ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

8.3.1 Design Define Charging Method

For assistance in defining a charging method, the following example cases are provided. Based on the following requirements, do various settings of the Reporting function and create an accounting application: Concept of Volume Allocation Period

Concept of Volume Allocation Period

Since the Reporting function calculates a volume allocation period from periodically collected information, the actual volume allocation period allocated by the center user is different from that recognized by the Reporting function. Basically, an allocation period for one volume is a period from when volume is connected to server to when volume is disconnected from server. However, if the configuration information for a volume connected to server has been changed, the volume is handled as a new volume. In this case, two volumes are output ("Volume configuration information is changed" indicates that any element other than the Header information written in "Table 8.2 Attributes Maintained by Elements" has been changed). The output on a per volume configuration basis makes it possible to charge fees in accordance with the volume configuration.

The start/end date and time of using a volume allocation period recognized by the Reporting function is defined as follows:

The following is an example of running the report information collection command per day:

The volume allocation period recognized by the Reporting function is as follows:

Since in this example a collection interval is set to one day, a maximum of 23 hours and 59 minutes of error is caused. The relation between information collection interval and error is as shown in "Table 8.1 Influence Rate by Information Collection Interval and Collected Information Amount".

Table 8.1 Influence Rate by Information Collection Interval and Collected Information Amount

Information Collection Interval

Accumulated Information Amount

Time Lag Reflected in Report Information







Concept of Volume Allocation within Report Output Period

Report information is output in the report file based on the volume allocation period recognized by the Reporting function within a report output period. The point where the report output period specified by the user when creating a report overlaps the volume allocation period recognized by the Reporting function is a volume allocation period output into the report file.

The volume allocation period recognized by the Reporting function is 4/8 to 4/22. In the following report output period, a volume allocation period output in the report file is as follows:


Report Output Period

Volume Allocation Period Output in Report File





Report output period is out of volume allocation period.








- Define Report Information Retention Period

The report creation command removes the old information exceeding the period preset by the policy from the information stack file.

First, define how long to retain report information. A report information retention period is defined based on the following factors:

The defined retention period is enabled by being set in the policy file.


Refer to " Setup Policy" for information on how to set a retention period.


The report information is deleted based on the retention period set in the policy file when the report creation command is run. For this reason, if the report creation command is not run even though the report information in the information stack file exceeds the retention period, the report information is not deleted.