The methods for creating Thin Provisioning Pools are automatic creation and manual creation.
If automatic creation is selected, a Thin Provisioning Pool that is configured with suitable disks based on a specified disk type, reliability, and the total capacity of the Thin Provisioning Pool is automatically created. Automatic creation of Thin Provisioning Pools can be performed for the following storage devices:
ETERNUS DX S5/S4/S3 series (V10L70 or later firmware is required for the ETERNUS DX S3 series.)
ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays (V10L70 or later firmware is required for the ETERNUS AF series.)
ETERNUS DX200F (V10L70 or later firmware)
Automatic creation is recommended due to the advanced knowledge required to create Thing Provisioning Pools that have Deduplication/Compression enabled for the above models excluding the ETERNUS DX S5 series, ETERNUS DX8900 S4, ETERNUS AF S3 series. Refer to the following section in the Chapter "Operation" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide.
"Resource Management" > "Thin Provisioning Management"
During manual creation, if you select "High Reliability(RAID6-FR)" in the Reliability field, you must specify the parameter in the Fast Recovery Configuration field. In addition, creating RAID groups based on the number of disks for the specified configuration is required. During automatic creation, you must specify the parameter in the Select Drives field.
To use the Self Encryption Drive (SED) for a disk in a Thin Provisioning Pool, specify "No" for the Encryption field of the pool.
Procedure for Automatic Creation of Thin Provisioning Pools
The procedure to create Thin Provisioning Pool within an ETERNUS Disk storage system automatically is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.
On the Category pane, click Thin Provisioning.
On the Action pane, click Create under Thin Provisioning Pool.
The information input screen is displayed. (Specify Pool Information)
Click the "Automatic" radio button of the Create Mode field.
Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Create.
Procedure for Manual Creation of Thin Provisioning Pools
The procedure to create Thin Provisioning Pool within an ETERNUS Disk storage system manually is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.
On the Category pane, click Thin Provisioning.
On the Action pane, click Create under Thin Provisioning Pool.
The information input screen is displayed. (Specify Pool Information)
Click the "Manual" radio button of the Create Mode field.
Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
The information input screen is displayed. (Specify disks to create RAID Groups)
Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Create.