Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.7.1 Settings When Accessing the NAS with the Local Authentication User

When accessing the NAS with the local authentication user, perform the procedures in " NAS Access Group Settings" and " NAS Access User Settings". NAS Access Group Settings

Setting Procedure

The procedure for registering an NAS access group is described below.

  1. In CSG Web GUI, click [] on the global pane.

  2. The Settings dialog box is displayed.
    Click NAS access > NAS access group on the left pane.

  3. The NAS access group screen is displayed on the right pane.
    Click Add in the Action on the right.

  4. The Add NAS access group screen is displayed.
    Enter the required information, and then click Done.


You can register up to 100 groups.

Input Items






Specify a NAS access group name.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols ($-_). Specify from 1 to 32 characters. The dollar sign ($) can only be used as the last character of the name. The first character in the name must be an alphanumeric character or an underscore (_). The name is not case sensitive.

  • The name cannot contain only numbers.

  • You cannot specify a group that already exists.

  • You cannot use the following reserved keywords:
    adm, audio, bin, BUILTIN_Administrators, BUILTIN_BackupOperators, BUILTIN_Users, cdrom, cgred, chrony, csgadm, daemon, dbus, dialout, dip, disk, floppy, ftp, games, input, kmem, ldap, lock, lp, mail, man, mem, nfsnobody, nobody, nscd, polkitd, postdrop, postfix, postgres, root, rpc, rpcuser, sharegroup$, sshd, ssh_keys, sys, systemd-bus-proxy, systemd-journal, systemd-network, tape, tss, tty, users, utempter, utmp, vauser, video, wbpriv, wheel

  • When the NAS authentication server is registered in this product, the group name registered in the NAS authentication server cannot be set.

Group ID


Specify a number from 500 to 999 as the ID for the local group to be created.
If this setting is omitted, the system automatically assigns a number.


You can also register your NAS access group with the CSG REST API. Refer to "NAS Access Group" in the "Reference Guide" for how to register this. NAS Access User Settings

Setting Procedure

The procedure for registering a NAS access user in this product is described below.

  1. In CSG Web GUI, click [] on the global pane.

  2. The Settings dialog box is displayed.
    Click NAS access > NAS access user on the left pane.

  3. The NAS access user screen is displayed on the right pane.
    Click Add in the Action on the right.

  4. The Add NAS access user screen is displayed.
    Enter the required information, and then click Done.


You can register up to 100 users.

Input Items






Specify a NAS access user name.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols ($-_). Specify from 1 to 32 characters. The dollar sign ($) can only be used as the last character of the name. The first character in the name must be an alphanumeric character or an underscore (_). The name is not case sensitive.

  • The name cannot contain only numbers.

  • You cannot use the following reserved keywords:
    adm, administrator, bin, chrony, daemon, dbus, ftp, games, halt, lp, mail, nfsnobody, nobody, nscd, nslcd, operator, polkitd, postfix, postgres, root, rpc, rpcuser, shutdown, sshd, sync, systemd-bus-proxy, systemd-network, tss, vauser

  • When the NAS authentication server is registered in this product, the user name registered in the NAS authentication server cannot be set.



Specify a password.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols (!"#$&'()*+,-./@[\]^_`{|}~:;<=>?). Specify from 8 to 32 characters. You must use at least three of the following four types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

User ID


Specify a number from 500 to 999 as the ID for the user to be created.
If this setting is omitted, the system automatically assigns a number.

Primary group


Specify 1 primary group to which the local user belongs.
If you do not specify, sharegroup$(451) is set automatically.

Secondary group


Specify secondary groups to which the local user belongs.
You can specify up to 16 secondary groups. You cannot specify the same secondary group more than once. If you do not specify, no secondary groups are set.


You can also register a NAS access user with the CSG REST API. Refer to "NAS Access User" in the "Reference Guide" for how to register.