ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.14.1 Enable/Disable Automated Storage Tiering

The procedure to enable/disable Automated Storage Tiering of the storage device is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
    The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  3. On the Category pane, click Automated Storage Tiering.
    The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning Automated Storage Tiering.

  4. On the Category pane, click Setting.
    The current status of Automated Storage Tiering is displayed on the Main pane.

  5. Perform the following procedures according to the operation purpose.

    For Enabling Feature

    On the Action pane, click On under Setting.

    For Disabling Feature

    On the Action pane, click Off under Setting.


  • The On can be clicked only when the Automated Storage Tiering Status displayed in the Main pane in step 4 is "Off".
    The Off can be clicked only when the Automated Storage Tiering Status is "On".

  • When enabling Automated Storage Tiering, working volumes automatically created by the storage device are required. A working volume is a save volume used when the relocation is performed, it is also required to operate one layer Tier pool. The working volumes are not displayed in the Web Console screen. When the storage device cannot create the required working volumes, Automated Storage Tiering cannot be enabled. The number of working volumes required for each storage device model is as follows:

    • ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5: 32

    • ETERNUS DX500 S5/DX600 S5/DX900 S5: 64

    • ETERNUS DX100 S4/DX200 S4: 32

    • ETERNUS DX500 S4/DX600 S4, DX8900 S4: 64

    • ETERNUS DX100 S3/DX200 S3: 32

    • ETERNUS DX500 S3/DX600 S3, DX8700 S3/DX8900 S3: 64

    • ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2: 32

    • ETERNUS DX400 S2 series, DX8000 S2 series: 64

    • ETERNUS AF150 S3/AF250 S3: 32

    • ETERNUS AF650 S3: 64

    • ETERNUS AF250 S2: 32

    • ETERNUS AF650 S2: 64

    • ETERNUS AF250: 32

    • ETERNUS AF650: 64

    • ETERNUS DX200F: 32

  • To disable Automated Storage Tiering, it is necessary to delete all Flexible Tier Pools (FTRPs).