Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.2.4 Installing to Amazon EC2

The procedure for installing a virtual machine in an Amazon EC2 environment for this product is described below.
Perform the following operations from the AWS Management Console.


Be sure to grant AmazonEC2FullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, and IAMFullAccess access permissions to the AWS account users who perform operations. To grant access permissions, use the IAM service on the AWS Management Console.

  1. Preparation
    Set up the following items according to your environment.

    • Network (VPC)

    • Subnet

    • Security group


    Refer to "A.7 Used Port Number" for details on the security group settings.

  2. Uploading the virtual machine image
    Use the S3 service from the AWS Management Console to create a bucket to store image on Amazon S3 and upload virtual machine image for Amazon EC2.

    • Creating a bucket
      Click Create bucket to create a bucket.

    • Uploading the virtual machine image
      Go to the list of buckets and click a bucket you have created.
      Click Upload and specify the "CSG_v130_ec2-disk1.vmdk" file included in the virtual machine image for Amazon EC2 (


    The uploading process may fail in some web browsers. If that happens, try using a different web browser or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). Refer to the documents related to Amazon Web Services for details on AWS CLI.

  3. Importing the virtual machine image
    Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to import the virtual machine image stored in Amazon S3. Refer to "VM Import/Export User Guide" for Amazon Web Services for details on the importing procedure.
    When the importing process is completed, you can check the imported image in the AMI section of the EC2 Dashboard. Selecting the image and clicking Edit to set a name in the Description section is recommended to easily find the image for future operations.


    • The operating system type for the virtual machine image to be imported is Linux/Unix (64-bit).

    • The image is in the vmdk format.

    • When importing an image, you must specify a license option. Specify BYOL.

  4. Creating an instance
    Use the EC2 service from the AWS Management Console to create an instance from an imported virtual machine image. Click Launch Instance on the EC2 dashboard, and follow the on-screen instructions to create an instance by referring to the table below.



    Setting Details

    1. Choose AMI


    Select a virtual machine image you have imported from My AMIs.

    2. Choose Instance Type


    Select a type that meets the requirements listed in "A.1 Virtual Appliance Specifications".

    3. Configure Instance

    Number of instances



    Select the network you set up in step 1.
    For this instance, select a network (VPC) to which you can log in remotely via ssh.


    Select the subnet you set up in step 1.
    For this instance, select a subnet to which you can log in remotely via ssh.

    Auto-assign Public IP

    Use subnet settings (Enable)


    (As necessary)

    4. Add Storage

    System area


    100 GiB

    Volume Type

    General Purpose SSD (gp2) recommended


    (As necessary)

    Cache area

    Volume Type



    Select an item from the top of the menu.


    Do not enter any value.


    Enter the capacity you estimated according to the procedure described in "2.1.2 Cache Capacity".

    Volume Type

    General Purpose SSD (gp2) recommended


    (As necessary)

    5. Add Tags


    (As necessary)

    6. Configure Security Group

    Assign a security group

    Select an existing security group

    Security group

    Select the security group you set up in step 1.

    7. Review

    Select a key pair

    Proceed without a key pair


    • In procedure "4. Add Storage" of the above table, only the system area storage is built automatically. Click Add New Volume to build storage for the cache area.

    • The device name you select in procedure "4. Add Storage" of the above table is in the /dev/sda or /dev/sdb format. However, on the console of this product, the name is recognized in the /dev/xvda or /dev/xvdb format.

    • If you add the "Name" key in procedure "5. Add Tags" of the above table, you can set a name for the instance and volume.

    • Click Launch in procedure "7. Review" of the above table to open the key pair selection screen.

    • After creating an instance, it is recommended that you include the instance name in the Name sections for the instance, storage (volume), and automatically allocated network interface to make these items easier to find in the future. For the storage (volume), it is recommended that you also include the device name.

  5. Allocating an Elastic IP


    • A public IP is automatically allocated to each created instance. This public IP is released when the corresponding instance is stopped. The next time you start the instance, a different public IP is allocated. If you want to fix a public IP, allocate an Elastic IP first.

    • When adding a network interface to configure multiple networks, be sure to allocate an Elastic IP.

    • Allocating a new address
      Click Elastic IPs on the EC2 dashboard menu.
      Click Allocate new address and follow the on-screen instructions.

    • Associating the address
      Select the created Elastic IP and select Associate address from Actions. Refer to the table below and follow the on-screen instructions.


      Setting Details

      Resource type

      Network interface

      Network interface

      Select the network interface that was automatically allocated when the instance was created.

      Private IP

      Select the IP address that was automatically allocated when the instance was created.

  6. Setting up a virtual appliance
    When adding a network interface to configure a system with multiple networks, be sure to allocate an Elastic IP according to the procedure described in step 5 and then set up a virtual appliance. Refer to "2.3 Setting Up Virtual Appliances" for details on how to set up a virtual appliance.

  7. Adding the network interfaces
    When configuring a system with multiple networks, follow the procedure below to add the network interfaces.


    Before adding the network interfaces, follow the procedure described in step 5 to allocate an Elastic IP, and then set up a virtual appliance according to the procedure described in step 6.

    • Stop the instance.
      If the instance of this product is operating, stop it.
      Log in to the console of this product using the administrator account (administrator) and execute the following command.

      # csgadm power stop
    • Create a network interface.
      Click Network Interfaces on the EC2 dashboard menu.
      Click Create Network Interface and follow the on-screen instructions to create a network interface by referring to the table below.


      Setting Details


      Entering a description that includes the instance name is recommended to easily find the interface.


      Select a subnet set up in step 1 that is in the same region as the subnet you selected to create the instance.

      IPv4 Private IP

      auto assign recommended

      Security groups

      Select the security group set up in step 1.

    • Attach the interface to an instance.
      Select the created network interface, and then select Attach from Actions. Follow the on-screen instructions to attach the interface to the created instance.


      Including the instance name in the Name section of the interface is recommended to easily find the created network interface for future operations.