ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

A.9 Explanation of Configuration Settings File

The configuration file of devices targeted by the performance management function can be configured by editing the configuration settings file.

The following devices can be customized:

Reflecting File

If the file has been changed, then either start performance monitoring of targeted devices, or reactivate the Manager.
This reflects the contents of the file to this product.



To restore the contents, the configuration file must be updated. Refer to "7.2.9 Updating Configuration Information" for details.

File Path and Name

A separate configuration settings file must be created for each device for which you want to change the configuration file.

Manager OS

Absolute Path Name


$ENV_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perfconf\IP address.xml
where $ENV_DIR is the "environment directory" specified during Manager installation.

Solaris OS

/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perfconf/IP address.xml

Specify the following for file name:

IP Address Set to Device

File Name

IPv4 address

"." in the IP address set to device is replaced with "_".

IPv6 address

":" in the IP address displayed in FC switch list is replaced with "_".

Refer to "Display FC Switch" in the Web Console Guide for the procedure to display FC switch list.


If IPv4 Address Is


If IPv6 Address Displayed in FC Switch List Is 2001:0:0:1::1:


Specify the port number in the X part of the property name (port-baud-rate-X).

Specify a port transfer rate value between 0 and 25 (Unit: Gbps).


  • Performance monitoring and threshold value monitoring cannot be used if 0 is set as the transfer rate of the port.

  • The graph display function cannot be used if 0 is set as the transfer rate of the port.

  • When the performance values are displayed as a graph, 0 is displayed as the performance value for intervals in which 0 is set as the transfer rate.

  • If the specified transfer rate is invalid range, then the following values are displayed:

    Transfer Rate


    Less than 0

    0 Gbps is set.

    Greater than 25

    25 Gbps is set.


Setting 8 Gbps as Transfer Rate for Ports 1 and 2:



The maximum transfer rate for the VE port of the Fibre Channel switch is set to the default of 1 Gbps.

If the FCIP trunking function or the FCIP data compression function are enabled and a transfer quantity of 1 Gbps or more occurs for the VE port, then you must change the VE port transfer rate.

Use the formula below to calculate the transfer rate:

Transfer rate = Compression ratio set for the VE port * Total bandwidth set for the VE port


Method for Calculating Transfer Rate of VE Ports:

For the environment below:

  • Compression ratio (4:1)

  • Four FCIP circuits each with a bandwidth of 0.5 Gbps set for the VE port

    Transfer rate = Compression ratio (4:1) * Total bandwidth (0.5 Gbps * 4 circuits)
               = 4 * (0.5 * 4)
               = 8(Gbps)