Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

6.5.1 Software Update Procedure

The procedure for updating the software of this product is described below.

  1. Stopping operation

  2. Creating a snapshot

  3. Updating software

  4. Deleting the snapshot

  5. Restarting operation


Creating a snapshot is optional. However, create a snapshot to revert the system back to the previous environment in case the software update is canceled or the software update fails. Stopping Operation

Follow the procedure described below to stop operation.

  1. Make sure that the shared folder is not being accessed. If it is being accessed, wait until the access is completed or stop the operation that is accessing it.

  2. In the Used cache capacity panel of CSG Web GUI, check that Untransferred data is indicating "No". If it is indicating "Yes", wait until it changes to "No". You can estimate the completion time of the data transfer as follows:

    1. Calculate the average cloud transfer performance (MB/s) from the performance data in the Cloud transfer performance panel of CSG Web GUI.

    2. Check the Untransferred value (GB) in the Used cache capacity panel of CSG Web GUI.

    3. Estimate the transfer completion time using the following formula with the values obtained above in a and b.

      Estimated transfer completion time (s) = (amount of untransferred data + 1) * 1024 / average cloud transfer performance
  3. Log out from CSG Web GUI, and close the web browser.

  4. Stop the virtual machine of this product.

    • For Microsoft Azure environments

      Go to the Virtual Machines service on the Azure portal, select the virtual machine of this product, and click Stop.

    • For environments other than Microsoft Azure

      Log in to the console of this product using the administrator account (administrator) and execute the following command.

      # csgadm power stop


The virtual machine of this product may be restarted during the software update procedure. However, do not access the shared folder until the update procedure is completed. It is recommended that you disable the shared folder before stopping this product. Refer to "5.1 Changing Shared Folder Settings" for details on how to change the settings of the shared folder. Creating a Snapshot

Refer to "D.1 Creating a Snapshot" for details on how to create a snapshot. Updating Software

Follow the procedure described below to update the software.

  1. Start the virtual machine of this product.


    Do not access the shared folder after you start the virtual machine.

  2. Log in to this product via SFTP, and transfer the update module to this product.
    Log in as "sftpadmin" via SFTP. Transfer the module to the following directory.

  3. Log in to the console of this product using the administrator account (administrator) and update the software.
    In the example below, the file name of the update module is "CSG130UP.tgz".
    Change the file name according to the update module you want to use.

    # csgadm system patch-add -file /Administrator/ftp/CSG130UP.tgz
  4. Stop the virtual machine of this product.

    • For Microsoft Azure environments

      Go to the Virtual Machines service on the Azure portal, select the virtual machine of this product, and click Stop.

    • For environments other than Microsoft Azure

      Log in to the console of this product using the administrator account (administrator) and execute the following command.

      # csgadm power stop


  • If step 3 fails, remove the cause of the failure, use the snapshot to restore the system, and then re-perform the procedure described in " Updating Software" Refer to "D.2 Snapshot Restoration for details on how to restore the system with a snapshot.

  • Follow the message may be output to the console during the operation of updating software. Ignore this message and do not have to take any action.

    blk_update_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector0 Deleting the Snapshot

Delete the snapshot you created using the procedure described in " Creating a Snapshot" and apply the software updates to the virtual machine of this product.
Refer to "D.3 Deleting a Snapshot" for details on how to delete the snapshot. Restarting Operation

Start the virtual machine of this product to restart operation.
If you disabled the shared folder, enable it now.

Log in to this product via SFTP and then delete the update module that is transferred to this product in " Updating Software".


In order to use CSG Web GUI in the same web browser as before the software update, be sure to clear the web browser cache first. If you do not clear the cache, CSG Web GUI may not be displayed correctly.