ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

13.2 Display Scheduler Task

The procedure to display the scheduler task list/details is as follows:
To display the list, perform step 1 only.
To display the specific scheduler task details, perform all steps.

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Scheduler.
    The list of current registered scheduler tasks and their status are displayed on the Main pane. The displayed items are as follows.

    Item Name


    Task name

    This is the name of the scheduler task.


    This is the status of the scheduler task. One of the following statuses is displayed:

    • Waiting: Waiting for the next execution

    • Executing: Being executed

    • Disable: Is not an execution object of the scheduler


    This is the type of the scheduler task. One of the following types is displayed:

    • ACM Script: Executes a backup script that was generated with either Backup Wizard for Exchange Server or Backup Wizard for SQL Server.

    • VM Backup: Executes a virtual machine backup.

    • VM File Restore Finish: Deletes temporary volumes that were generated during execution of a Single item restore.

    Host name

    This is the name of the host that executes the scheduler task.

    IP Address

    This is the IP address of the host that executes the scheduler task.

    Execution period

    This is the execution period of the scheduler task. One of the following periods is displayed:

    • Once: The scheduler task is executed only once at the specified time.

    • Hourly: The scheduler task is executed in intervals of the specified time.

    • Daily: The scheduler task is executed at the specified time of every day.

    • Weekly: The scheduler task is executed on the specified day of the week.

    • Monthly: The scheduler task is executed on the specified day of every month.

    Next start time

    This is the scheduler task execution date for the next time. This is displayed in the yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss format.

    If a scheduler task has never been executed, the first execution day is displayed. If the scheduler task was executed, the next execution day is displayed. If the starting point day of the execution start day and the first execution day are the same, the date same as the execution start day is displayed.

    Last start time

    This is the scheduler task execution date for the previous time. This is displayed in the yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss format.
    A hyphen (-) is displayed when the scheduler task has never been executed.

    Last result

    This is the result of the previous scheduler task execution. One of the following results is displayed:

    • Success: Completed successfully

    • Failed: Failed to execute

    • Warning: Warning (timeout)

    • -: Not executed

  2. On the Main pane, click the target scheduler task.
    The detail of the selected scheduler task is displayed on the Main pane.

    Item Name


    Task name

    This is the name of the scheduler task.


    This is the type of the scheduler task. One of the following types is displayed:

    • ACM Script: Executes a backup script that was generated with either Backup Wizard for Exchange Server or Backup Wizard for SQL Server.

    • VM Backup: Executes a virtual machine backup.

    • VM File Restore Finish: Deletes temporary volumes that were generated during execution of a Single item restore.

    Host name

    This is the name and IP address of the host that executes the scheduler task.
    A hyphen (-) is displayed when the host has been deleted.
    If no IP address is set to the host, it is displayed in the form of "hostName(-)".

    Domain name

    This is the domain name of the host that executes the scheduler task.

    A hyphen (-) is displayed in the following cases:

    • When input has been omitted in the creation of a scheduler task.

    • When the scheduler task type is "VM Backup" or "VM File Restore Finish".

    User name

    This is the user name for the scheduler task execution.
    A hyphen (-) is displayed when the scheduler task type is "VM Backup" or "VM File Restore Finish".

    Script path

    This is the path name for where the script of the scheduler task is stored.
    A hyphen (-) is displayed when the scheduler task type is "VM Backup" or "VM File Restore Finish".

    Script name(Execution order)

    The script names of the scheduler tasks are displayed in the order in which they are executed. Only the file name is displayed.
    A hyphen (-) is displayed when the scheduler task type is "VM Backup" or "VM File Restore Finish".

    Execution period

    This is the execution period of the scheduler task. One of the following periods is displayed:

    • Once: The scheduler task is executed only once at the specified time.

    • Hourly (hour): The scheduler task is executed in intervals of the specified time.

    • Daily: The scheduler task is executed at the specified time of every day.

    • Weekly (dayOfWeek): The scheduler task is executed on the specified day of the week.

    • Monthly (date): The scheduler task is executed on the specified day of every month.

    Execution start date

    The execution starting date configured with the scheduler task is displayed.
    The scheduler is effective from the date that is displayed in this field.

    If "Weekly" or "Monthly" is selected in Execution period, it is a starting point date.

    Execution start time

    The execution starting time configured with the scheduler task is displayed. This is displayed in the hh:mm format.


    When the scheduler task type is "VM File Restore Finish", the information (VMDK file name) for the deletion target volume is displayed.
    A hyphen (-) is displayed when the scheduler task type is "ACM Script" or "VM Backup".