal notation, placing a colon (:) in the middle of each DE number and slot number pair, and using commas (,) to separate pairs. For example, two pairs can be specified as "-disk 1:1,1:2" in decimal notation or "-disk 0x1:0x1,0x1:0x2" in hexadecimal notation.
Be sure to specify at least two DE number/slot number pairs.

-level raidLevel

Specify the RAID level by the minuscule as follows:

Characters That Can Be Specified

Created RAID Level















-fr-consist diskConfiguration

Specify RAID6-FR disk configuration. If "raid6-fr" is specified by -level option, this option must be specified.

Specifiable String

No. of Disks

RAID6-FR Disk Configuration



RAID6(3+2)*2, HS*1



RAID6(6+2)*2, HS*1



RAID6(9+2)*2, HS*1



RAID6(12+2)*2, HS*1



RAID6(5+2)*4, HS*1



RAID6(13+2)*2, HS*1



RAID6(3+2)*6, HS*1



RAID6(4+2)*2, HS*1



RAID6(4+2)*5, HS*1



RAID6(8+2)*3, HS*1

-name aliasName

Specify an alias for the RAID group to be created.
Only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and the following symbols can be used for aliases: !@#$%^&*()-= `_+|~[]{};:'"./<>?. However, "?" is not supported for storage devices other than the ETERNUS DX60 S2. If the alias contains a space, enclose the entire alias in double quotes (e.g., -name "123 567").

If this option is omitted, an alias name is set automatically.

-cm assignedCM

Specify the assigned CM number for the RAID group using two digits, as in the following table. When the target storage device is the ETERNUS DX900 S5, DX8900 S4, DX8000 S3 series, this option cannot be specified.
If this option is omitted, the assigned CM number is set up automatically ("auto" is specified).

Storage Device

Assigned CM

Characters to Be Specified


ETERNUS DX S5 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX900 S5)
ETERNUS DX S4 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8900 S4)
ETERNUS DX S3 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8000 S3 series)
ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays



For the first digit, enter the assigned CM number.
For the second character, always enter "0".



ETERNUS DX400 S2 series
ETERNUS DX8000 S2 series

CM#0 CPU#0


For the first digit, enter the assigned CM number.
For the second digit, enter the number of the CPU within the CM entered for the first digit.

CM#0 CPU#1


CM#1 CPU#0


CM#1 CPU#1




CM#7 CPU#0


CM#7 CPU#1


-assignedcm assignedCM

Specify the CM number in charge of a RAID group in the form of "ce" + CE number (hexadecimal) + "cm" + CM number. It is case-insensitive.
When the target storage device is only the ETERNUS DX900 S5, DX8900 S4, DX8000 S3 series, this option can be specified.
If this option is omitted, the assigned CM number is set up automatically ("auto" is specified). Specification example is as follows.

[To specify CE number 0, CM number 0]
-assignedcm ce0cm0
[To specify CE number 1, CM number 1]
-assignedcm ce1cm1
[To specify CE number 2, CM number 0]
-assignedcm ce2cm0
[To specify CE number 3, CM number 1]
-assignedcm ce3cm1

Displays the RAID group number in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.

Options of "delete" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-raidgroup raidGroupNumber

Specify the RAID group number to be deleted, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified as "-raidgroup 16" in decimal notation or "-raidgroup 0x10" in hexadecimal notation.


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.


If there are volumes within the RAID group, the volumes are deleted before the RAID group is deleted. However, the command terminates with an error without deleting the volumes if any of the following conditions apply to the RAID group:

  • The volumes in the RAID group have been mapped

  • There are volumes other than open volumes

  • There are LUN concatenated volumes

  • There are ODX Buffer Volumes

Options of "info" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-raidgroup raidGroupNumber

Specify the RAID group number for which detailed information is to be displayed, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified as "-raidgroup 16" in decimal notation or "-raidgroup 0x10" in hexadecimal notation.


Add and display the following matters to RAID group information.




Displays the stripe size of RAID group.


Displays the stipe depth of RAID group.


Displays RAID6-FR disk configuration.

Displayed information depends on the version of this software. If this software is upgraded, displayed information may be increased.

If this option is specified, the -raidgroup option cannot be specified.

-remote boxID

Specify a Box ID for the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system. Specify it when you display the RAID group information of the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system.


Displays the RAID group information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.

Options of "ecomode" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-raidgroup raidGroupNumber[,raidGroupNumber,...]

Specify the RAID group number for which detailed information is to be displayed, using decimal and/or hexadecimal notations. For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified as "-raidgroup 16" in decimal notation or "-raidgroup 0x10" in hexadecimal notation.
The more than one RAID group number can be specified.


Set the Eco-mode to ON for the specified RAID group.
This option cannot be specified at the same time as the -off option.
This option cannot be set if the Eco-mode cannot be set for any one of the specified RAID groups.

-type ecoModeSetting

If -on option is specified, this option can be specified.

If -on option is specified and -type option is omitted, set Eco-mode that stops spindle rotation of disk drives to ON.

Enter Eco-mode in lower-case letters as shown below.

Specifiable String



Sets Eco-mode that stops spindle rotation of disk drives to ON.


Sets Eco-mode that powers off disk drives to ON.


Set the Eco-mode to OFF for the specified RAID group.
This option cannot be specified at the same time as the -on option.


Continues processing without asking for confirmation.


NOTES storageadm volume (Volume Management Command)


storageadm volume - Manages volumes


storageadm volume add -ipaddr ipAddr -size volumeCapacity -raidgroup raidGroupNumber [-name aliasName] [-csv]
storageadm volume delete -ipaddr ipAddr [-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...]] [-remote boxID -remote-volume volumeNumber [-remote-force]] [-s]
storageadm volume format -ipaddr ipAddr -volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...] [-s]
storageadm volume info -ipaddr ipAddr [-volume volumeNumber,...] [-remote boxID] [-csv]
storageadm volume nomapping -ipaddr ipAddr [-volume volumeNumber,...] [-remote boxID] [-csv]



This command is used to create/delete/format/display volumes in the ETERNUS Disk storage system that is registered with this software.



Creates a volume.


Deletes volumes.


Formats volumes.


Displays volume information.


Displays the information of volumes that are not mapped to affinity group.


Options of "add" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-size volumeCapacity

Specify the size of the volume to be created in MB or GB. 1 GB is equivalent to 1024 MB. For example, 1024 MB is specified as "-size 1024MB" or "-size 1GB".

-raidgroup raidGroupNumber

Specify the RAID group number for which a volume is to be created, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, RAID group number 16 can be specified as "-raidgroup 16" in decimal notation or "-raidgroup 0x10" in hexadecimal notation.

-name aliasName

Specify an alias for the volume to be created.
Only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and the following symbols can be used for aliases: !@#$%^&*()-= `_+|~[]{};:'"./<>?. However, "?" is not supported for storage devices other than the ETERNUS DX60 S2. If the alias contains a space, enclose the entire alias in double quotes (e.g., -name "123 567").

If this option is omitted, an alias name is set automatically.


Displays the created volume number in the CSV format.
if this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.

Options of "delete" or "format" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...]

Specify the numbers for the volumes to be deleted or formatted, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate volume numbers. For example, specify volumes 10 and 16 as either "-volume 10,16" in decimal notation or "-volume 0xa,0x10" in hexadecimal notation.

-remote boxID

Specify a Box ID for the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system. Specify it when you display the RAID group information of the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system.

-remote-volume volumeNumber

Specify the number for the volume to be deleted from the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system using either a decimal or hexadecimal number. Multiple volume numbers cannot be specified. If multiple volume numbers are specified, only the first one is used.
Volumes which may be currently used cannot be deleted.


Specify this option to forcibly delete volumes, which may be currently used, from the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system.


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.

Options of "info" or "nomapping" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...]

Specify the numbers for the volumes to be output for which information is to be output, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate volume numbers. For example, specify volumes 10 and 16 as either "-volume 10,16" in decimal notation or "-volume 0xa,0x10" in hexadecimal notation.

If this option is omitted, information is displayed for all target volumes.

-remote boxID

Specify a Box ID for the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system. Specify it when you display the RAID group information of the remote site ETERNUS Disk storage system.


Displays the volume information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.


NOTES storageadm affinity (AffinityGroup Management Command)


storageadm affinity - Manages affinity groups


storageadm affinity add -ipaddr ipAddr -volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...] [-lun lunNumber] [-affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber] [-name aliasName] [-csv]
storageadm affinity delete -ipaddr ipAddr -affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber [-s]
storageadm affinity update -ipaddr ipAddr -affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber {-add -volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...] [-lun lunNumber[,lunNumber,...]] | -delete [-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...] | -lun lunNumber[,lunNumber,...]]} [-s]
storageadm affinity info -ipaddr ipAddr [-affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber] [-csv]



This command is used to create/delete/modify/display affinity groups in the ETERNUS Disk storage system that is registered with this software.



Creates an affinity group.


Deletes an affinity group.


Updates the configuration of an affinity group.


Displays the affinity group information.


Options of "add" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...]

Specify the numbers of the volumes to be set to an affinity group, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate volume numbers. For example, specify volumes 16, 17 and 18 as either "-volume 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-volume 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.

-lun lunNumber,...

Specify the LUN number to be allocated to the volume, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. The number of LUN numbers specified must be the same as the number of volumes specified using the -volume option, and the LUN numbers must also be listed in the same order as their corresponding volume numbers.
If multiple LUN numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate LUN numbers. For example, specify LUN numbers 16, 17 and 18 as either "-lun 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-lun 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.

If this option is omitted, LUN numbers are allocated in order, starting from 0.

-affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber

Specify the affinity group number to be created, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.

If this option is omitted, the affinity group numbers that can be created within the target storage device are allocated automatically.

-name aliasName

Specify an alias for the affinity group to be created.
Only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and the following symbols can be used for aliases: !@#$%^&*()-= `_+|~[]{};:'"./<>?. However, "?" is not supported for storage devices other than the ETERNUS DX60 S2. If the alias contains a space, enclose the entire alias in double quotes (e.g., -name "123 567").

This option must be specified for the ETERNUS DX60 S2.
This option can be omitted for storage devices other than the ETERNUS DX60 S2. If this option is omitted, alias names are set automatically.


Displays the created affinity group number in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.

Options of "delete" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber

Specify the number of the affinity group to be deleted, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.

Options of "update" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber

Specify the number of the affinity group whose configuration is to be changed, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.


Adds volumes in the affinity group.
When the number for the allocated volume/LUN is specified, this command terminates abnormally.


Deletes volumes from an affinity group.
The command terminates abnormally if a volume number or LUN number of a volume that has not been mapped is specified, or if deleting the specified mapping means that there are no more mappings.

-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...]

Specify the volume number of the volume to be added to or deleted from an affinity group, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate volume numbers. For example, specify volumes 16, 17 and 18 as either "-volume 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-volume 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.

This option cannot be specified together with the -lun option when deleting volumes from an affinity group. Delete volumes by specifying either this option or the -lun option, not both together.

-lun lunNumber[,lunNumber,...]

Specify the LUN number to be allocated to a volume or released from a volume, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. The number of LUN numbers specified must be the same as the number of volumes specified using the -volume option, and the LUN numbers must also be listed in the same order as their corresponding volume numbers.
If multiple LUN numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate LUN numbers. For example, specify LUN numbers 16, 17 and 18 as either "-lun 16,17,18" in decimal notation or "-lun 0x10,0x11,0x12" in hexadecimal notation.

If this option is omitted when LUN numbers are being allocated, LUN numbers are automatically allocated, starting with the smallest free LUN number.

When LUN numbers are being released from volumes, this option cannot be specified together with the -volume option. Release LUN numbers by specifying either this option or the -volume option, but not both together.


Processing continues without the output of a confirmation message.

Options of "info" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-affinitygroup affinityGroupNumber

Specify the number of the affinity group for which detailed information is to be displayed, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, specify affinity group number 16 as either "-affinitygroup 16" in decimal or "-affinitygroup 0x10" in hexadecimal.

If this option is omitted, a list of affinity groups is displayed.


Displays the affinity group information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.


NOTES storageadm ecomode (Eco-mode Management Command)


storageadm ecomode - Operates the Eco-mode


storageadm ecomode on -ipaddr ipAddr
storageadm ecomode off -ipaddr ipAddr [-s]
storageadm ecomode info -ipaddr ipAddr [-csv]



This command toggles and displays Eco-mode information for ETERNUS Disk storage systems registered with this product.



Sets the Eco-mode to ON.


Sets the Eco-mode to OFF.


Displays the Eco-mode status.


Options of "on" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

Options of "off" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.


Continues processing without asking for confirmation.

Options of "info" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.


Displays the Eco-mode status of the ETERNUS Disk storage system in the CSV format.
if this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.


NOTES storageadm port (Port Management Command)


storageadm port - Collects a list of port information


storageadm port info -ipaddr ipAddr [-tfo] [-csv]



This command displays the port information of the ETERNUS Disk storage systems registered with this software.



Displays a list of port information.


Options of "info" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.


Additionally output the following items regarding Storage Cluster:

  • Response address

  • TFO status


Displays the port information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.


NOTES storageadm iscsiport (iSCSI Port Management Command)


storageadm iscsiport - Operates iSCSI ports


storageadm iscsiport set -ipaddr ipAddr -port portID {[-portipaddr portIpAddr] [-netmask portNetmask] [-gateway gatewayIpAddr] [-isns iSNS_serverIpAddr] [-iscsi iscsiName] [-alias aliasName] [-affinity {on | off}] [-ipv4 {on | off}] [-ipv6localip localIpAddr] [-ipv6connip connectIpAddr] [-ipv6gateway v6gatewayIpAddr] [-ipv6 {on | off}]} [-s]
storageadm iscsiport info -ipaddr ipAddr [-port portID [-expand]] [-csv]
storageadm iscsiport ping -ipaddr ipAddr -port portID -target targetIpAddr [-count pingCount] [-csv]



This command displays the iSCSI port settings and information of the ETERNUS Disk storage systems registered with this software.

Specify the storage device IP address and the iSCSI port setting information in the command parameters in order to set the iSCSI port settings and to display the set iSCSI port information and the IP reachability status of the iSCSI network to which the storage device is connected.



Sets iSCSI port information.


Displays a list of iSCSI port information.
If -port is specified, detailed information concerning the specified iSCSI port is displayed.
If both -port option and -expand option are specified at the same time, the extended information for iSCSI port is displayed.


Issues a ping to check the IP reachability status of the iSCSI network to which the storage device is connected and displays the result.


Options of "set" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-port portID

Specify the port ID of the iSCSI port.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S2, the port ID is the CM number and the port number entered.
For the ETERNUS DX S5 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX900 S5), DX S4 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8900 S4), DX S3 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8000 S3 series), DX S2 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX60 S2), the ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays, or the ETERNUS DX200F, the port ID is the CM number, the CA number, and the port number entered.
For the ETERNUS DX900 S5, DX8900 S4, DX8000 S3 series, the port ID is the CE number (uppercase hexadecimal), the CM number, the CA number, and the port number entered.

-portipaddr portIpAddr

Specify the IP address of the iSCSI port.

-netmask portNetmask

Specify the subnet mask of the iSCSI port.

-gateway gatewayIpAddr

Specify the IP address of the gateway server for the iSCSI port.

Specify the following if delete the gateway server setting.

-gateway ""
-isns iSNS_serverIpAddr

Specify the IP address of the iSNS server for the iSCSI port.

Specify the following if delete the iSNS server settings.

-isns ""

If IPv4 configuration for the iSCSI port is invalid, IPv4 address cannot be specified.
If IPv6 configuration for the iSCSI port is invalid, IPv6 address cannot be specified.

-iscsi iscsiName

Specify the iSCSI name of the iSCSI port.

Specify the following if you want to set default iSCSI name.

-iscsi ""
-alias aliasName

Specify the alias of the iSCSI port.

-affinity {on | off}

Specify the security setting for the iSCSI port. If set to ON, specify as "-affinity on". If set to OFF, specify as "-affinity off".

-ipv4 {on | off}

Specify IPv4 setting for the iSCSI port. To enable IPv4 setting, specify "-ipv4 on" and to disable it, specify "-ipv4 off". If "-ipv4 off" is specified, IP address, subnet mask and gateway server settings are all deleted from the iSCSI port.

"-ipv4 off" cannot be specified together with the following options and their values:

  • -portipaddr

  • -netmask

  • -gateway

  • -ipv6 off

-ipv6localip localIpAddr

Set the IPv6 link local address of the iSCSI port.

-ipv6connip connectIpAddr

Specify the IPv6 connection IP address of the iSCSI port.

When deleting the IPv6 connection IP address setting, specify as below:

-ipv6connip ""
-ipv6gateway v6gatewayIpAddr

Specify the IPv6 gateway address of the iSCSI port.

When deleting the IPv6 gateway address setting, specify as below:

-ipv6gateway ""
-ipv6 {on | off}

Specify IPv6 settings of the iSCSI port. To enable IPv6 settings, specify "-ipv6 on" and to disable it, specify "-ipv6 off". If "-ipv6 off" is specified, IPv6 link local address, IPv6 connected IP address and IPv6 gateway address settings are all deleted from the iSCSI port.

"-ipv6 off" cannot be specified together with the following options and their values:

  • -ipv6localip

  • -ipv6connip

  • -ipv6gateway

  • -ipv4 off


Causes processing to continue without output of a confirmation message.

Options of "info" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-port portID

Displays detailed information concerning the iSCSI ports. If this option is omitted, a list of iSCSI ports is displayed.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S2, the port ID is the CM number and the port number entered.
For the ETERNUS DX S5 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX900 S5), DX S4 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8900 S4), DX S3 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8000 S3 series), DX S2 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX60 S2), the ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays, or the ETERNUS DX200F, the port ID is the CM number, the CA number, and the port number entered.
For the ETERNUS DX900 S5, DX8900 S4, DX8000 S3 series, the port ID is the CE number (uppercase hexadecimal), the CM number, the CA number, and the port number entered.


Displays the port information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.


Add the following to iSCSI port information to display:

  • IPv6 link local address

  • IPv6 connection IP address

  • IPv6 gateway

  • TFO status

Added information depends on the version of this software. If this software is upgraded, displayed information may be increased.
This option can be specified only when the -port option is specified.

Options of "ping" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-port portID

Specify the port ID of the iSCSI port.

For the ETERNUS DX60 S2, the port ID is the CM number and the port number entered.
For the ETERNUS DX S5 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX900 S5), DX S4 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8900 S4), DX S3 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX8000 S3 series), DX S2 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX60 S2), the ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays, or the ETERNUS DX200F, the port ID is the CM number, the CA number, and the port number entered.
For the ETERNUS DX900 S5, DX8900 S4, DX8000 S3 series, the port ID is the CE number (uppercase hexadecimal), the CM number, the CA number, and the port number entered.

-target targetIpAddr

Specify the IP address of the server that checks the IP reachability status.

-count pingCount

Specify a value between 1 and 10 for the number of pings issued to check the IP reachability status. A failure is displayed if an error response is returned at least once. A success is displayed if normal responses are returned for all pings.

If this option is omitted, the ping execution count is 1.


Displays the port information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.


NOTES storageadm progress (Progress Display Command)


storageadm progress - Displays progress information


storageadm progress volumeformat -ipaddr ipAddr { [-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber...]] | [-all] } [-csv]



This command displays progress information concerning the formatting of volumes on ETERNUS Disk storage systems registered with this software.

Specify the storage device IP address and the volume number in the command parameters in order to display volume formatting progress information.



Displays the formatting progress.


Options of "volumeformat" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the storage device IP address.

-volume volumeNumber[,volumeNumber,...]

Specify the numbers for the volumes to be output, using either decimal or hexadecimal notation.
If multiple volume numbers are specified, use commas (,) to separate volume numbers. For example, specify volumes 10 and 16 as either "-volume 10,16" in decimal notation or "-volume 0xa,0x10" in hexadecimal notation.

This displays formatting progress information (including format completion and formatting not yet being implemented) concerning the specified volume.

An error does not occur if the specified volume does not exist, but information is not displayed for that volume.

If this is omitted, progress information is displayed for all volumes for which formatting is in progress. However, if the -all option is specified, the progress information includes volumes not currently being formatted (formatting completed or not yet implemented).

This option cannot be specified at the same time as the -all option.


Includes information concerning volumes not currently being formatted (formatting completed or not yet implemented) in the display.
If this option is omitted, progress information is displayed only for volumes for which formatting is in progress.

This option cannot be specified at the same time as the -volume option.


This option displays the formatting progress information in the CSV format.
If this option is omitted, it is displayed in the table format.

The table below shows the contents displayed when different combinations of -volume and -all options are specified.

-volume Option

-all Option


Not Specified


(Cannot be specified.)

The display target is the specified volume, and volumes for which formatting is completed or not yet executed are included in the display.

Not specified

The display target is all volumes on the device, and volumes for which formatting is completed or not yet executed are included in the display.

The display target is all volumes on the device, but the display includes only the volumes for which formatting is in progress.


NOTES storageadm perfctl (Performance Monitoring Command)


storageadm perfctl - Performs monitoring operations


storageadm perfctl start -ipaddr ipAddr [-interval time]
storageadm perfctl stop -ipaddr ipAddr
storageadm perfctl status -ipaddr ipAddr



This command starts and stops performance monitoring for the NetApp FAS Series and displays the performance monitoring status.



Starts performance monitoring.


Stops performance monitoring.


Displays the performance monitoring status.


Options of "start" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

-interval time

Specify either 10, 30, 60, or 300 (seconds unit) as the performance monitoring interval.
If a value other than 10, 30, 60, or 300 is set, the actual interval is set according to the table below (an error occurs if it is set to a negative value or a value greater than or equal to 2,147,483,648):

Specified Value

Monitoring Interval (in secs)

time = 0


0 < time <= 10


10 < time <= 30


30 < time <= 60


60 < time


If this option is omitted, monitoring is performed at 30 second intervals.

Options of "stop" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.

Options of "status" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.


NOTES storageadm device (Device Management Command)


storageadm device - Operation of devices


storageadm device unlock -ipaddr ipAddr [-s]



This command unlocks the storage device.



Unlocks the storage device.


Options of "unlock" Operand
-ipaddr ipAddr

Specify the IP address of the storage device.


Continues the processing without a confirmation message being output.