ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

5.1.3 Display Status Detail

Clicking the name of a device on the Device Status panel displays a detail dialog box for the clicked device status. The detail dialog box displays the following information according to a selected tab.

Selected Tab

Displayed Information


Error Components

Displays a list of components whose status is other than Normal, which indicates , , , or , for a selected device.

When the selected device is one of the following devices, this tab is not displayed:

  • Manually embedded storage device

  • Manually embedded tape library

Related Server

Displays a list of servers related to components whose status is other than Normal, which indicates , , , or , for a selected device.

When the selected device is one of the following devices, this tab is not displayed:

  • Server

  • Manually embedded storage device

  • Tape library

  • Manually embedded tape library


Displays a list of logs where the level has become "Error" () or "Warning" () for the selected device.