PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.6Redundant Line Control Function
FUJITSU Software

K.1.2 Incompatible commands

The following are the incompatible commands of Redundant Line Control function from the previous version.

(1) hanetconfig command


If a host name you specify via "-i" or "-e" option of the hanetconfig command includes invalid characters (except for alpha-numeric characters, period, and hyphen) mentioned in RFC952 and RFC1123, it is treated as an error. For details on this issue, refer to "7.1 hanetconfig Command".


When migrating the backup configuration setting file to 4.1A20, if the backup configuration settings file (created via hanetbackup command) prior to 4.0A20 contains host name written in characters other than alphanumeric, period or hyphen, delete these characters. The virtual interface cannot be activated if the host name contains characters other than alphanumeric, period or hyphen.

(2) hanetpoll command


If a host name you specify via "-p" option of the hanetpoll command includes invalid characters (except for alpha-numeric characters, period, and hyphen) mentioned in RFC952 and RFC1123, it is treated as an error. For details on this issue, refer to "7.7 hanetpoll Command".


When migrating the backup configuration setting file to 4.1A20, if the backup configuration settings file (created via hanetbackup command) prior to 4.0A20 contains host name written in characters other than alphanumeric, period or hyphen, delete these characters. The virtual interface cannot be activated if the host name contains characters other than alphanumeric, period or hyphen.

(3) strhanet command


If there is more than one virtual interface failed to activate when attempting to activate the virtual interface, error messages will be produced according to the number of virtual interfaces encountered the failure.


You can verify which virtual interface has encountered a failure while running the command.

(4) stphanet command


If there is more than one virtual interface failed to inactivate when attempting to inactivate the virtual interface, error messages will be produced according to the number of virtual interfaces encountered the failure.


You can verify which virtual interface has encountered a failure while running the command.