ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

5.2.4 Deletion

This function cancels the registration of a device being managed by this software, thereby deleting that device from the range of management. It is used in such cases as when a device has been removed.


Individual VM guests for VMware vSphere can be deleted from the management target for this product by first deleting the VM guest using VMware management software and then deleting the VM guest using this procedure. If the VM guest is still on the VM host, it is registered again automatically.


  • You cannot delete a server which has volume definition(s) of Backup management of AdvancedCopy Manager or Replication Group definition(s) of Replication management of AdvancedCopy Manager. You should delete the volume definition(s) of Backup management of AdvancedCopy Manager or Replication Group definition(s) of Replication management of AdvancedCopy Manager before the server deletion.

  • To delete a VM host in VMware vSphere from this product, delete all VM guests on the VM host to be deleted in advance.

  • In this product, even if an SNMP Trap destination address is not automatically set, when deleting a target device, if the IP address of the Management Server is set to the SNMP Trap destination address of the device, its setting is deleted.

Execute the deletion of the device from Web Console. The disk storage system's copy sessions are not deleted.
When the device is removed from this product, the event notification settings for SNMP Traps that were changed when the device was registered return to the settings prior to the registration of the device. Refer to [Point] in "2.5 Monitoring Device Component Status" for details.

If the deleted device has been detected again by this software's automatic device detection it is re-displayed.

It is also possible to delete only the access path existing between the Managed Server and the device that is the target for deletion.


About Selection of Remove Access Path When Deleting Devices

  • When Remove Access Path is selected.
    The access path set to the device to be deleted is deleted.
    As the zoning information is deleted from the switch on the access path route, perform the Reload Conf. operation for the switch on the access path route after deleting the device. The zoning information set for the switch is changed.

    The following access paths are not deleted even if Remove Access Path is specified when deleting the device:
    When those access paths need to be deleted, delete them before deleting the device.

    • Access path of an iSCSI port

    • VVOL access path of an iSCSI port

    • Access path of a SAS port

    • VVOL access path that the virtual machine is operating

  • When Remove Access Path is not selected.
    The access path set to the device to be deleted is not deleted.
    If you want to continue to operate the device to be deleted as a non-managed device for this product, or if it is necessary to leave the access path settings, do not select Remove Access Path.