PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

11.7.2 Changing the MDS operational information

In the GFS Shared File System, information about all nodes that operate MDS is retained.

Use sfcadm(8) to change information about nodes on which MDS is placed.


For details on sfcadm(8) options, see sfcadm(8).

The following example shows how to change the priority of the MDS nodes is configured to karin and mikan, using sfcadm(8).

  1. Check the current file system configuration.

    # sfcrscinfo -m /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
    FSID  MDS/AC  STATE  S-STATE   RID-1   RID-2   RID-N  hostname
       1  MDS(P)  stop   -             0       0       0  mikan
       1  AC      stop   -             0       0       0  mikan
       1  MDS(S)  stop   -             0       0       0  karin
       1  AC      stop   -             0       0       0  karin

    You can check the priority of the MDS nodes are mikan and karin from the result of sfcrscinfo -m executed.

  2. Change the priority of the MDS nodes is configured.

    # sfcadm -g karin,mikan /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
  3. Check if the priority of the MDS nodes is configured has been changed.

    # sfcrscinfo -m /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
    FSID  MDS/AC  STATE  S-STATE   RID-1   RID-2   RID-N  hostname
       1  MDS(P)  stop   -             0       0       0  karin
       1  AC      stop   -             0       0       0  karin
       1  MDS(S)  stop   -             0       0       0  mikan
       1  AC      stop   -             0       0       0  mikan