PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

11.4.3 Partition addition

To add a partition as file data area, use sfcadd(8). Execute the command on any one of the nodes where the file system is shared.


For details on sfcadd(8), see sfcadd(8).


If you add a partition to the file system that is not stopped properly, recovery the file system by executing the sfcfsck(8) command in advance.

How to add a file data partition (/dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02) to an existing file system (/dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01) by sfcadd(8) is shown below.

  1. Check the configuration of the current file system.

    # sfcinfo /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
    FSID special                                      size  Type  mount
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01(1e756)        14422  META  -----
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01(1e756)         5116  LOG   -----
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01(1e756)        95112  DATA  -----
  2. Add a file data partition (/dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02) as file data area.

    # sfcadd -D /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
  3. Confirm that the file data partition has been added.

    # sfcinfo /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>
    FSID special                                      size  Type  mount
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01(1e756)        14422  META  -----
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01(1e756)         5116  LOG   -----
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01(1e756)        95112  DATA  -----
       1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02(1e757)        65512  DATA  -----


To add a file data partition, be aware of the following:

  • A file data partition addition is not possible if doing so would exceed the maximum number of partitions (-o maxvol=n) for the file system, as specified by sfcmkfs(8).

  • When file system's file data area size after adding partition exceeds the maximum file data area size specified by sfcmkfs(8) (-o maxdsz=n), a part of free area in file data area might not be able to be used because of management region shortage.