ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.10.19 Create SQL Server Backup Script and Script Execution Environment Setting Using Wizard

The procedure to create an SQL Server backup script using a wizard is as follows:

  1. Immediately after login, on the Action pane of the Overview screen on the Main tab, click for SQL Server under Backup Wizard.
    A list of servers is displayed by selecting Server on the global navigation tab, click for SQL Server under Backup Wizard on the Action pane.

  2. The Welcome to the Easy Backup Setting Wizard for SQL Server page is displayed. Check the message displayed in the Information area, and then click Next.

  3. The Select of backup-configuration page is displayed. Select a backup configuration, and then click Next.


    Only "D2D(Disk to Disk)" can be selected.

  4. The Select of Database Server page is displayed. Select a database server for the backup source, and then click Next.


    The servers that meet all the following conditions are displayed on the page:

    • It is registered on the ETERNUS SF system as a Managed Server of AdvancedCopy Manager.

    • The version 16.1 or later AdvancedCopy Manager's agent is installed.

    • The server operating system is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or later.

  5. The Input of Authentication page is displayed. Enter the following authentication information for the instance of backup target, and then click Next.

    Item Name



    NetBIOS Domain Name


    Specify a NetBIOS domain name of the database server.
    Check the following domainName about the NetBIOS domain name.

    • domainName of "domainName\userName" displayed by clicking Object Explorer > connectServerName > Security > Logins on the SQL Server Management Studio

    The maximum length of the input character is 15.

    When this specification has been omitted, the local domain is selected.

    User Name


    Specify a user name of the database server.
    The maximum length of the input character is 20.

    It is necessary to specify a name of the user with all the following authorities:

    • Windows role

      • For using the domain authentication
        Administrators, Domain Admins, Domain Users, Enterprise Admins, Group Policy Creator Owners, Schema Admins

      • For using the local accounts authentication

    • SQL Server role

      • sa (SystemAdmin privilege)



    Specify a password for the user name of the database server.
    The maximum length of the input character is 127.

  6. The Select of Instance page is displayed. Select an instance of the backup target that exists on the database server, and then click Next.


    • The instances that meet all the following conditions are displayed on the page:

      • An instance of SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, or SQL Server 2016 that is installed on the database server selected in step 4

      • An instance that has successfully been connected using the authentication information entered in step 5

      • An instance whose service is running

    • The instance displayed on the page depends on whether the database server selected in step 4 is a physical server or a logical server.

      • When a physical server has been selected
        Only the instances of non-clustered configurations are displayed.
        When the physical node of a clustered configuration has been selected, only the instance of that physical node is displayed.

      • When a logical server has been selected
        Instances of clustered configurations are displayed.

  7. The Select of Database page is displayed. Select the database to be backed up, and then click Next.


    The user databases that exist in the instance selected in step 6 are displayed on the page.

  8. The Select of Backup Server page is displayed. Select a backup server for the backup destination, and then click Next.


    The servers that meet all the following conditions are displayed on the page:

    • It is registered on the ETERNUS SF system as a Managed Server of AdvancedCopy Manager.

    • The version 16.1 or later AdvancedCopy Manager's agent is installed.

    • The server operating system is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or later.

  9. The Backup source / destination volume mapping page is displayed. Enter the following item.

    Item Name


    Replication Group Name

    Specify a name of the replication group to be created.
    The maximum length of the input character is 64.
    Any alphanumeric character, a hyphen (-), an underscore (_), a pound symbol (#), and a period (.) may be specified. The letters to be specified are case sensitive.

    As a default, "ApplinkForSQLGroup_date" is displayed. The date (yyyymmddhhmmss format) is a date when this page has been displayed.

    In addition, select the backup destination volume of the database selected in step 7 and then click Next. When the backup server is a clustered configuration, select a shared volume as the backup destination volume.


    The replication group name input here is applied to the name of the script file that is generated in this task. If a script file of the same name (upper and lower case letters not distinguished) already exists, this results in an error.

  10. The Input of Log Backup page is displayed. Enter the following item, and then click Next.

    Item Name


    Log Backup Path

    Specify a backup destination for the transaction log.
    The maximum length of the input character is 260.

    As a default, the path of the log backup which is configured with SQL Server is displayed.


    When operating backup of multiple generations, the same directory path must be specified in Log Backup Path for all generations.

  11. The Checking the backup information page is displayed. Check the set contents, and then click Execute.

  12. The Creating the backup script page is displayed. Check that the following message is displayed in the Information area, and then click Close.
    The displayed screen is turned to the Main screen or the Server Overview screen (in which the wizard was started).

    The script for SQL Server backup has been created.
    To backup databases automatically, register the script in a scheduler.


When the wizard completes, the script file to execute backup is stored in the backup source database server under the file name shown below. Copy this script file to the folder in use and execute backup manually or alternatively register the script in the scheduler.


workDir : In a non-clustered environment, this indicates the program directory specified at the AdvancedCopy Manager's agent installation. In a clustered environment, this indicates <Drive of shared disk for shared data of AdvancedCopy Manager>:\var\opt\swstorage directory.
groupName : The name of the replication group specified in step 9.

In addition, along with the execute backup script file, the script file to delete the registered volume configuration set up by the Backup Wizard is stored in the database server under the file name shown below. Copy this script file to the folder in use, and if a volume or database configuration is changed, manually delete the registered volume configuration.


workDir : In a non-clustered environment, this indicates the program directory specified at the AdvancedCopy Manager's agent installation. In a clustered environment, this indicates <Drive of shared disk for shared data of AdvancedCopy Manager>:\var\opt\swstorage directory.
groupName : The name of the replication group specified in step 9.


  • When a backup script is being created (after clicking Execute), other process may be kept waiting. Therefore, when any backup script is being created, do not perform any other process.

  • The fetching device information (*1) is performed while the backup wizard is executing. Therefore, if you cancel the backup wizard after clicking Next on the Select of Instance page or Select of Backup Server page, newly found device information by the backup wizard is kept reflected to AdvancedCopy Manager management information.
    Though newly found device information exists in AdvancedCopy Manager management information, it does not affect the use of the backup wizard. However, to delete the device information from AdvancedCopy Manager management information, execute the stgxfwcmdeldev command. Refer to "Command References" in the AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide for information on the command.

    *1: Refer to "Fetching Device Information on Managed Server" in "Replication" in the AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide for information on fetching device information.