ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

6.4.2 Capacity Management

This function displays the Thin Provisioning Pool Capacity and its changes in the capacity used graphically to grasp the changes in the capacity used for the Thin Provisioning Pool. This enables users to grasp the period to expand the size of the physical disk for the Thin Provisioning Pool, or to review the threshold setting according to the situation.

The following information can also be displayed in a graph using the Dashboard. Refer to "Operations for Capacity" in the Web Console Guide for details.


Information of the capacity and used capacity for Thin Provisioning Pool, TPV, and NAS file system that are shown in the graph are collected everyday at 1:00:00.
You can change the time to obtain the information by using a polling service setting file. Refer to "A.8 Polling Service Setting File" for details. Graph Type in Capacity Management

It is possible to display the following graph.