ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

11.1.1 Maintenance of Manager Collecting Data for Troubleshooting

If any problem occurs in a system that uses this software, collect troubleshooting information according to "B.1 Collecting Troubleshooting Information". Backup of Manager

Back up (save) the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager if an error has occurred in the Management Server.

All of the tasks for backup of Manager are performed in the Management Server. Backup of Solaris OS/Linux Manager

Perform the procedure below to save the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.


Notation in Procedure:

  • "$BAK_DIR" signifies the backup destination directory.

  1. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service.

    Execute the following shell script to stop the service.

    # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/
  2. Create the backup data.

    1. Execute the following command to create the backup destination directory.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/Common
    2. Execute the following command to create the backup data. If you have not changed the port number, specify the default value 15432 to portNumber. If you have changed the port number, specify the changed port number to portNumber. The file name of the created backup data is fileName.

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/postgres/bin/pg_dump -U esfpostgres -C --attribute-inserts
       -p portNumber -f $BAK_DIR/Common/fileName esfdb

      The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings.

  3. Execute the following shell script to stop ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/


    When the shell script is executed, the message that ETERNUS SF Manager Web Service has been already stopped is displayed many times. Ignore because there is no problem.

  4. Back up files related to the performance management function.

    This step can be skipped if you are not using the performance management function. A backup is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.


    If a large amount of files related to the performance management function exists, calculate the backup time according to the amount of files.

    1. Execute the following commands to create the backup destination directories.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf
    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files to their backup destination directories.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf.conf $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -Rp /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf/* $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf/
      # cp -Rp /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf/* $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf/
  5. Back up files related to the capacity management function.

    Backup is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.


    If a large amount of files that are related to the capacity graph exists, calculate the backup time according to the amount of files.

    1. Execute the following commands to create the backup destination directories.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/thinprovisioning
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/flexibletier
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/nas
    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files to their backup destination directories.

      # cp -Rp /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/thinprovisioning/* $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/thinprovisioning/
      # cp -Rp /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/flexibletier/* $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/flexibletier/
      # cp -Rp /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/nas/* $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/nas/
  6. Back up the other files which can be customized.

    It is unnecessary to back up the files or the directories which do not exist.

    1. Execute the following commands to create the backup destination directories.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/eventmail
    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files to their backup destination directories.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/sanma.conf $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/ssmgr.conf $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/ $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -Rp /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/eventmail/* $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/eventmail/
  7. Back up the SNMP Trap XML definition files.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the SNMP Trap XML definition files.

    Below is an example for if the SNMP Trap XML definition file "1_3_6_1_1588_2_1_1_1.xml" has been customized. As shown in this example, back up each customized file one at a time.

    1. Execute the following command to create the backup destination directory.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth
    2. Execute the following command to copy the file to its backup destination directory.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth/1_3_6_1_1588_2_1_1_1.xml $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth/
  8. Back up the device polling setting files.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the device polling setting files.

    Below is an example for if the device polling setting file "DP_config.xml" has been customized. As shown in this example, back up each customized file one at a time.

    1. Execute the following command to create the backup destination directory.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling
    2. Execute the following command to copy the file to its backup destination directory.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling/DP_config.xml $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling/
  9. Back up the polling service setting file.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the polling service setting file. If you have customized the polling service setting file "pollingService.xml", back up this file using the step shown below.

    1. Execute the following command to create the backup destination directory.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling
    2. Execute the following command to copy the file to its backup destination directory.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling/pollingService.xml $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling/
  10. Back up files related to the definition of copy groups and copy pairs.

    This step is required only if you are using the Advanced Copy function.

    1. Execute the following commands to create the backup destination directories.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/db
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/db/cg
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/prop
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/var/micc/database
    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files to their backup destination directories.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVccm/db/eternus.xml $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/db
      # cp -p /var/opt/FJSVccm/micc/database/DeviceRegList.xml $BAK_DIR/CCM/var/micc/database
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVccm/prop/ $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/prop
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc/stxc.alias $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc/stxc_ext.alias $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc/stxcvolinf $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc
      # cp -Rp /etc/opt/FJSVccm/db/cg/* $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/db/cg
  11. Back up the license management database.

    1. Execute the following command to create the backup destination directory.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/LM
    2. Execute the following command. The backup data is created using the file name specified in fileName.

      # /opt/FJSVesflm/bin/esflm backup $BAK_DIR/LM/fileName
  12. Back up files related to the Reporting function. (for the Reporting function only)

    1. Execute the following commands to create the backup destination directories.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report
    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files to their backup destination directories.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report/* $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report/
      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler/* $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler/
      # cp -Rp /var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report/* $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report/
  13. Back up files related to the Automated Storage Tiering function.

    Backup is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.

    1. Execute the following commands to create the backup destination directories.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssast/data
      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssast/data
    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files to their backup destination directories.

      # cp -Rp /etc/opt/FJSVssast/data/* $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssast/data/
      # cp -Rp /var/opt/FJSVssast/data/* $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssast/data/
  14. Back up the Quality of Service Management Option environment. (for the Quality of Service Management Option only)

    1. Execute the following command to create the backup destination directory.

      # mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos
    2. Execute the following command to copy the subdirectories and files to its backup destination directory.

      # cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos/* $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos/
  15. Execute the following shell script to start the ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/ Backup of Solaris OS/Linux Manager (Cluster Environment)

In a cluster environment, perform the procedure below to save the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.

  1. Stop all cluster services which the Manager belongs to.

    Refer to "Cluster Transaction and Local Transaction" in the Cluster Environment Setup Guide for details about cluster transaction.

  2. Mount the shared disk on the primary node.

  3. Start the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Execute the following command to start the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service:

    • For Solaris or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 environments

      # /etc/init.d/startSFmanager start-postgres
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 environments

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/startSFmanager start-postgres
  4. Perform step 2 and step 4 to 14 of " Backup of Solaris OS/Linux Manager" on the primary node.

  5. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Execute the following command to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service:

    • For Solaris or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 environments

      # /etc/init.d/startSFmanager stop-postgres
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 environments

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/startSFmanager stop-postgres
  6. Unmount the shared disk mounted in step 2.

  7. Start all cluster transactions which the Manager belongs to. Backup of Windows Manager

Perform the procedure below to save the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.


Notation in Procedure:

  • $BAK_DIR means the backup destination directory.

  • $INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  • $ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  • $TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  1. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service.

    Open Service Control Manager and stop the following service.

    • ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service

  2. Create the backup data.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\Common

    2. Execute the following command to create the backup data. If you have not changed the port number, specify the default value 15432 to portNumber. If you have changed the port number, specify the changed port number to portNumber. The backup data is created with the name specified in fileName.

      > $INS_DIR\Common\sys\postgres\bin\pg_dump -U esfpostgres -C --attribute-inserts
       -p portNumber -f $BAK_DIR\Common\fileName esfdb

      The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings.

  3. Execute the following batch to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    > $INS_DIR\Common\bin\Stop_ESFservice.bat


    When the batch is executed, the message that ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service has been already stopped is displayed many times. Ignore because there is no problem.

  4. Back up files related to the performance management function.

    This step can be skipped if you are not using the performance management function. If there is no subdirectories or files, you do not need to back up.


    If a large amount of files related to the performance management function exists, calculate the backup time according to the amount of files.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directories.

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perfconf

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perf

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source file to its backup destination directory.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory



    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following backup source directories to their backup destination directories.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory





  5. Back up files related to the capacity management function.

    Backup is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.


    If a large amount of files that are related to the capacity graph exists, calculate the backup time according to the amount of files.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directories.

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\thinprovisioning

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\flexibletier

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\nas

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following backup source directories to their backup destination directories.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory







  6. Back up the other files which can be customized.

    It is unnecessary to back up the files or the directories which do not exist.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directories.

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\bin

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\eventmail

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source files to their backup destination directory.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory





    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following backup source directory to their backup destination directory.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory



  7. Back up the role group configuration file.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the role group configuration file or if the file does not exist.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\Common\etc\authentication

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the file in the following backup source directory to its backup destination directory.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory



  8. Back up the SNMP Trap XML definition files.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the SNMP Trap XML definition files.

    Below is an example for if the SNMP Trap XML definition file "1_3_6_1_1588_2_1_1_1.xml" is being customized. As in this example, back up each file one at a time.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\snmpth

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source file to its backup destination directory.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory



  9. Back up the device polling setting files.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the device polling setting files.

    Below is an example for if the device polling setting file "DP_config.xml" is being customized. As in this example, back up each file one at a time.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\devicepolling

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source file to its backup destination directory.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory



  10. Back up the polling service setting file.

    This step can be skipped if you have not customized the polling service setting file. If customizing the polling service setting file "pollingService.xml", back up it using the step shown below.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\polling

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source file to its backup destination directory.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory



  11. Back up the registry.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\ACM\etc

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source files to their backup destination directory.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory




  12. Back up files related to the definition of copy groups and copy pairs.

    This step is required only if you are using the Advanced Copy function.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directories.

      • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc

      • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc\db

      • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc\db\cg

      • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc\prop

      • $BAK_DIR\CCM\var\micc\database

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following backup source files to their backup destination directories.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory





    3. If the following backup source files exist, copy them to their backup destination directories using Explorer or a similar program.

      Backup Source File

      Backup Destination Directory







    4. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following backup source directory to their backup destination directory.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory



  13. Back up the license management database.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\LM

    2. Execute the following command. The backup data is created with the file name specified in fileName.

      > $INS_DIR\LM\bin\esflm backup $BAK_DIR\LM\fileName
  14. Back up files related to the Reporting function. (for the Reporting function only)

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directories.

      • $BAK_DIR\Common\etc\report

      • $BAK_DIR\Common\etc\scheduler

      • $BAK_DIR\Common\var\report

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following backup source directories to their backup destination directories.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory





    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following backup source directory to their backup destination directory.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory



  15. Back up files related to the Automated Storage Tiering function.

    Backup is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directories.

      • $BAK_DIR\AST\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssast\data

      • $BAK_DIR\AST\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssast\data

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following backup source directories to their backup destination directories.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory





  16. Back up the Quality of Service Management Option environment. (for the Quality of Service Management Option only)

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, create the following backup destination directory.

      • $BAK_DIR\Common\etc\qos

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following backup source directory to their backup destination directory.

      Backup Source Directory

      Backup Destination Directory



  17. Execute the following batch to start ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    > $INS_DIR\Common\bin\Start_ESFservice.bat Backup of Windows Manager (Cluster Environment)

In a cluster environment, perform the procedure below to save the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.

  1. Stop all cluster services which the Manager belongs to.

    Refer to "Cluster Transaction and Local Transaction" in the Cluster Environment Setup Guide for details about cluster transaction.

  2. Mount the shared disk on the primary node.

  3. Start the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Open Service Control Manager to start the following service:

    • ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres Service

  4. Perform the step 2 and steps from 4 to 16 of " Backup of Windows Manager" on the primary node.

    Directory description in " Backup of Windows Manager" are replaced to the following directories.

    • $BAK_DIR means the backup destination directory.

    • $INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

    • $ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

    • $TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" as specified during installation.

  5. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Open Service Control Manager to stop the following service:

    • ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres Service

  6. Unmount the shared disk mounted in the step 2.

  7. Start all cluster transactions which the Manager belongs to. Restoring Manager

Restore the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager if an error has occurred in the Management Server.

All of the tasks for restoring Manager are performed in the Management Server. Restoring Solaris OS/Linux Manager

Perform the procedure below to restore the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.

For restoration after reinstalling Manager, be sure to complete installation and setup before performing the procedure below. Refer to "Installation of ETERNUS SF Manager" and "Setup of ETERNUS SF Manager" in the Installation and Setup Guide for the procedure of installation and setup.


Notation in Procedure:

  • "$BAK_DIR" signifies the backup destination directory.

  1. Reconfigure Storage Cruiser's manager.

    Install the ETERNUS SF Manager and set it up as Storage Cruiser's manager.
    Refer to "Installation of ETERNUS SF Manager" and "Setup of ETERNUS SF Manager" in the Installation and Setup Guide for installation and setup.

  2. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service.

    Execute the following shell script to stop the service.

    # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/
  3. Restore the backup data.

    1. Execute the following command. If you have not changed the port number, specify the default value 15432 to portNumber. If you have changed the port number, specify the changed port number to portNumber.

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/postgres/bin/psql -U esfpostgres -p portNumber postgres

      The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings in order.

      drop database esfdb;
    2. Execute the following command to restore the backup data. If you have not changed the port number, specify the default value 15432 to portNumber. If you have changed the port number, specify the changed port number to portNumber. For fileName, input the file name which was specified when the backup data was created.

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/postgres/bin/psql -U esfpostgres -p portNumber
       -f $BAK_DIR/Common/fileName postgres

      The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings.

  4. Execute the following shell script to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/


    When the shell script is executed, the message that ETERNUS SF Manager Web Service has been already stopped is displayed many times. Ignore because there is no problem.

  5. Restore files related to the performance management function.

    This step can be skipped if you are not using the performance management function or if you are not backing up files related to the performance management function.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the restore destination directory "/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current".
      However, do not delete the restore destination directory itself.

      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf.conf
      # rm -rf /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf/*
      # rm -rf /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf/*

      If the restore destination directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup locations to their restore destination directories.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf.conf /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf/* /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf/* /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf/
  6. Restore files related to the capacity management function.

    This step can be skipped if you are not backing up files related to the capacity management function.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the restore destination directory "/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current".
      However, do not delete the restore destination directory itself.

      # rm -rf /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/thinprovisioning/*
      # rm -rf /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/flexibletier/*
      # rm -rf /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/nas/*

      If the restore destination directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup locations to their restore destination directories.

      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/thinprovisioning/* /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/thinprovisioning/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/flexibletier/* /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/flexibletier/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/nas/* /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/nas/
  7. Restore the other files which can be customized.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files or the directories which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the "/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/eventmail" directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)




      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup locations to their restore destination directories.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/sanma.conf /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/ssmgr.conf /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/ /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/eventmail/* /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/eventmail/
  8. Restore the SNMP Trap XML definition files.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the "/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth" directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following command to copy files in the backup location to their restore destination directory.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth/*.xml /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth/
  9. Restore the device polling setting files.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the "/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling" directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following command to copy files in the backup location to their restore destination directory.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling/*.xml /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling/
  10. Restore the polling service setting file.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the "/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling" directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following command to copy the file in the backup location to its restore destination directory.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling/*.xml /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling/
  11. Restore files related to the definition of copy groups and copy pairs.

    This step is required only if you are using the Advanced Copy function.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the restore destination directories "/etc/opt/FJSVccm/db/cg", "/etc/opt/FJSVccm/prop", and "/etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc".

      # rm -rf /etc/opt/FJSVccm/db/cg/*
      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVccm/prop/
      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc/stxc.alias
      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc/stxc_ext.alias
      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc/stxcvolinf

      If the restore destination directories do not exist, create them with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type

      Restore Destination Directory



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS


      root (superuser)



      Other than above

      root (superuser)





      root (superuser)



      Other than above

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup locations to their restore destination directories.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/db/eternus.xml /etc/opt/FJSVccm/db
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/var/micc/database/DeviceRegList.xml /var/opt/FJSVccm/micc/database
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/prop/ /etc/opt/FJSVccm/prop
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/stxc.alias /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/stxc_ext.alias /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/stxcvolinf /etc/opt/FJSVccm/accc/etc
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/CCM/etc/db/cg/* /etc/opt/FJSVccm/db/cg
  12. Restore the license management database.

    Execute the following command. For fileName, input the file name which was specified when the backup data was created.

    # /opt/FJSVesflm/bin/esflm restore $BAK_DIR/LM/fileName
  13. Restore files related to the Reporting function. (for the Reporting function only)

    This step can be skipped if you are not backing up files related to the Reporting function.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the restore destination directories "/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report", "/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler", and "/var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report".
      However, do not delete the restore destination directories themselves.

      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report/*
      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler/*
      # rm -rf /var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report/*

      If the restore destination directories do not exist, create them with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup locations to their restore destination directories.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report/* /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/report/
      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler/* /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/scheduler/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report/* /var/opt/FJSVesfcm/report/
  14. Restore files related to the Automated Storage Tiering function.

    Restore is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the restore destination directories "/etc/opt/FJSVssast/data" and "/var/opt/FJSVssast/data".
      However, do not delete the restore destination directories themselves.

      # rm -rf /etc/opt/FJSVssast/data/*
      # rm -rf /var/opt/FJSVssast/data/*

      If the restore destination directories do not exist, create them with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)




      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following commands to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup locations to their restore destination directories.

      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssast/data/* /etc/opt/FJSVssast/data/
      # cp -Rp $BAK_DIR/var/opt/FJSVssast/data/* /var/opt/FJSVssast/data/
  15. Restore the Quality of Service Management Option environment. (for the Quality of Service Management Option only)

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the restore destination directory "/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos".
      However, do not delete the restore destination directory itself.

      # rm -f /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos/*

      If the restore destination directory does not exist, create it with the following owner, group, and access privilege.

      OS Type



      Access Privilege

      Solaris OS

      root (superuser)



    2. Execute the following command to copy the subdirectories and files in the backup location to their restore destination directory.

      # cp -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos/* /etc/opt/FJSVesfcm/conf/qos/
  16. Execute the following shell script to start ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/ Restoring Solaris OS/Linux Manager (Cluster Environment)

In a cluster environment, perform the procedure below to restore the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.

For restoration after reinstalling Manager, be sure to complete installation and customization before performing the procedure below. Refer to the Cluster Environment Setup Guide for the procedure of installation and customization.

  1. Stop all cluster transaction which the Manager belongs to.

    Refer to "Cluster Transaction and Local Transaction" in the Cluster Environment Setup Guide for details about cluster transaction.

  2. Mount the shared disk on the primary node.

  3. Start the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Execute the following command to start the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service:

    • For Solaris or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 environments

      # /etc/init.d/startSFmanager start-postgres
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 environments

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/startSFmanager start-postgres
  4. Perform steps 3 and step 5 to 15 of " Restoring Solaris OS/Linux Manager" on the primary node.

  5. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Execute the following command to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service:

    • For Solaris or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 environments

      # /etc/init.d/startSFmanager stop-postgres
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 environments

      # /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/startSFmanager stop-postgres
  6. Unmount the shared disk mounted in step 2.

  7. Start all cluster transactions which the Manager belongs to. Restoring Windows Manager

Perform the procedure below to restore the environment for Storage Cruiser's manager.

For restoration after reinstalling Manager, be sure to complete installation and setup before performing the procedure below. Refer to "Installation of ETERNUS SF Manager" and "Setup of ETERNUS SF Manager" in the Installation and Setup Guide for the procedure of installation and setup.


Notation in Procedure:

  • $BAK_DIR means the backup destination directory.

  • $INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  • $ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  • $TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  1. Reconfigure Storage Cruiser's manager.

    Install ETERNUS SF Manager and set it up as Storage Cruiser's manager.
    Refer to "Installation of ETERNUS SF Manager" and "Setup of ETERNUS SF Manager" in the Installation and Setup Guide for installation and setup procedures.

  2. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service.

    Open the Service Control Manager and stop the following service.

    • ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service

  3. Stop the ETERNUS VASA Provider if it is being used.

    Open the Service Control Manager and stop the following service.

    • ETERNUS Information Provider

  4. Restore the backup data.

    1. Execute the following command. If you have not changed the port number, specify the default value 15432 to portNumber. If you have changed the port number, specify the changed port number to portNumber.

      > $INS_DIR\Common\sys\postgres\bin\psql -U esfpostgres -p portNumber postgres

      The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings in order.

      drop database esfdb;
    2. Execute the following command to restore the backup data. If you have not changed the port number, specify the default value 15432 to portNumber. If you have changed the port number, specify the changed port number to portNumber. For fileName, input the file name which was specified when the backup data was created.

      > $INS_DIR\Common\sys\postgres\bin\psql -U esfpostgres -p portNumber
       -f $BAK_DIR\Common\fileName postgres

      The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings.

  5. Execute the following batch to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    > $INS_DIR\Common\bin\Stop_ESFservice.bat


    When the batch is executed, the message that ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service has been already stopped is displayed many times. Ignore because there is no problem.

  6. Restore files related to the performance management function.

    This step can be skipped if you are not using the performance management function or if you are not backing up files related to the performance management function.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, delete the subdirectories and files under the following restore destination directories.
      However, do not delete the restore destination directories themselves.

      • $TMP_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perfconf

      • $TMP_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perf

      If the restore destination directories do not exist, create them.

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source file to its restore destination directory.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory



    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following restore source directories to their restore destination directories.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory





  7. Restore files related to the capacity management function.

    This step can be skipped if you are not backing up files related to the capacity management function.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, delete the subdirectories and files under the following restore destination directories.
      However, do not delete the restore destination directories themselves.

      • $TMP_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\thinprovisioning

      • $TMP_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\flexibletier

      • $TMP_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\nas

      If the restore destination directories do not exist, create them.

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following restore source directories to their restore destination directories.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory







  8. Restore the other files which can be customized.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files or the directories which have not been backed up.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source files to their restore destination directory.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory





    2. Check whether the $ENV_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\eventmail directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it.

    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following restore source directory to their restore destination directory.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory



  9. Restore the role group configuration file.

    If the role group configuration file is not backed up, this step is unnecessary.

    1. Check whether the following restore destination directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it.

      • $ENV_DIR\Common\etc\authentication

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the file in the following restore source directory to its restore destination directory.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory



  10. Restore the SNMP Trap XML definition files.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the $ENV_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\snmpth directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it.

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source files to their restore destination directory.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory



  11. Restore the device polling setting files.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the $ENV_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\devicepolling directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it.

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source file to its restore destination directory.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory



  12. Restore the polling service setting file.

    It is unnecessary to restore the files which have not been backed up.

    1. Check whether the $ENV_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\polling directory exist.
      If the directory does not exist, create it.

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source file to its restore destination directory.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory



  13. Restore the registry.

    Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source files to their restore destination directory.

    Restore Source File

    Restore Destination Directory




  14. Restore files related to the definition of copy groups and copy pairs.

    This step is required only if you are using the Advanced Copy function.

    1. Using Explorer or a similar program, delete files under the following restore destination directory.

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\db\cg

      Delete the following files if they exist.

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\prop\

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\stxc.alias

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\stxc_ext.alias

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\stxcvolinf

    2. Check whether the following restore destination directories exist.
      If the directories do not exist, create them.

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\db

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\db\cg

      • $ENV_DIR\CCM\etc\prop

      • $TMP_DIR\CCM\var\micc\database

    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following restore source files to their restore destination directories.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory





    4. If the following restore source files exist, copy them to their restore destination directories using Explorer or a similar program.

      Restore Source File

      Restore Destination Directory







    5. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following restore source directory to their restore destination directory.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory



  15. Restore the license management database.

    Execute the following command. For fileName, input the file name which was specified when the backup data was created.

    > $INS_DIR\LM\bin\esflm restore $BAK_DIR\LM\fileName
  16. Restore files related to the Reporting function. (for the Reporting function only)

    This step can be skipped if you are not backing up files related to the Reporting function.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the following restore destination directory.
      However, do not delete the restore destination directory itself.

      • $TMP_DIR\Common\var\report

      If the restore destination directory does not exist, create it.

    2. Check whether the following restore destination directories exist.
      If the directories do not exist, create them.

      • $ENV_DIR\Common\etc\report

      • $ENV_DIR\Common\etc\scheduler

    3. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following restore source directories to their restore destination directories.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory





    4. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following restore source directory to their restore destination directory.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory



  17. Restore files related to the Automated Storage Tiering function.

    Restore is not required if there are no subdirectories or files.

    1. Delete the subdirectories and files under the following restore destination directories.
      However, do not delete the restore destination directories themselves.

      • $ENV_DIR\AST\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssast\data

      • $TMP_DIR\AST\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssast\data

      If the restore destination directories do not exist, create them.

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the subdirectories and files under the following restore source directories to their restore destination directories.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory





  18. Restore the Quality of Service Management Option environment. (for the Quality of Service Management Option only)

    1. Check whether the following restore destination directory exists.
      If the directory does not exist, create it.

      • $ENV_DIR\Common\etc\qos

    2. Using Explorer or a similar program, copy files under the following restore source directory to their restore destination directory.

      Restore Source Directory

      Restore Destination Directory



  19. Execute the following batch to start ETERNUS SF Manager services.

    > $INS_DIR\Common\bin\Start_ESFservice.bat
  20. Start the ETERNUS VASA Provider if it is used.

    Open the Service Control Manager and start the following service.

    • ETERNUS Information Provider

  21. Restore the VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes environment.

    This step is required only if you use the VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes function.

    1. Reloading the configuration of ETERNUS Disk Storage system
      Perform the Reload Conf. operation for all of the ETERNUS Disk storage systems using the VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes function from Web Console.

    2. Retrieving the ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration Information
      Execute the following command to retrieve the configuration information related to the VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes function from the ETERNUS Disk storage system.

      > $INS_DIR\Common\bin\esfadm esfdata restore -all

      This command may take some time to complete. Restoring Windows Manager (Cluster Environment)

In a cluster environment, perform the procedure below to restore the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.

For restoration after reinstalling Manager, be sure to complete installation and customization before performing the procedure below. Refer to the Cluster Environment Setup Guide for the procedure of installation and customization.

  1. Stop all cluster transactions which the Manager belongs to.

    Refer to "Cluster Transaction and Local Transaction" in the Cluster Environment Setup Guide for details about cluster transaction.

  2. Mount the shared disk on the primary node.

  3. Start the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Open Service Control Manager to start the following service:

    • ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres Service

  4. Perform the step 4 and steps from 6 to 18 of " Restoring Windows Manager" on the primary node.

    Directory description in " Restoring Windows Manager" are replaced to the following directories.

    • $BAK_DIR means the backup destination directory.

    • $INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

    • $ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

    • $TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  5. Stop the ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres service.

    Open Service Control Manager to stop the following service:

    • ETERNUS SF Manager Postgres Service

  6. Unmount the shared disk mounted in step 2.

  7. Start all cluster transactions which the Manager belongs to.

  8. Perform the step 21 of " Restoring Windows Manager".
    Execute the esfadm esfdata command on the primary node.