PRIMECLUSTER  Web-Based Admin ViewOperation Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

7.1 Network address

The IP address used for Web-Based Admin View is set. It corresponds to the displayed node name after of executing "uname -n". There are following two purposes:

Normally, these IP addresses are identical. If you need to modify the network environment to multi-network between server and client by classified use, set up the IP address respectively. For the detail, refer to "7.5 Multi-network between server and client by classified use".

Take the following steps to modify these IP addresses:

  1. Stop Web-Based Admin View on the management server or the monitoring node where the IP address is changed.

    Refer to "6.1 Stop".

  2. Set up the IP address.

    Execute the following commands on the management server or the monitoring node where the IP address is changed:

    # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetparam mip <IP address or Host name for identifying own host>
    # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetparam httpip <IP address used for client>

    For example, if you need to change the <IP address or Host name for identifying own host> to "", execute the following:

    # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetparam mip

    Similarly, if you need to change the <IP address used for client> to "", execute the following:

    # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetparam httpip
  3. Change the management server settings.

    If the node changed in Step 2 is the management server, change the management server settings. Refer to "7.3 Management server".

  4. Restart Web-Based Admin View on the management server or the monitoring node where the IP address was changed.

    Refer to "6.2 Restart".

  5. Change the connection target information of the Java application.

    If the node changed in Step 2 is the management server, refer to " Setting up Java application" and change the IP addresses (httpip) of the connection target management server retained in the shortcut and the desktop shortcut of the Java application.


  • Changing <IP address for identifying own host> might not be required when <IP address for identifying own host> and <IP address used for client> are different. httpip means <IP address used for client>, and mip means <IP address for identifying own host>.

  • When the value specified for the environment variable mip of Web-Based Admin View is a host name, specify a host name available for name resolution.

  • Only IP (IPv4 or IPv6) addresses can be set to the primary management server, the secondary management server, and httpip. Note that IPv6 link local addresses cannot be set to these servers.