The procedure to create a Tiering policy is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.
On the Category pane, click Automated Storage Tiering.
The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning Automated Storage Tiering.
On the Category pane, click Tiering Policies.
The registered Tiering policies are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Action pane, click Create under Tiering Policies.
The information input screen is displayed.
Enter the necessary information, and then click Create.
When operating with 2 layers, it is necessary to either specify both the 2 fields of Data Range of Low and Data Range of High, or omit the specification for both of these.
When operating with 3 layers, it is necessary to either specify all 3 fields of Data Range of Low, Data Range of Middle, and Data Range of High, or omit the specification for all of these.
Tiering policies can be created by specifying only Policy Name. In such case, the following values are configured for the other items:
Execution Mode: Auto
Evaluation Period: 1day
Evaluation Standard: Peak
Automated Storage Tiering Execution Time: 00:00
Automated Storage Tiering Time Limit: No Limit
Days of the Week subject to Evaluation: Su/Mo/Tu/We/Th/Fr/Sa (All days)
Time of the Day subject to Evaluation: 24Hours
Configure Evaluation Excluded Day: Enable
Data Type: IOPS
Data Range of Layer: The Automatic Configuration checkbox is checked on. (It is set automatically)
Data Range of Low: (Not set)
Data Range of Middle: (Not set)
Data Range of High: (Not set)