PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.6Redundant Line Control Function
FUJITSU Software

G.3.4 Changing the IP address of the monitoring destination and the remote host

Change the IP address in the destination of the HUB monitoring and the IP address of the remote host according to "G.1 Designing network of the copy destination system." If the IP address is not necessary to be changed, move to the next step.

Below is the example for each communication mode.

Fast switching mode

The IP address in the monitoring destination is not set. In this case, no IP address is necessary to be changed.

NIC switching mode

Take the following procedure to change the IP address that is described in "G.1.2 Designing the network of NIC switching mode"

Execute the hanetpoll modify command to change the IP address in the monitoring destination in each copy destination system.

[Setting of design example 3 and design example 4 common for each HOST]

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n sha0 -p,
Virtual NIC mode

Take the following procedure to change the IP address that is described in "G.1.3 Designing the network of Virtual NIC mode."

Execute the hanetpathmon target command to change the IP address in the monitoring destination in each copy destination system.

[Setting of design example 5 and design example 6 common for each HOST]

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpathmon target -n sha0 -p,
GS linkage mode

Take the following procedure to change the IP address that is described in "G.1.4 Designing the network of GS linkage mode."

Execute the hanetobserv command to change the IP address of remote host in each copy destination system.

[Setting in design example 7]

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv delete -n GS-1
# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv create -n GS-1 -i -t,

[Setting of design example 8 common for each HOST]

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv delete -n GS-1
# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv create -n GS-1 -i -t,

When cloning the system where GLS is operated by the cluster, also change the monitoring setting between the active node and the standby node.

[HOST-A setting of design example 8]

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv delete -n HOST-B
# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv create -n HOST-B -i -t,

[HOST-B setting of design example 8]

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv delete -n HOST-A
# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetobserv create -n HOST-A -i -t,