PRIMECLUSTER  Web-Based Admin ViewOperation Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

4.5.2 Environment variable reference

To display environment variables, execute the following command from the management server or monitoring node:

/etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvGetparam <environment variables>

The environment variable corresponding to the specified variable is displayed in the following format:

Display format :

<Attribute>:<Environment variable name> <Value>

When this variable <environment variables> is eliminated, the information related to all variables is displayed in the format above.

  1. Accessing the primary management server

    # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvGetparam primary-server
  2. Specifying an inappropriate variable

    The following message appears.

    "No such key <specified environment variable>"