PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.12 sfcumntgl(8) Unmount the GFS Shared File System from all nodes


sfcumntgl device | mount_point
sfcumntgl device mount_point


The sfcumntgl unmounts all nodes sharing the same file system according to the specified operands. sfcfsd and MDS will be stopped.

sfcumntgl can be executed from any nodes as the GFS configuring nodes that are set with sfcsetup(8).

Only a super user can perform unmount processing.


The following operands can be specified:


Specifies path name of the block special file for a representative partition of the file system to be unmounted.


Specifies the name of the directory to be unmounted.


# sfcumntgl /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 /mount_point <Enter>
# sfcumntgl /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
# sfcumntgl /mount_point <Enter>



Table for the currently mounted file system.


Environment file for the file system.


sfcmntgl(8), sfcsetup(8), sfcumount(8)

umount(8) and fstab(5) in the online manual