コード | 理由 | サービス | 意味 |
3801 | REASON_CFRS_BADFCPSRCCONF | cfrs | cfcp not configured on source node |
3802 | REASON_CFRS_BADFCPDSTCONF | cfrs | cfcp not configured on destination node |
3803 | REASON_CFRS_BADEXECSRCCONF | cfrs | cfsh not configured on source node |
3804 | REASON_CFRS_BADEXECDSTCONF | cfrs | cfsh not configured on execution node |
3805 | REASON_CFRS_BADDSTPATH | cfrs | Invalid destination file path |
3806 | REASON_CFRS_DSTPATHTOOLONG | cfrs | Destination file path too long |
3807 | REASON_CFRS_SRCACCESSERR | cfrs | Cannot access source file |
3808 | REASON_CFRS_SRCNOTREG | cfrs | Source file is not regular file |
3809 | REASON_CFRS_SRCREADERR | cfrs | Source file read error |
380a | REASON_CFRS_NOCMD | cfrs | No command string specified |
380b | REASON_CFRS_CMDTOOLONG | cfrs | Command string too long |
380c | REASON_CFRS_OUTPUTWRTERR | cfrs | Command output write error |
380d | REASON_CFRS_NSIERROR | cfrs | Internal CFRS NSI error |
380e | REASON_CFRS_DSTABORTEXEC | cfrs | Execution aborted on execution node |
380f | REASON_CFRS_INVALIDIOCTL | cfrs | Invalid ioctl call |
3810 | REASON_CFRS_BADDSTNODE | cfrs | Destination node not in cluster |
3811 | REASON_CFRS_BADROPHANDLE | cfrs | Bad remote operation handle |
3812 | REASON_CFRS_SRCEXECABORTED | cfrs | Remote exec aborted on source node |
3813 | REASON_CFRS_RESPOUTTOOSMALL | cfrs | Response output buffer too small |
3814 | REASON_CFRS_MRPCOUTSIZE | cfrs | Unexpected MRPC outsize error |
3815 | REASON_CFRS_DSTNODELEFT | cfrs | Destination node has left the cluster |
3816 | REASON_CFRS_DSTDAEMONDOWN | cfrs | cfregd on destination node down |
3817 | REASON_CFRS_DSTSTATERR | cfrs | Failure to stat dst file dst |
3818 | REASON_CFRS_DSTNOTREG | cfrs | Existing dstpath not regular file |
3819 | REASON_CFRS_DSTTMPOPENERR | cfrs | Cannot open tmp file on dst node dst |
381a | REASON_CFRS_DSTTMPCHOWNERR | cfrs | Cannot chown tmp file on dst node dst |
381b | REASON_CFRS_DSTTMPCHMODERR | cfr s | Cannot chmod tmp file on dst node dst |
381c | REASON_CFRS_DSTTMPWRITEERR | cfrs | tmp file write error on dst node |
381d | REASON_CFRS_DSTTMPCLOSEERR | cfrs | tmp file close error on dst node |
381e | REASON_CFRS_DSTRENAMEERR | cfrs | Failed to rename existing dstpath |
381f | REASON_CFRS_TMPRENAMEERR | cfrs | Failed to tmp file to dstpath tmp ファイルのリネームに失敗 |
3820 | REASON_CFRS_DUPIFC | cfrs | Duplicate remote operation handle error |
3821 | REASON_CFRS_STALESUBFCREQ | cfrs | Stale remote operation handle error |
3822 | REASON_CFRS_BADSPAWN | cfrs | Failure to spawn exec cmd on dstnode |
3823 | REASON_MAX_REASON_VAL | cfrs | last reason |