ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

7.2.2 Instruction for Performance Management

When performing performance management, configure and start the performance management by using Web Console.

In ETERNUS Disk storage systems, enter the minimum and maximum values for the performance information securement target Logical Volume (LUN_V). Setting LogicalVolume can reduce the effect of obtaining performance information on disk areas where performance data is saved and reduce the load. Setting LogicalVolume prevents allocation of more space than necessary for Logical Volume. Consequently, the recommended entry for Logical Volume is the minimum value for obtaining performance data.

Operation by the specification of the scope of monitoring volumes is as follows:


  • Since performance information is obtained internally in units of 64 for Logical Volume, performance information in the neighboring area of the Logical Volume setting is also obtained. For example, if a range of 70 to 80 is set for Logical Volume (LUN_V) on the screen, the information of Logical Volume between 64 and 127 is obtained internally. After instructing it to start the performance management, the monitoring range which is displayed on Web Console is not the value specified at the start time but the value converted to units of 64 for Logical Volume.

  • When threshold monitoring is used, additional information can be displayed in the event messages. Refer to "A.4 perf.conf Parameter" for the setting method.


The maximum transfer rate for the Fibre Channel switch VE port is set as 1 Gbps by default.
If the FCIP trunking function or FCIP data compression function is enabled and a transfer rate of 1 Gbps or more occurs for the VE port, then change the VE port transfer rate.
Refer to "A.9 Explanation of Configuration Settings File" for details on how to set this value.